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John Halford

This update on John Halford’s progress is from his daughter Becky (for the previous report, click here).

Dad is finally home after spending two weeks in the hospital recovering from surgery. Everything went well. He did have some issues with fluid around his lung so that kept him there a little longer than expected but overall he is doing great. He was happy when his doctor pulled out the last tube and said he could go home. Yesterday he was allowed to try to drink his first glass of water and he enjoyed it so much. Funny to think that a glass of water could be such a gift!

If this week he does well with liquids, next week he’ll start eating soft foods like apple sauce and pudding. Meanwhile he is hooked up to a feeding tube to ensure that he gets enough nutrition while he “learns” to eat again.

We were a little saddened to learn that the doctors want to give dad a couple more rounds of chemo in a few weeks, just to be sure that there are no cancer cells lingering anywhere. They are not taking any chances. We have learned to trust their judgment.

That’s it for now. Slowly, but surely, we are getting our dad back and it’s a wonderful feeling.

18 thoughts on “John Halford”

  1. Dear John, Pat and Family,

    we rejoice in your improving condition, and pray that you will get strength for the coming chemo.
    We keep praying for you and send you warm greetings from all the Dutch brethren and the Board members. Hang in there, He is with you all the time!

  2. Dear John and Pat,

    This walk has not been an easy one for you or the family. But, it is very encouraging to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep holding on!

    We will keep praying…

    In Christ,
    Santiago and Elke

  3. John, Pat, Becky and whole family,
    I love Becky’s last line, “we are getting our dad back.” How amazing, we join you in prayers of thanksgiving. We are getting our John Halford back!

  4. We are all like the lightening bug who backed into an electric fan ~~ DE -LITED, NO END! So happy for the great recovery. As for extra chemo ~ You know that old adage ~
    “Better safe than sorry.” Thank you Becki for all the updates, too. My prayers continue daily.

  5. Great news on your progress John. Our prayers continue. Don & Alix Engle and the Wichita, KS GCI congregation.

  6. Dear John, Pat and family,

    Brigida and I thank our loving Father for your progress and ask His healing hand and encouraging comfort and strength be with you while you strive to recover your natural abilities like eating and laughing aloud again. You are in our prayers.

    Love from my family and me.

  7. Dear John, Pat and family,

    Brigida and I thank our loving Father for your progress and ask His healing hand and encouraging comfort and strength be with you while you strive to recover your natural abilities like eating and laughing aloud again. You are in our prayers.

    Love from my family and me.
    Pedro Rufian

  8. We are all so pleased to hear of the upturn in your health. Take your time, take it easy and be well soon.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, AL

  9. Gooday John, Pat and family… the Melbourne congregations have been thrilled to hear of your progress and you remain in their affections and prayers!

    Much love to you all!

  10. Great News! We are so happy that you are getting better…….
    Praise God and let us give Him all the glory. Hope to see you soon…
    On behalf of New Outlook Christian Fellowship (Attalla, Alabama);
    Rannie & Shirley Childress

  11. We’re so glad to know that our dear brother is getting well. To God be the glory. Truly, our Father in heaven is a faithful Father.

  12. Dear John, Pat and Family, That is a good report. So glad to hear everything seems to be on track toward recovery from the surgery. Prayers continue for full recovery!
    Larry Dietrich

  13. I am happy to hear that there is hope for more time to live and share the Gospel. I am getting close to the “old timer” stage myself and I want to see our generation still in harness!

  14. So glad you are still with us.
    Remembering you with much love and appreciation.
    Trust God will continue to strengthen you.

  15. What a great GOD we serve. We thank and praise HIM for HIS divine intervention for this special man who is so precious to so many. We continue to stand in the gap and our prayers continue to go up. Look forward to that next international trip. Psa 136:1 O GIVE thanks unto the LORD; for HE is good: and HIS mercy endures forever.
    We love you.

  16. Dear Friend, we rejoice that your are getting your life back and are essentially intact to regain the ability to eat near normally. You have given so much and are so highly esteemed by so many of us in GCI. Every blessing.
    JR & HBR

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