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Ordinations & celebrations

Here are updates concerning GCI ordinations and church celebrations held recently in three countries.

France: ordination

Marie-Angelique Picard (in the black dress, behind the young girl in the picture below) was ordained an elder in the church in Paris. Participants included GCI President Joseph Tkach and his wife Tammy, and GCI-Europe Director James Henderson and his wife Shirley.

Netherlands: jubilee celebration and ordination

GCI in the Netherlands celebrated its 50th anniversary on Pentecost. As shown in the pictures below, a highlight of the celebration was the ordination of Denise de Moei.

Here are pictures of the celebration, attended by Joseph Tkach, Greg Williams and James Henderson:

Philippines: ordinations

Two elders were ordained recently in the Philippines: Dante Abatayo and Aprille Eunice Pompresert (she is being ordained in the picture below).

2 thoughts on “Ordinations & celebrations”

  1. Our heartfelt congratulations to all our newly ordained elders!

    In Him,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. Congratulations Marie-Angelique!

    Nancy and I remember the service you gave us and others when we visited your congregation in Paris. We are grateful to learn of your ordination.

    Ken and Nancy

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