GCI Update

Love: the revelation of God

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Joe Tkach and Tammy TkachOne of the most enjoyable benefits of my job is meeting many of God’s beloved children around the world—both within and outside GCI. I especially enjoy it when I’m introduced to people I’d heard of, but hadn’t yet met. This often happens when I travel internationally since many pastors and others can’t afford to travel abroad. Though I’d heard about them and their work, until I got to a conference or other event in their country, I hadn’t had opportunity to put a face to their name.

Recently on one of my international trips, a pastor I met said to me, “I’ve heard about you for years and I’ve seen your picture, but now I feel I know you.” His comment stuck with me and later I started thinking how such introductions are much like our calling to evangelism—the privilege to introduce people to someone they may have heard of, but haven’t met—Jesus Christ.

Meeting God, who is love

Rembrandt, Return of the Prodigal Son 
(public domain via Wikimedia Commons)

When I introduce people to Jesus, I want to be sure I give them a picture that will delight them and help them want to get to know who God truly is. That’s not hard to do, since the Bible teaches us that love is the essence of God’s being. And so I testify to the love of God. Furthermore, because we know that God the Father is the father of all people, to evangelize is to introduce people to their true Father—their Abba. Evangelism is thus sharing with others who God is and how much he loves them.

What is love?

Quite naturally, people search for love. In 2012, What is love? was the most searched-for phrase on Google. People define love in different ways: an emotion, action, state of mind, or a combination of these. Though some define it as nothing more than our biochemistry at work, most say love is much more than that, yet they struggle to find an adequate definition. Only God can accurately define what love is. Thankfully he has done so through the apostle John, who wrote, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). It’s important to note here that John is not saying “love is God”—we don’t worship love and we don’t define what love is then apply those definitions to God. In writing that God is love, John is indicating that God’s nature and character—his very being—is loving. All God does is loving, and his will is loving. God’s agape love—his holy love—is what true love is all about. In knowing that, false views of love are exposed and ruled out.

There is a strong note of truth in the song, Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places. People look for love in family, friends and in romantic relationships, but as important as these relationship are, true love (holy, agape love) is found only when a person knows its true source—our triune God. God, who is love, created us for loving relationships, including the male-female relationship that is unique to marriage. Sadly, the deeper nature of God’s agape love often is forgotten when people, searching for romantic relationships, turn love into a search for merely satisfying their erotic desires. But when we ground our thinking on the sure foundation that love is the revelation of God, everything else we think about love, and the way we go about seeking after it, will align with reality and lead to our true fulfillment.

Who is God?

Much in our secular western society reflects the sad reality that, as a people, we have not retained God in our thinking. As a result, many struggle with the question, “Who is God?” As noted above, we know that God is love as a triune communion of holy, agape love—Father, Son and Spirit. Were he not triune, God would need creation or something other than himself in order to be love, because authentic love does not exist in isolation. The stunning truth is that God, who exists eternally in a tri-personal, loving relationship, has called us to share in both his love and life through his Son Jesus, by his Spirit. In that relationship, because we understand that God is love, we trust him to be loving—we trust his plan to bring us into relationship with himself and thus to fulfill his purpose for creating us. We also trust him to be faithful, and we trust the fact that even though we don’t understand everything he does (or allows) we know that his purposes are always good, flowing from who he is and expressing his love for us.

God’s revelation

Greg Olsen, Forgiven (used with permission)
Greg Olsen, Forgiven (used with permission)

We see that God is love most clearly, powerfully and directly in the incarnation, life and self-giving of the whole God through the Son of God on the cross. Jesus is God’s love in flesh and blood, in time and space, in Person. To know God that way is far more than “head knowledge”—it’s about a relationship with God, through Jesus, by the Spirit. In and through that relationship we experience God’s love “up close and personal”—much like we do in a truly loving friendship with another human. As C.S. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity,“ God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.” Because he loves us, God has given us himself. 

