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Luann Patrickson

Here from retired GCI-Canada pastor George Patrickson, is an update on the previous prayer request for his wife, Luann, who is battling pancreatic cancer.

Luann and I would like to thank everyone for their prayers on our behalf. We appreciate so much their love and concern. Luann recently began a new round of cancer treatments that will conclude in the middle of January. They may take a scan at that time to determine the effectiveness of the treatments, or schedule her for another cycle of treatments before doing a scan. She is suffering some side effects from the treatments, which require injections to boost her white blood cell count and to stop blood clots from forming. She is in good spirits but does get tired quickly and needs to rest frequently. Again our thanks for all the prayers for her.

Cards may be sent to:

George and Luann Patrickson
1936 Hyannis Drive
North Vancouver, BC V7H 2E4

7 thoughts on “Luann Patrickson”

  1. Dear Luann and George,

    We continue to keep you in our minds and prayers. God loves you.

    “The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore”.

    Psalm 121:7-8

    In Christ,

    Santiago and Elke

  2. Dear George and Luann, You are in our thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time. It is at times like this that our faith is tested but the Lord always travels with us when our eyes are on Him. We remember you both from Bricket Wood days and beyond and we thank you for the wonderful example you have always set for us all. Take care as you travel this road together and remember that many are praying for you. Our love to you both … Barry and Wendy

  3. How well I remember you, George and Luann. Sorrowed at the present suffering, and joining you in prayer for recovery and peace. Hope to see you again some time.
    Love In Him JR & HBR

  4. Dear George and Luann,
    My thoughts of you, George, go back so many years it’s hard to remember. Who would have thought here we would be in 2015 and prayers for Luann would be requested? Time and many events may have passed and here we are thinking and praying for her healing. We have a wonderful great God who has been with us over those years and we know he still is today and particularly with you both at this time.
    Our love and prayers,
    David & Margaret.

  5. Connie and I send our love and prayers. As Neil and David mentioned, who could have imagined our friendship would still be carrying on in this life 40 years later? Actually, today Connie and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary and from the time I came to Canada in August of 1974, then married Connie a few months later, you and Luann have been tremendous friends and supporters! God bless you through this trial. With His love, Glen and Connie

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