GCI Update
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Lois Peterson graduates

Lois Peterson, wife of GCI elder Rick Peterson who serves in GCI’s church in Big Sandy, Texas, recently graduated cum laude from The University of Texas at Tyler, receiving a bachelor of science degree in interdisciplinary studies. Lois plans to teach at the elementary level. Congratulations Lois and family!

Left to right: daughters Josette and Anna, Rick, Lois and son James.

New camp director

Steve and BarbaraGenerations Ministries’ national coordinator Anthony Mullins recently announced the appointment of GCI pastor Steve Solari as the new director of GenMin’s Heart O’ Texas Camp, which is held each summer near Dallas, Texas.

Steve and his wife Barbara (pictured at right) recently moved to the Dallas area, where Steve now serves as the senior pastor of Hope Community Fellowship—one of GCI’s congregations in the Dallas area.

Your prayers for Steve and Barbara, for the congregation and the camp, are appreciated in this time of new beginnings.

Parsons’ 50th anniversary

Congratulations to Sonny and Jane Parsons on their 50th wedding anniversary! They were married on December 20, 1964 in Jackson, Mississippi. Sonny is retiring this month as senior pastor of the Big Sandy, Texas and Texarkana, Arkansas congregations. The Parsons plan to remain in Big Sandy.

Here is the happy couple on their wedding day and today:




Ordinations in GCI South Africa

GCI in South Africa recently announced that two elders were recently ordained to serve in the Port Elizabeth congregation. Those ordained were Albert Abrahams and Zach Hlalu. At the same time, Martin du Preez was commissioned to serve on the congregation’s pastoral team.

L to R: Gordon Green; Albert Abrahams and his wife, Audrey; Martin du Preez; Audrey Hlalu; Gladman Ncokazi and Zach Hlalu.
L to R: pastor Gordon Green; Albert Abrahams and his wife, Audrey; Martin du Preez; Audrey Hlalu; Gladman Ncokazi and Zach Hlalu.


Blooms’ 1st grandchild

GCI regional pastor Randy Bloom and his wife Debbie are celebrating a lot of “firsts.” Their firstborn child Lisa, who lives with her husband Chris Higgins in Paris, on December 13 delivered her first child, Amos Ryan Higgins (6½ pounds—see picture below). Now Randy and Debbie are celebrating their first grandchild! Randy and Debbie are in Paris visiting their new grandson. It will be a memorable Christmas and New Year! Congratulations to all.


2015 mission trip to Nepal

GC trips

Janet Morrison, leader of Generations Ministries’ Great Commissions Trips, recently announced that the ministry will be conducting a mission trip to Nepal on July 30 through August 9, 2015. The purpose of the trip is to serve the Badi caste (the so-called “untouchables”) in that society.

People age 17-30 who attend GCI are invited to participate in this one-of-a-kind mission opportunity. It’s designed with young emerging leaders in mind.

For details, go to http://www.gctrips.org/nepal.htm.