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Arlen Bryant

Thanks for your prayers for Arlen Bryant who pastors GCI’s church in Cookeville, Tennessee. As announced in an earlier prayer request, Arlen has a brain tumor. It was removed in surgery a few days ago. It appears that the tumor is cancerous. Not all of it could be removed and so he will likely be having follow-up radiation and chemotherapy. Please continue to pray for Arlen and his wife Jean and for the Cookeville congregation.

Cards may be sent to:

Arlen and Jean Bryant
2054 Benton Young Rd
Cookville, TN 38501

2 thoughts on “Arlen Bryant”

  1. Just to let you know that you are in thought and prayers. Do hope that you are feeling better with the arrival of each fresh day.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

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