Please remember Mrs. Leigh Sniffen and her family in prayer.
Her beloved husband and faithful servant of God, Paul Sniffen, died peacefully in his sleep on December 23, 2020. He had suffered a series of minor strokes in early November.
For more about Paul’s life and legacy, read GC Memphis’ tribute here.
You can send cards of sympathy and encouragement to Paul’s wife Leigh at the address below:
Mrs. Leigh Sniffen
9209 Speerberry Circle
Cordova, TN 38016-2399
Dear Leigh,
Very sorry to hear about Paul’s passing away. We yearn for Christ’s return and the end of the human mortality that keeps us from being eternally with our loved ones. In Christ we have achieved the ultimate victory. We will fully experience the fruit of that truth when all the graves open up to herald the new age of a never ending kingdom with God in our midst and our loved ones forever at our side.
Dear Leigh,
Faye and I join you and your family in mourning the loss of your Godly husband and our servant brother Paul. We will never forget the Christian love you extended to us and our family while we lived and served with you in Auditorium PM. May our awesome Dad grant you comfort, peace, and the vision of joy of our future glory to be shared with Paul and all those who have gone on before us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Wow, Paul is in great company!