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Bangladesh mission update

GCI elder John Biswas returned recently from a mission trip to Bangladesh. The trip was complex and dangerous, given the fanaticism in the region (including ISIS activity). According to John, “hundreds of people from all walks of life responded whole-heartedly” to the gospel.

John travels under the auspices of the Bengali Evangelical Association (BEA), a non-profit entity that John set up separate from GCI for the purpose of mission work in Bangladesh and other places where there are concentrations of Bengali people. This arrangement is useful due to John’s close ties to the Bengali people and his specific knowledge of their culture, including religious sensitivities.

Because BEA’s work in Bangladesh has proven to be an effective means for spreading the gospel, over the last two years GCI has contributed about $120,000 to BEA. Those contributions have come from denominational funds, including the Disaster Relief Fund.

Pictured below are pictures from John’s recent trip to Bangladesh, showing what BEA is doing to raise up gospel workers, feed the hungry, provide vocational training (in this case, training nurses) and caring for children.

Bangladesh 4 Bangladesh 3 Bangladesh 2 Bangladesh 1

One thought on “Bangladesh mission update”

  1. Wonderful to see these encouraging photos from John’s latest visit. This is life-changing help for these dear men, women and children.
    What a blessing to share in His work. Our prayers go with you John.

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