GCI Update
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New Native Board Chair in Fiji

In May, Dennis Richards and I flew to Suva to visit our brothers and sisters in Fiji. Saturday was largely devoted to meetings. The Fiji Pastoral Team met first, then the Board of Trustees. And there was a meeting for members interested in ACCM studies.

The Pastoral Team is comprised of Frank and Emily Boyd, Jope Uqeuqe, Teisa Mataika, and Eugene Panuve. The discussion was centred around how the church is progressing and serving the members’ needs. Jope reported on some of his recent phone calls and visits to the local members. Eugene presented an update on the youth ministry. The Fiji church is well endowed with youth, making up about 30% of the congregation. Frank Boyd delivered a wide-ranging “State of GCI in Fiji” report.

The Board of Trustees are Dennis Richards, Emily Boyd, James Panuve, and Jope Uqeuqe. Dennis announced that he was stepping down as chair. James Panuve was appointed as the first local board chair. Congratulations!

Dennis Richards and James Panuve

Dennis updated the board on the strategic directions being implemented as we pursue the vision of “Healthy Church” in the region. He acknowledged the work of compiling the constitution and other relevant documents so that GCI could be accredited as an official religious body in Fiji. He noted the installation of Frank Boyd as Fiji senior pastor in August.

Frank and Emily Boyd

He concluded the 4-page report saying, “Again, thanks for your ongoing help and support. Our challenges are continually moving and at times seem steep, but God is good (all the time), and it is marvelous to watch how he so often intervenes. I find this encouraging and empowering, reassuring me that we are on the right track and have his blessing, regardless that patience seems to always be asked of us.”

After lunch Epeli Nakautoga, Jason Raki, and Joanna Wainibuli joined the group for the ACCM meeting, where Dennis encouraged the attendees to make the most of the ACCM opportunities. He explained the importance and value of continued learning together in community, using the ACCM courses as a forum for coming alongside one another and growing together in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.

Rex Morgan with his wife, Marilyn

Rex Morgan, Pastor
Auckland, New Zealand