GCI Update
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Connect Group—Miramar, FL, US

The U.S. Southeastern region hosted a webinar series early in 2021, facilitated by Ted Johnston, featuring our We Believe curriculum. Ted emphasized how instructive and impactful this tool can be for discipleship and spiritual formation in the Faith Avenue. Several congregations in our region began engaging the We Believe content with their connect (small) groups.

GCI Miramar (Florida) and Pastor Charles Taylor reaped another “graduating” class that completed the We Believe series! The held a special meal to celebrate. I’m grateful for their willingness and diligence to engage trinitarian theology and its implications for life and mission in and with our triune God.

Would you like to learn more about We Believe? Check out the We Believe workbook which explores our core beliefs with individual study and communal discussions: We Believe Workbook

Congratulations to the GCI Miramar We Believe graduates. Praise God!

By Anthony Mullins
Regional Director, Southeast U.S.

One thought on “Connect Group—Miramar, FL, US”

  1. Congratulations to all who graduated the “WE BELIEVE” series!
    Our small group in the Eugene, Oregon congregation meet each week in a ZOOM meeting. We just started the third session of ” Forty Days of Discipleship” This has been very helpful in understanding the Triune God, ourselves and each other!

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