Scripture tells us that the revelation of who God is involves the work of the Father, Son and Spirit. The apostle Paul tells us that as God’s adopted children we are heirs with Jesus. He tells us that the Holy Spirit both leads us into this understanding and into a loving relationship with our Father in heaven. As a fruit of that relationship, we are enabled to have loving relationships with other people, loving our enemies as Jesus did, and seeking reconciliation and right relationship whenever we encounter alienation. The apostle Peter tells us God loves us so completely and profoundly that he includes us in his life:

[God’s] divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire (2 Peter 1:3-4 ESV).

Let us think carefully about these things so that all we think and do (including our evangelism) is grounded fully in the revelation of who God is: love.

Sharing the revelation of God with others,
Joseph Tkach

Helping with children’s ministry

Members of the 4/14 Window Group of the GCI congregation in Santa Rosa, Philippines recently traveled to Davao, Philippines, where they shared their abilities and other resources in assisting with children’s ministry. To read about this outreach event, click here.

4.14 window

Drive-in prayer

Here is a video that tells the story of a drive-in prayer outreach conducted by one of GCI’s congregations in Southern California.

On YouTube at http://youtu.be/8d0MJsKApLY.

Recent conferences

Here are reports from several recent GCI conferences.


GCI-Philippines recently held a five-day conference in Baguio City with more than 1,000 in attendance. The theme was Celebrating Kingdom Life Now. Featured speakers included Greg Williams (pictured at right), director of US Church Administration and Development; and Larry Hinkle, US pastor and director of Odyssey in Christ ministry. For more about the event, click here.


The Toronto East and Cornerstone Christian Fellowship congregations of GCI-Canada recently hosted a conference titled Life in Christ, Life in the Trinity. Guest speakers Gary and Cathy Deddo (pictured below) gave sermons and lectures covering the basics of Incarnational Trinitarian theology and its implications in the Christian life. More than 90 people attended, including visitors from neighboring congregations.

Toronto pictures


Thirty GCI members from Madagascar met recently in Foulpointe on the Indian Ocean coast for a conference titled Joy of Sharing in Christ’s Glory. Activities included organized individual “quiet time,” beach and Bible games, a picnic and evening worship. Two ordinations occurred during the conference: Pastor Daniel Rakotondrabary was ordained an elder to serve members in the Antsirabe congregation, and Angele Rafirangason was ordained a deaconess to serve the Antananarivo congregation.



GCI’s churches in Nigeria held a four-day conference in the neighboring nation of Benin. The theme was God is faithful. God’s presence was evident in the worship with singing, praise and prayer, along with several special music performances. Various events were held, including a leader’s meeting, singles/youth forum, a women’s meeting, Bible Study, video presentations on Incarnational Trinitarian theology, a variety night and an elderly citizens’ forum. A highlight of the conference was the baptism of two teenage girls.

Nigeria pictures (2)


GCI-Denmark recently held a conference with the theme Our Christian Journey. Sermons addressed the nature of the journey at personal and collective levels. A highlight was the baptism of 80-year-old Chresten Emil Madsen who for eight years has translated GCI publications in the Norwegian and Danish languages.

Denmark festival

Union & ministry with Christ, part 6

Here is part 6 of an 8-part essay by Dr. Gary Deddo titled “The Christian life and our participation in Christ’s continuingministry.”  To read other parts, click on a number: 1, 23, 4, 5, 7, 8. For all 8 parts combined in one article, click here.

Without Purse or Script by Liz Lemon Swindle (used with permission)

Recap of part 5

In part 5 we examined the story of Jesus and the feeding of the 5,000 and how that is a model of our participating with Christ in his ministry. In that story, we see the original disciples moved to action, giving rise to a related, crucial question: How do we motivate Christians to active participation in ministry with Jesus? 

