We were saddened to learn that Pastor Mark Bannier died on December 21.
Josie and Mark Bannier
Mark pastored GCI’s Macomb, IL, congregation. Suffering headaches following brain surgery, it was determined that he had contracted meningitis. As a result, his heart gave out.
Mark is survived by his wife, Josie, who served alongside him in ministry. Mark is also survived by a son, Lyle, two sisters, a brother and several extended family members. Pastor Bill Ritzman (Des Moines, IA) officiated at Mark’s celebration of life service.
In a recent Update (click here), we requested prayer for GCI-USA Pastor Rannie Childress, who was hospitalized with pneumonia. He now reports that he is not only back home, but back to work, with his health much improved. He thanks you for your prayers and God for his healing touch.
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of GCI-USA elder John Campbell. Here is an obituary provided by his pastor Bermie Dizon.
John Campbell
Born in 1932 in Edwards, MS, John was the first of three children born to James P. and Edith Campbell. The family moved to Los Angeles in 1943, where John attended Polytechnic High School, lettering in track and field. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served two tours of duty including in the Korean War. He was awarded the Korean Service Medal (two stars), Presidential Unit Citation Medal, National Defense Service Medal and Navy Good Conduct Medal. He worked as an operating engineer for most of his life, retiring in 1997.
In 1955, John married Kathryn Moore. They had two daughters, Sharon Mason and Renee Hall. In 1976, John married Jean Willis. John joined WCG (now GCI) in 1968. He served faithfully in the Los Angeles congregation as a deacon and then an elder. He died on December 13, 2017. He will be greatly missed.
Cards may be sent to:
Jean Campbell 143 Racquet Club Drive Compton, CA 90220-3183
At the time this issue of GCI Weekly Update was published, huge wildfires continue burning in Southern California, where GCI has multiple congregations. Here are reports from two area pastors: Wayne Mitchell and Bermie Dizon. Your prayers are requested.
From Wayne Mitchell
We are thankful for the Lord’s presence with us and protection through the fires ravaging our area over the last week. All our members in the Ventura congregation were affected in some way by the Thomas Fire (by fire, smoke, air quality or inability to navigate roadways).
Bob and Joyce Muller’s home in Ojai was in the path of the fire on Tuesday and they were forced to evacuate. When they returned home Thursday, their neighbor’s home had burned to the ground, but theirs was spared. They are in their home now, keeping a watchful eye on the capricious path of the fire.
Julie Dexter, Bob’s sister who lives in Ojai and works in Ventura, watched as the fire burned across the street from the office where she works. She emailed the picture at right of the street she lives on. So far, her home is still standing.
About four church families had to evacuate from the Creek Fire that started around the Sylmar area. To my knowledge they have all returned home safely. The Rye Fire, in the Santa Clarita area, came within about six miles of a member’s home there, but no closer. From our apartment at the north edge of Simi Valley we can see smoke billowing above the hills to the west and northwest, as the Thomas fire continues to burn unabated, feuled by the Santa Ana winds. The relative humidity, as low as 6% in this area, is a threatening factor.
Source: NPR
In the midst of the fires’ devastation, one of our members forwarded the passage of scripture below. What a beautiful reminder of the unfailing love of the Lord we serve.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. If you make the Most High your dwelling– even the LORD, who is my refuge–then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.” (Psalm 91)
Please join with us in praying that the winds will die down and that we will finally get some cool moist air settling into our beautiful little corner of the world.
From Bermie Dizon
Though I have not heard of any members whose homes have burned down due to the ongoing fires, I did hear of the scary experiences many had driving with the fires so close to the freeway. Last Thursday, learning of the fire in the Sylmar area [northwest of Pasadena], I was concerned because Steven Brooks, associate pastor of our GCI Los Angeles congregation, lives in that area. I called Steve’s wife Gloria (Steve was out of town) and learned that because the fire was moving close to their home, the family had been ordered to evacuate. Gloria and her daughter left their home and stayed at her sister’s place in Granada Hills, 10 miles away. She wanted to return home to get some valuables, but the roads were blocked. Thankfully, the wind pushed the fire in the opposite direction and their house was spared. Gloria told us at church that she was comforted by several members who called her to ask what they could do to help.
