This announcement is from Anthony Mullins, National Coordinator of GCI Generations Ministries.
GCI has been blessed with 50 years of excellence in camp ministry. As we embark on the next 50 years, I believe it’s time to reimagine the possibilities of what our camp ministry can be—especially as it relates to how our camps can more tightly integrate in partnership with our GCI congregations. After spending a few days in meetings in the North Carolina mountains with the group pictured below (which includes the GenMin Advisory Council), I’m more convinced than ever that we are embarking on the most exciting time in GCI camp ministry!

We’ll be sharing our ideas about a new approach to camp ministry at the 2017 Converge conference, which will be held in April 2017 in Nashville, TN. Our conference theme will be Reimagine Camp. For the past few years, Converge has focused on leader development, but in 2017 this need will be addressed by our GC Next event in North Carolina, and our GCI Denominational Conference in Florida, which will have age-specific tracks for children, teens and young adults.
Given these plans, we’ll be returning Converge to its original focus: providing the best camp ministries possible. All our plenary sessions at Converge along with workshops and small group discussions will focus on camp ministry with an eye toward providing better support for our GCI-USA congregations.
Converge will continue to be a time of inspiration and hope. Some of our interns will lead worship; Jeff Broadnax, Jeff McSwain and I will be the main speakers; and Gary and Cathy Deddo will share insights concerning the 2017 GenMin camp curriculum they are currenly working on with Pastor Lance and Georgia McKinnon.
Converge 2017 will be held at the Scarritt-Bennett Center in Nashville ( Because this facility is in the heart of Nashville, we will provide plenty of time to explore the surrounding eateries and sights, including the famous Music City Row, just a block or two away. We’ll be sharing information soon about Converge 2017 costs, lodging, transportation and registration. Be on the lookout here in GCI Weekly Update and on the GenMin Facebook page for that information. Let’s reimagine camp together!
May the Lord guide you in all the discussions and planning as you aim to provide our younger generation the best possible environment to encounter and experience the deep love of the Father.