GCI’s Church of the Living Waters in Charlotte, North Carolina, went “old school” in holding a July 4 holiday weekend worship service. They based the service on the way the church might have gathered in its earliest days. The general theme was Freedom in Christ and there was no pre-planned order of service. The members had been asked to bring to the service what the Spirit laid in their hearts to bring: a poem, literature, questions, a passage of Scripture, a song, a testimony.

The service was facilitated by pastor Ron Garrett (pictured at right), who began by breaking bread and then sitting down, inviting members to come forward, in an orderly flow, bringing with them their contributions. In that way, the whole service was considered “communion.” Songs were perfectly distributed among the different presentations. The service concluded with the drinking of the communion cup, with toasts raised to Jesus.
Everyone felt that the service was special. Some young participants commented that “they felt love in the room.” Here are comments from others:
- From Joe McClure: “The service was inspirational and Spirit-filled. It’s always good to acknowledge the fact that we are truly blessed to be able to assemble and worship God any time we choose, without fear of being persecuted or imprisoned. Some of our Christian brothers and sisters worldwide do not have the same freedom. It’s good to know that someday soon they will.”
- From James Gray: “The service was wonderful…listening to different ones share their thoughts about how God is great, so good to us—faithful in providing for our physical and eternal needs. We could never praise God enough.”