Map showing SoCal wildfires as of December 6 (source: CBS Los Angeles)
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Jane Parsons, wife of Sonny Parsons, who for many years pastored the GCI congregation in Big Sandy, TX (click here for a profile of the couple published in 2014 and here for a story about Jane published earlier this year). Here is an announcement concerning Jane’s death from Jerome Ellard, who now pastors the Big Sandy church:
Sonny and Jane
Jane Parsons, wife of retired GCI pastor Sonny Parsons, died on Monday afternoon, December 11, 2017, after a lengthy decline in health. Sonny and Jane were lovebirds, married for 53 years.
A service celebrating Jane’s life will be held on Thursday, December 14, at First Christian Church in Big Sandy, followed by a meal at New Beginnings Christian Fellowship, the GCI congregation in Big Sandy.
Cards may be sent to:
Sonny Parsons 110 W. Groves St. Big Sandy, TX 75755
Prayer is requested for Rannie Childress, lead pastor in GCI’s congregation in Attalla, AL. Rannie is hospitalized with pneumonia in one lung, resulting in extreme shortness of breath. He is retaining lots of fluid and they are treating him with antibiotics and steroids.
Rannie and Shirley Childress
Though he is doing a bit better, Rannie’s battle with illness continues. As he noted in an email informing people of his illness,
Christ is with us in good times and bad, including times of good health and bad. Let us trust our mighty God to move into, not around our troubles, and let him show us once again his mighty, awesome power!
Cards may be sent to:
Rannie and Shirley Childress 170 Grayton Street Springville, AL 35146
Thanks for praying for Cecil Pulley, GCI’s pastor in Bermuda (click here for the original prayer request). Here is a joyful update from Cecil’s wife, Senior:
Cecil and Senior Pulley
We are overwhelmed and speechless, not only because we have received so much love from our GCI family, but because our heavenly Father has answered our prayers—doing more than we could ask or imagine!
Cecil, our son Seth, and I travelled to Boston, where doctors at Lahey Hospital concurred that there seemed to be at least two blockages, which could hopefully be repaired by the insertion of stints. To make a long, amazing story short, on November 29, in the midst of a coronary angiogram, the doctors could find no place to place a stint. In fact, they could find no sign whatsoever that Cecil had suffered a heart attack! Earlier tests (which had confirmed a blockage) were redone, yet there were no signs of any blockage or heart disease. In fact, he was told that he had good, clean arteries!
The doctor’s instruction to Cecil was that he needed to get some much-needed rest, as stress sometimes mimics such drastic symptoms. Cecil is wholeheartedly taking those instructions to heart!
We wish to thank our GCI family for the phone calls, prayers, notes and love in standing with us during this trying time. Our God is indeed an amazing God!
Cards may be sent to:
Cecil and Senior Pulley P. O. Box MA 350 Sandy’s MA BX Bermuda
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of GCI member Mary Terry, mother of Pam Morgan, operations coordinator for GCI Church Administration and Development and wife of GCI Treasurer, Mat Morgan. Here is a note from Pam:
Mary with her granddaughter Jessica Morgan
It is with a heavy but peaceful heart that I write this. My mom, Mary Terry, died peacefully in her sleep early in the morning on November 16. She was an amazingly strong and faithful woman—a prayer warrior and a great example of unconditional love. She will be missed greatly, but I know she is in a much better place. A few days before she died, she told Mat, “I am moving.” When Mat asked her, “Where?,” she said “Upstairs to be closer to God.” I so appreciate all your prayers.
Mary’s funeral will be held on Sunday, December 10 at 3:00 p.m. at Friends Church (where GCI’s Grace Life Church meets) at 827 S Lone Hill Ave., Glendora, CA.
Prayer is requested for GCI-Canada Pastor David Sheridan who suffered a massive heart attack on November 24. Thankfully, his daughter, a trained medic, was with him at the time, and gave David CPR while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Though David was clinically dead for nine minutes, he revived before being rushed to the hospital where it was determined that David’s aorta was 100% blocked. A catherization was performed and the doctors say David may now need a triple, or even quadruple, bypass operation.
Cards may be sent to:
David Sheridan 101 Cramond Close SE Calgary, AB T3M 1C1 CANADA
Prayer is requested for GCI-Bermuda Pastor Cecil Pulley. He recently suffered a mild heart attack and was hospitalized and then released. This week he is scheduled to fly to Boston for additional diagnostic work that will likely lead to treatment related to his heart condition. Senior, Cecil’s wife, reports that he is feeling pretty well, under the circumstances. The couple is grateful for the outpouring of love and prayer from their GCI church family.
Cards may be sent to:
Cecil and Senior Pulley P. O. Box MA 350 Sandy’s MA BX Bermuda