Retired pastor Roger Abels recently fell down his basement stairs in the middle of the night. He was tired and thought he was walking into his bedroom. The fall was rather severe, but a blessing in disguise.

During the examination, doctors discovered that Roger has spinal stenosis. They were able to remove the stenosis by removing three of his vertebrae and replacing them with “cages.”
Doctors are working to get him fully stable so he can proceed to rehabilitation. He has movement in his legs and arms, but no feeling yet in his fingers and just recently had a major setback. Not being able to breathe on his own, he has been sent back to the hospital. Prayer is very much needed.
Cards may be sent to:
Roger and Donna Abels
1827 Ransom Dr.
Ft Wayne, IN 46845
Paula and I are praying for you and your Family. Praying for a full recovery. We understand you’ve developed additional issues from the fall. God bless your recovery!!
Hi Roger. you are in our prayers as well and for a speedy recovery
Willi & Ingrid
We are thankful that GOD is the GOD of all comfort and pray for HIS love and healing power flow freely for Mr. Abels. You all are in our prayers. Psa.46:1
Thank you for passing this on Donna.
Our prayers are with Roger and you. All the best for a quick recovery Roger.
Curtis and Jannice
I’m shocked at the news and have moved you to the number one spot at the top of my prayer list! I am very alarmed, my dear friend. I certainly pray for your rapid and complete recovery. And my prayers are with you, too, Donna darling!
Dear Roger,
So sorry to hear of your accident and what you are going through right now. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord grant you His healing touch! Ray and Carol Meyer
Dear Roger and Donna,
May our Lord Jesus help you both in this trial. We will pray for Roger’s complete healing. David and Linda Husmann
Dear Roger,
Nancy and I are praying for you and Donna.
Ken and Nancy
Dear George, sorry to hear that like Humpty Dumpty u had a great fall but unlike him u were put together by God using human instruments gifted by Him. Will have both churches praying for your recovery. Love. Richard and Joyce.
We are so sorry about your fall and additional setback. Just want to let you know you are in thought and prayer. May you improve with the arrival of each new day.
May God Bless
Grace Covenant Fellowship
Birmingham, Alabama
Dear Roger and Donna,
I am very sorry to hear of the trial you are currently going through. As with so many others, I am praying that God will grant you strength, courage, peace, and above all, total healing and a speedy recovery.
John Karlson
Sooo sorry to hear about your fall..Praying for your speedy recovery. May God continue to guide the doctors in taking care of you..
Dearest Roger and Donna,
My love, thoughts and prayers for a total recovery are with you. I’m also remembering many joyful times spent together.
Much love, Ginny
Dear Roger and Donna,
We are praying for God’s healing and intervention in your accident Roger.
We all know what a Awesome God we have and know beyond a doubt that God is holding you in His Hand and taking the best care and mending all those bones, muscles, cells and putting back in top condition.
We remember all the hard work you’ve put in for other, both of you.
Love and Prayers from old friends,
Nick and Bev K.