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Vacation Bible School in Ladson, SC

ladson vbs group photo

Grace Communion Ladson held its third annual Vacation Bible School, July 24-26, 2019. Sixteen young people ages 3 to 18 attended the ladson vbs sitting down for a lesson“Super Training with Jesus University” where they learned to “Put on the whole armor of God…” (Ephesians 6:11) each evening session by learning: To trust God; Having the courage to be bold; Knowing the power of prayer and praising God. The teachers taught the same lesson to each grade level using unique approaches. The group started each night with prayer and praising God in songs and worship. They ended each night the same as they began.

ladson vbs children dancing and singingAfter three nights of learning ways of being clothed in the armor of God, the youth celebrated on Saturday with “Funday.” They enjoyed a cookout, jump castle, face painting, games and loads of fun. The young people were able to showcase what they learned during VBS by participating in services on July 28. Our youth participated by leading the service in opening prayer, scripture reading, ushering, singing two selections of special music, and closing prayer.

ladson vbs girl with face paint

Our youth even participated in the message. Pastor Tommie Grant, Jr.’s message was, ” Humbleness of Children.” He gave an interactive message. He began by having our youth stand as he asked a few questions and they answered from their heart. One question was “What are you thankful for?” The various answers included: (1) The privilege to be alive (2) Thankful for having a roof over my head (3) Thankful for food to eat (4) Thankful for family and friends.”

ladson vbs children on bounce houseIt was a humbling and insightful experience for the congregation to hear of the things that were on the minds of the youth. It became crystal clear to all why we are encouraged to be as humble as little children. They are thankful for everything big and small. Matt. 18:4 (NLT) “So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.”


2 thoughts on “Vacation Bible School in Ladson, SC”

  1. Thank you Pastor Tommie and congregation for your example of welcoming and teaching the youth in your community! I enjoyed the article!

  2. Listen to the children, we may just learn some of life‘s most important lessons from them!

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