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ACCM intensives offered in Charlotte

Ambassador College of Christian Ministry (ACCM) invites you to participate in either of two intensive courses that will be held in GCI’s Charlotte, NC, Home Office over the weekend of October 20-21, 2018.

The two courses being offered are Christian Leadership and Jesus and the Gospels (choose one—they will be conducted simultaneously). Both are designed to fulfill ACCM’s motto, “Equipping for Ministry.” About these courses, GCI Vice President Greg Williams wrote this:

These two courses, to be taught as “intensives” in Charlotte in October, present a great opportunity for our ministry leaders to learn and build community together. I’m thrilled they will be conducted in our new Home Office building. I encourage you to sign up for one of them—you’ll be blessed by doing so, and in turn be a blessing to others in your ongoing ministry. I have used the material and taught both courses, and in my opinion they are outstanding. These courses help our bivocational pastors fulfill GCI’s continuing education expectations, so please take advantage of the opportunity.

Who Should Attend: employed pastors, bi-vocational pastors, interns, ministry leaders, pastoral team members, members, students—all who want to deepen their biblical understanding and personal walk with Christ, and be better equipped for ministry and mission.

How to register: go to www.ambascol.org/charlotte2018 or contact the Registrar at registrar@ambascol.org

Cost: Credit: $150.

Lunch and breaks provided.

3120 Whitehall Park Drive
Charlotte, NC 28273