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Arlen Bryant

We noted last week Pastor Arlen Bryant’s surgery to remove a brain tumor. Here is a more recent Update from Arlen:

My surgeon called recently with the pathologist’s report. He said I have a very aggressive type of cancer and we need to move quickly to slow or get rid of it. He wasn’t able to remove all of the tumor during surgery because it could have damaged my speech or ability to walk. I go next week to get the staples removed and set up a schedule for further treatment. My daughter wants me to go over to Vanderbilt for further treatment and I am considering that option, though I’m not worrying about this because I know my life is in the hands of the GREAT PHYSICIAN. My thanks for everyone’s prayers, cards and phone calls. I love all our folks and appreciate their concern for me and Jean.

Cards may be sent to:

Arlen and Jean Bryant
2054 Benton Young Rd
Cookville, TN 38501

2 thoughts on “Arlen Bryant”

  1. Dear Arlen, As you walk through the dark valley of cancer, fear no evil, He is with you. Joyce and I have walked through that dark valley and have be reassured on many, many occasions that He was there for us…stage four cancer, 26 blood clots, chemo/radiation, bone marrow transplant.We were blessed by His goodness and mercy and Know the same is there for you and yours. Praying for you. Love, Richard and Joyce Frankel.

  2. Wonderful testimony of faith. Thanks for sharing. We will pray for GOD to continue to lift you up and manifest HIS healing in your body. GOD will bless and keep you and your family. love

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