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Death of Jerry Backhus

R.I.P. (Rejoicing in Paradise) Gerald (“Jerry”) Bachus.

We were saddened to learn of Jerry’s recent death. He died at age 77 after many years of service to GCI in New Jersey as an elder and pastor.

Born in Clifton, NJ, in 1941, Jerry graduated from high school in 1958 then entered the Air Force and was stationed in the Azores. Following honorable discharge, he married Joan Sprick in 1964. Jerry and Joan (pictured together above) enjoyed a loving marriage for almost 50 years. Jerry was employed as a salesman for packaging and paper companies.

Jerry is survived by a son and daughter, eight grandchildren, and a sister. His wife Joan and his parents preceded him in death. A memorial service for Jerry was held on December 3 in Parkesburg, PA. Another is being planned for the spring in New Jersey. For information email Craig (CMBackhus@hotmail.com) or Kym (Kymberlys@verizon.net).

Here are excerpts from an obituary written by Jerry’s son-in-law:

I’ve been involved in the Emergency Medical Services for a large portion of my life and the most dreaded dispatch of all is when you hear your home address come across the airwaves followed by “A Cardiac Arrest!” I want to thank the Oxford Fire Company, Medic 94 of Southern Chester County EMS, and the Pennsylvania State Police for their expeditious response and heroic efforts. They worked tirelessly to revive Dad but God had other plans. We will miss him but we are comforted knowing he is at peace with his soulmate, Joan, who preceded him in death four years prior. I know he’s looking down on us now, smiling.

3 thoughts on “Death of Jerry Backhus”

  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Backhus family. A life well lived is a godly and wonderful gift. We pray that many joyful memories of Jerry will encourage and comfort you. The time will come when the entire family will be together again.

    In Him,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. Dear Craig and Kym,

    I don’t know what to say. Your Dad was one of the greatest men I’ve ever met. Seriously. But you already knew that. I only wish I’d had the opportunity to know your Mom. According to your Dad, she should have been given sainthood a long time ago! I know you are grieving right now, as well you should. Know this, your Mom and Dad are together right now and are having a blast! Oh yes, they are experiencing even now what all of us yearn to experience, and will at some point in time very soon. I loved your Dad. He was a man of God if ever there was one. He treated me like his son. He cooked the very first porterhouse steak I’d ever eaten in my life. It was delish! For some crazy reason, I’ll always remember and cherish staying up with him late at night watching “The Good Wife” together and enjoying a glass of wine. Your Dad was legit. We shared the common thing of being U.S. Air Force Airmen together. Priceless.

    Please let me know the date of his memorial in NJ. I’ll do my very best to be there.

    With Great Love and Respect,

    Paul David

  3. I agree with what my Friend, PD Kurts has written. Jerry was a very dear person, a man of the living God with whom he shares an eternal life, and a genuine friend. In all the years I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him and serving alongside him in ministry, his kindheartedness was ever-present and unsurpassed (except occasionally by his loving wife Joanie – smile).

    Enjoy your reward my friend, and a hug and best regards to Joanie.

    Serge Volpe

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