GCI Update
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Personnel Update

The following announcement is from GCI President and GCI-USA Regional Pastor Randy Bloom.

The Home Office recently announced the addition of two Assistant Regional Pastors to GCI’s church administration team in the United States. After prayerful consideration, one of those appointees, Timothy Brassell (pictured with his wife Donna, at right), informed us that he needs to remain a local church pastor for the foreseeable future. We fully support Tim in this decision. We consider our pastors to be the “frontline” of ministry. Their role is as important as any in Jesus’s ongoing ministry to the world through the church. We highly value good pastors like Tim who are dedicated to leading their churches. In informing us of his decision, Tim said the following, which we very much appreciate and respect, and so want to share:

Many thanks Greg and Randy for being flexible, leaving open to me the opportunity to reconsider becoming an Assistant Regional Pastor. Conversations during the planning meetings held in Charlotte led me to consider more deeply and profoundly my response to the appointment. When I returned home from Charlotte, I drew close to our Father in prayer and fasting. As I did, I was reminded that I am more a pastor and preacher at heart than an administrator. As a result, I have decided that the timing is not right for me to assist GCI-USA in the Northeast region in this way, at this time.

I’m presently transitioning from a large home to a smaller one located in our congregation’s community. Given that factor plus my regular church and family responsibilities, I believe I will serve Jesus in and through GCI best by staying at the local church level for now. Thanks again for considering me for this appointment. I took it seriously and am still awed and humbled by it. I’m in prayer for the two of you and for the whole Home Office team as you help point and direct us to Jesus Christ and his sufficiency for his Church at GCI.

2 thoughts on “Personnel Update”

  1. Dear Tim,

    You certainly have my deepest respect for this decision. I pray the Lord‘s blessings upon you. May your pastoral ministry be magnified and His name be glorified.

    Your brother in Christ,

  2. Tim,

    The reasons for your decision are personal, real, God-reached, and certainly valid. Your church community both presently and going forward as you reach out into the surrounding environs will benefit greatly from your decision and your subsequent efforts within said community as it grows!

    With love and respect,

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