Preaching, teaching and counseling in participation with Christ

Ironically, having understood something of our participation in the ongoing ministry of Jesus, in turning to the related topics of preaching, teaching and counseling, we can easily revert to addressing people in ways that ignore the reality of our union and participation with Jesus. When we focus on our own obedience, we are in the habit of thinking that our individual will is the key to our behavior and actions. If something is going to get done, then we tend to depend on one of two things: 1) the strength of our own wills, or 2) the effectiveness of our native or learned skills, and their deployment in the programs, plans, techniques or formulas available. But if we lack both these, we may simply conclude that we have no responsibility at all. It must be someone else’s calling.

How do we properly call people to join us in the Christian life as communion, fellowship, and partnership with Christ?

First, let’s consider how all of Scripture is structured as it invites us to participate. As the Torrance brothers reminded us so often, all the commands of God are built on the premise of the unconditional covenant promises of God. All obedience is moved by faith in the character of God. “I will be their God, and they shall be my people” is the foundational refrain throughout the Old Testament (see Jeremiah 31:33, Genesis 17:8 and Exodus 6:7). God made a unilateral covenant with Abraham: “I will bless you… in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:2-3). That covenant is renewed throughout Israel’s history. It was not, Paul reminds us, until 430 years after God made his covenant with the people who were to be a light to all the nations, that God provided them with the law (Galatians 3:17). The law falls within the circle of the unconditional promise of blessing.

Notice how the Ten Commandments unfold. They were given after the great Exodus of Israel from slavery under the Egyptians. Then, in Exodus 20:2, we find a theological preface to those holy obligations: “I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt!” Then the commands follow as a result of this saving work. We could insert a “so” or “therefore” before each one. “I graciously brought you out of Egypt, so you shall have no other gods before me. So “you shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.” So, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” So, “you shall not murder…commit adultery…steal….covet.”

That theological preface calls all Israel, and us, first to remember who God is and who we are in relationship to him. It does not first address our wills or set up conditions. It announces the unconditioned, good, gracious and faithful character of God. The stipulations of obedience are built on that foundation. From our New Testament vantage point, God’s own faithfulness is further demonstrated in the fulfillment of that promise. In Jesus Christ, God has become our God and we have become his people in an unimaginably intimate way. We became united to Christ who lived, died, was raised and ascended for us that we might share in his divine life. All our obedience then, is meant to follow the same pattern. Trusting in God to be true to his character provides the foundation for all obedience, for behind the promises made to us stands the Great Promise Maker and Promise Keeper. It is this God who then subsequently calls us to a life of obedience in relationship to him.

James Torrance, in full harmony with his older brother Thomas, used to point out that all the imperatives of Scripture are founded on the unconditional indicatives of grace. Obedience is not a method to cause God to be gracious to us. No. God’s unconditional grace brings with it a call for our unconditional obedience. The imperatives (commands) point out obligations that come after grace, not the conditions that have to come before grace. The imperatives of our obedience describe the shape of our participation in the covenant relations in which we live and move and have our being. They show us the direction of the grain of relationship so that we don’t get splinters.

But are there consequences for disobedience? Yes, there are. When we move against the grain of our relationship with God, we won’t enjoy the relationship and its benefits. In fact, we experience negative consequences. We cannot receive the benefits when we fail to trust in God and participate in the life he has provided for us. Our failure, however, does not negate the unconditioned grace of God. Our disobedience has no power to undo what Christ has done. We cannot change the grain of God’s character and decision for us in Jesus Christ. We can live in denial, we can close our eyes and cover our faces at noonday and say the sun is not shining, but our denial has no power to create a counter-truth and counter-reality.

