Churches of all sizes face the challenge of providing adequate space for worship services and other meetings. A large expense can be involved, and a congregation’s ability to connect with a particular focus community can be enhanced or hindered. And so the topic of church buildings is an important one to prayerfully consider.
LifeWay president Thom Rainer recently addressed this topic in a blog post where he noted these important points:
- It’s a misconception to think that the success of a church is defined by its building.
- A related myth is that, “If we build it they will come.” Buildings do not reach people, people reach people. Buildings are just tools, a means to a greater end, not the end game.
- The assumptions and rules concerning the use of sacred space have shifted. Smaller facilities are becoming the norm.
- Church facilities today are becoming high-tech and high-touch with the emergence of Wi-Fi cafes, living-room like conversation pits and worship facilities in conference rooms. More and more churches are utilizing commercial facilities and re-purposing existing church buildings.
We’re in a time when we need, literally, to “think outside the box.” If your congregation is considering the purchase or long-term lease of a building, we urge you to read GCI’s Church Building Manual at
I appreciate this information. Recently I attended a pastors’ luncheon here in Wichita. A prominent pastor of a local mega church mentioned to the group that if he had it to do over again, he would have reduced the 1500 seat auditorium by half as the only time the church is full is on Christmas and Easter.