We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Adrienne Pickett, wife of Tom Pickett, Pastor of GCI’s congregation in Fort Worth, Texas.
Adrienne passed away on April 21. She was 71 years old. Her funeral will be at 11:00 a.m. on April 29 at Capstone Church, 4823 W. Loop 820, Fort Worth, Texas. Visitation will be at 6 to 8 p.m. on April 28 at Winscott Road Funeral Home, 1001 Winscott Road, Benbrook, Texas.
Adrienne is survived by her husband, Thomas J. Pickett (pictured with Adrienne at right); their two sons, Thomas David and Andrew; their six grandchildren, Courtney (pictured below), Christopher, Jewelyn, Chloe, Drew and Quinn; and Adrienne’s four sisters: Marilyn Canup, Judith Omasta, Elizabeth Coston and Jacquelyn Russell.

To leave a message in a guestbook, click here. Cards to the family may be mailed to:
Tom Pickett
1206 Sproles Drive
Benbrook, TX 76039
Tom and family, it was a sad shock to Sue and I to hear of Adrienne’s death. She was such an “energizer bunny” and a joy in so many ways. Our hearts go out to you all as you come to deal with this hole in your lives. May God grant you His peace.
Dear Tom and family,
We were shocked and saddened to hear of Adrienne’s death.
We remember her well from the Dallas Regional conferences and her working behind the scenes in so many ways. We share in your grief and send you our love.
Don & Alix
2 Cor. 1:3-5 The GOD of all comfort will comfort, strengthen and encourage you at this time. HE will never leave nor forsake you. Thank GOD for the resurrection when we will all be together again without all the pain of this world. Rev. 21:4. love and prayers
Dear Tom, David and the rest of the Pickett family: My heart aches for you all as you grieve the loss of dear Adrienne—wife, mother, sister, grandmother. The short times I was blessed to spend with her were always a source of encouragement and comfort. How wonderful that her life in Christ continues, and that we shall one day be reunited. May God bless and keep you all until then and always.
Tom, Jackie and I are saddened to hear of Adrienne’s death. We have always enjoyed the time we have been with you and Adrienne. When we heard of her death we both thought of the conference when she brought a Teddy Bear after her open heard surgery. She will be missed by those that knew her. We will remember you in our prayers
Dear Tom and family, grieved to hear of the passing of Adrienne – surely God’s goodness and mercy have followed her all the days of her life and she lives in the house of the Lord forever. Both churches I pastor are praying for comfort for your family. Love, Richard and Joyce.
Tom, I once again take an opportunity to express the sorrow Hazel and I feel at the loss of your Darling and our close friend. I think of you and pray daily as you go through the early days of the grief process. You are strong and you will come out on the other side sadder and wiser, but even stronger. All our Love, both philia and agape, JR & HBR