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Philippine members attend NYC summit

Rey Taniajura, missions director for GCI Philippines, reports that he and three other GCI Philippines members recently attended the fifth Global Summit of the 4/14 Window Movement, held in New York City. The movement helps churches and Christian organizations equip and mobilize children age 4 to 14, along with their families, in order to advance holistic transformation in their respective communities, nations and regions. More than 1,100 participants from 82 countries attended the summit, which focused on best practices.

NYCDuring their time in New York, the GCI delegation attended the worship service of GCI’s Queens congregation. Dr. Taniajura (at right in the picture) addressed the congregation to brief them on the summit.

As a result of what the GCI members learned at the summit, they are considering shifting one of GCI’s Philippine churches to a 4/14 model where the focus would be not only on serving children within the congregation but also ministering to children outside. One of the GCI delegates to the summit, Sylvia Roxas, agreed to develop a children’s discipleship curriculum that will be part of GCI Philippines’ Discipleship Pathway (D-Star) initiative.