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Crossing Borders trip

This update is from Crossing Borders director, Lee Berger.

In December, for the 10th year in a row, Crossing Borders mission trip attendees delivered shoeboxes full of gifts to needy children in Mexico. Thanks to our generous partners (churches, school groups and others) who provided the shoeboxes full of gifts, we blessed over 1000 children with tangible expressions of God’s love. In addition to the shoeboxes, our partners provided over 125 handmade blankets and quilts, 50 cloth totes filled with infant supplies, dozens of pairs of shoes and other items.

As seen in the pictures below, there were smiles of joy all around as the children received giftboxes filled with school supplies, hygiene articles, toys, candy and other needed and fun items. But of even more importance were the smiles, hugs, prayers and words of encouragement given by the missionaries to the children and their parents.

CB collage2

Due to a record number of applications, we had to turn away many who wanted to join us on this trip (those not accepted were deferred to a future trip). Given the large number of those accepted (38), we formed two teams and thus were able to visit twice as many churches, children’s homes and other ministries as before. Thankfully, we had a record number of shoeboxes and other gifts with us!

It’s been a joy for many of our team members to return to the same places in Mexico each year, where we’ve watched children grow from toddlers to teenagers. Along the way, we’ve built friendly relationships with onsite ministers: pastors, orphanage directors and other ministry leaders. It’s a joy to partner with them in sharing with people messages, drama, prayer, games and gifts—all for the one purpose of sharing with the children and their families the good news of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.

The next Crossing Borders trip is this summer (June 18-26). It will be a week of life-changing mission ministry. The most benefit is gained by attending the full week, but we also offer half-week options. For details, check out our website at www.cbmisison.org or call me (Lee Berger) at 903-746-4463.

2 thoughts on “Crossing Borders trip”

  1. Great work Lee! Each time I see of your reports I am so impressed with the work our Lord is doing through you and all of the others involved in this worthy and necessary labor of love. Your website mentioned donations. For some reasons I had not noticed this before. Duh! My loss. Count me in for a contribution. Wish it could be more and I could be more involved but I’ll do what I can. Please keep up the good work and pass on my warmest regards to the “power behind the scene”, Sue!
    Jim Lee

  2. Amen, dear brother Lee, to my dear brother Jim LEE’s sentiments… count “State of the Heart Ministries” to partner with you, and next year, as the Lords allows, I can join you and help in some small way!

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