The pressure to preach sanctification by works

If faith in our gracious union with Christ is the foundation for all our obedience, then how do we build on it? Do we merely yell more loudly what God wants his people to do? Do we give endless advice? Do we perpetually offer as the key to effective Christian life—new programs, new methods, new understandings, improved seminars and conferences? Do we change from plan A of preaching the unconditioned grace of God, to plan B and threaten people with a subsequent conditional grace of God? Do we preach as if God were finished with his part of the plan so now the rest of what God wants done is all up to us, as if he had no further plans—so that, if we fail, then God’s ultimate plan fails? Do we preach grace for salvation but works for a life of obedience?

I’m afraid we often do resort to these tactics. Despite the pattern of biblical teaching that begins with God and his faithfulness, we feel the pressure to preach and teach and motivate folks to obedience by addressing the naked will with raw commandments. We can be tempted to speak as if we are God’s slaves and as if God depends on us, as if God is at a distance, and ministry is really up to us, as if God’s grace merely establishes a potential that we, if we are able, realize and actualize and make true by our efforts.

But this is not how Jesus or the apostle Paul addressed the “problem of the Christian life.” For if all the imperatives of Scripture are founded on the unconditioned indicatives of grace and the character of God represented by them, then when obedience is not forthcoming, we must go back and strengthen the foundations and not attempt to find another one. We must go back to preaching and teaching and discovering the character and heart and promises of God, for everything that we are called to do mirrors what God is always and continually doing for us and in us on the basis of the vicarious ascended humanity of Christ and our union with him. Obedience is built on trust—not trying.

Preaching the indicatives of grace as the basis for the imperatives of grace

If we are intent on seeing people more faithful to Christ, we must first show the faithfulness of Christ to them, for their own faithfulness can only be a participation in the faithfulness of Christ. If we want folks to be forgiving, then the basis for that is the announcement of God’s forgiveness for us. If we see that we need to be generous, then we need to hear of God’s great generosity to us and even to the unjust. If we are concerned that people do not seem to care for the lost, then we need to be reminded that Jesus is the one true Apostle sent to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10) and remember—that includes us! He is still drawing people to himself, and still sending us to participate in his mission to the lost.

If we announce we should be more compassionate towards the poor, then at the same time we need to hear of God’s own heart towards the poor. We need to see his provision for the orphan, widow and foreigner and even ourselves, as we recognize our own spiritual poverty. If we are concerned for racial reconciliation, then we require being continually reminded that God in Christ has already recreated us into being one new humanity (Ephesians 2:15). We are reconciled to God and to each other in Christ. We can count on that work having already taken place, rather than see ourselves as given the task of realizing an ideal that God has merely put before us and is waiting for us to make it happen. Then, all of our efforts in this direction will be moved by faith in the completed work of Christ and the ongoing ministry to make the fruits of that reconciliation visible. All our activity will be generated by faith in God. Paul referred to this as “the obedience of faith.” This is what he declared and it is what oriented and motivated his ministry from beginning to end (see Romans 1:5 and Romans 16:26). This is the only kind of obedience that Paul is interested in, for it alone reflects truly who God is in Jesus Christ.

Pastor appreciation

October is Pastor Appreciation Month in the United States and Canada. Here is the story of how one congregation showed its appreciation for their pastor.

On a recent September morning, Wayne Mitchell, pastor of GCI’s congregation in Seattle/Bellevue, Washington, headed for the hills (the home of Mike Hills, that is). There he met up with a “band of brothers” from his congregation. After sharing breakfast, the men took to the woods with chainsaws, pruners, and a four-wheeler, and proceeded to fell some trees. Four hours later they had cut, split and stacked a couple of cords of wood to be given to Pastor Wayne. The men wanted to show their pastor how much they appreciate him and all he does in serving the congregation. They also wanted to help keep Wayne and his wife warm and cozy this winter. Here are some pictures:

The Band of Brothers
The Band of Brothers (Pastor Wayne in back row, fourth from the left)


Christian Leadership course


ACCM will soon be holding a special version of its Christian Leadership course, which includes a three-day seminar to be held in Dallas on December 10 through 12, 2015. The seminar, along with the rest of the course, will be team-taught by Greg Williams (director of US Church Administration and Development) and Charles Fleming (missions director for the Caribbean). The course, which spans 10 weeks including assignments prior to the seminar, ends January 15, 2016.

