We are saddened to report the death of Torveig Aas, wife of GCI-Scandinavia Regional Pastor Carl Aas. We received the following announcement and tribute from Carl.

My wife’s health situation grew very serious over the last month. Two times in three weeks doctors drained fluid from the same lung, concluding it was Torveig’s damaged and weak heart that was the cause. Ten days ago she started having spasms and lapsed into unconsciousness. She died on July 8, entering into her rest with the Lord.
Torveig has been my best friend and helper for 44 years of marriage and we agreed that we have been so blessed and are so thankful to God for what He has done for us. Three times, God has stepped in when the doctors had given up. In 1978 God stepped in after the doctors told me to call her parents that her life was over. Then in 2009 she caught bird virus flu and her situation was so bad the doctors would at first not allow me to enter the hospital room where she was. But God stepped in suddenly and she calmed down and heat came back to her body and color to her face while the doctors stood outside the room looking through a glass wall. The last time was on February 7 of this year when her heart stopped while she was in treatment at the heart emergency ward. One of the doctors in the room was so surprised that she survived that when he came back three hours later he had to go over to her bed and touch her asking if she really was Torveig Aas. He could not believe it.
I believe with all my heart that God exists. My wife (shown as a young woman at left) has been the proof for me. I have seen the finger of God when the doctors had given up. But none of us are going to live eternally in this physical state. All of us will die one day. Eternal life is a gift God will give us on the other side of the door of death.
Torveig tried to make the most use of every day and to enjoy walking with God, because she knew how fragile life was. She had a number of serious chronic illnesses. The doctors told me that she was very healthy for being so sick. One doctor a few months ago did not believe that my wife was his new patient, because he had just gone through her journal and was expecting to see a wreck. Instead he saw my wife smile at him. You should have seen his face!
My wife’s suffering is now over, for which I am grateful, but I miss her deeply. She has been my best friend and companion since we met in the last year of high school in 1969. Now that era of my physical life is over. I look forward to seeing her in the resurrection! Let God be praised!
Torveig’s funeral will be held at Ski new church, in the town of Ski outside of Oslo on July 20 at 1:oo PM. Cards may be sent to Carl at:
Carl Fredrick Aas
Vevelstadasen 25
N-1405 Langhus