Charles Fleming
Course instructor
Charles Fleming
Greg Williams
Course instructor Greg Williams

The full title of the course, Christian Leadership: Foundational Perspectives, Principles and Practices for Lifelong Growth as a Leader, pretty well sums up its focus and content: challenging students to adopt a life-long perspective on leadership, including a commitment to lifelong learning. As fellow life-long learners, Greg and Charles will help each student reflect on key foundational elements that can contribute to their growth as leaders across a lifetime.

The following questions will be addressed in the course:

  • As Christ followers living in a world of radical, adaptive change, what are the perspectives we need to have?
  • In what ways do our imaginations need to be re-framed for effective engagement with an increasingly secular world?
  • What principles and practices can help us cultivate the conditions for people to encounter Christ in transformative ways?
  • What formational practices do we need to make a part of our personal life routines if we are to avoid burn-out and, instead, live a life of kingdom-flourishing?

Students should plan to arrive in Dallas for the course seminar by the evening of December 9 (we’ll have dinner together), ready to go early December 10. The seminar will continue through late afternoon December 12. To prepare for the seminar, students will need to read two books and bring to the seminar a short written review of each one.

To register and arrange for lodging, follow this two-step process:

  1. To register and get our conference package rate, please go to http://www.ambascol.org and register for the Christian Leadership course. The registration cost is $150.
  2. To make a reservation at the hotel, go to https://www.gci.org/go/ACCM15TX. The Seminar will be held at Embassy Suites by Hilton Dallas, DFW Airport South, 4650 West Airport Freeway, Irving, Texas 75062, USA; TEL: 1-972-790-0093. Hotel registration includes one bedroom suite, breakfast each day, meeting materials, assigned reading and handouts, lunch each day and snacks and drinks each evening during the manager’s reception.

Once you complete this two-step process, Charles Fleming, will send you information concerning the books that will need to be read and write about prior to attending the the seminar. If you do not receive a confirmation email message after registering please call 800-574-2299.

Updating church finder information

This announcement is from Bret Miller, manager of GCI’s Information Technology Department.

Are you wanting to change the information displayed for your church on the GCI.org website’s church finder (at http//www.gci.org/participate/find)? If so, here’s how:

  • Log into https://online.gci.org
  • If you have multiple churches, select the one you want to change
  • In the top left box, click Church Information
  • The website is in the first section at the top. To change it, click the Edit button in the upper right
  • Put in the new website, making sure you include the http:// or https:// on the front
  • Click the Submit button
  • From the Church Information screen, click the more info button in the upper right
  • Click Church Locator

By default, we display the pastor for a church as the contact person, including their phone and email. If you prefer that prospective attendees contact a different person, you can fill in the contact name, phone and email here. If you do so, we no longer display the pastor’s information and display the contact person instead.

Over the years a number of pastors have asked for the ability to write something about their church. The description box is now where you can do that. Basic HTML markup should work there for those of you who want more than text. You might use it to note a special event when you’re meeting at a different location. Or if you’re a fellowship group, you might want to describe what your meeting is like. Or you could use it to introduce your church. It’s entirely up to you.

For fellowship groups, we do not automatically display a meeting address because many of them change weekly or meet in homes where the homeowner may not want the address made public. For those that meet in the same location every week and want the address displayed, you can check the box.

Any time we display an address for a church, we also include a map link. Occasionally, this link doesn’t work properly. If your church is one of those, you can find your own public map website like https://www.google.com/maps or http://www.mapquest.com/, make a map for your church and copy the URL of that map into the Map URL box. Then any time we display a map link, we’ll use that instead of trying to make one automatically from the address.

We hope this information will help you make the most of your church information posted on the GCI.org website.