GCI Update
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New Pastors’ Orientation

The GCI home office recently hosted several new pastors and their spouses for New Pastors’ Orientation. The conference, which was facilitated by Church Administration and Development (CAD), had a two-fold purpose: to share ministry tools and information and to provide an environment that would nurture mutual love, support and respect. An immediate bond of love developed among participants (pictured below) as the group experienced God’s presence in prayer, worship and meals.


Topics addressed during the conference included church history, participation in the mission of God, reading and interpreting Scripture with trinitarian eyes, a pastor’s ministry, preaching and pastoral counseling. Home office staff from IT, Media and the Treasurer’s Office presented helpful practices and shared ministry vision and goals. GCI President, Joseph Tkach, ended the gathering by commissioning the new pastors and leading communion. He reminded the group of the privilege we have to labor together in the shadows of the triune, loving God.

small group

Orientation 2Orientation 1

commissioningTwo conference participants received special recognition. Dan Rogers, one of the instructors, was honored on the occasion of his retirement as CAD director. Mike Rasmussen, who accompanied several new pastors to the event, was commissioned as a regional pastor (see picture at left). Mike will continue to pastor the GCI church in Oklahoma City while serving the pastors and churches of the U.S. south-central region.

Many event participants commented that they felt a renewed sense of hope and courage, now viewing challenges in their ministries as opportunities to share the abundant love of Jesus. In a survey to receive feedback, one of the questions asked was, “What are your greatest take-aways?” Here are a few of the most frequent responses:

  • God loves me. God is love. His love is constant.
  • Sense of community. I’m not alone. We all work together for a common goal. Network.
  • There is a huge support system and encouragement base.
  • Being free to go and do what God has called me to do.
  • It is with humble hearts that we thank our congregations for their generous support as we partner in ministry.
  • We look to the future with excitement and anticipation.

Floods in East Africa

This prayer request is from Tim Maguire, one of GCI’s Missions Directors serving in Africa.

Please pray for our members and other people in Mozambique and Malawi who have been devastated by recent floods as the result of torrential rains. The flooding has destroyed homes and crops. I have been in contact with our leaders in Mozambique, but they do not have much information other than to say that “it is very bad” there. Many areas are without means of communication. More details are available by following these links:

Here is a note from the GCI Treasurer’s Office:

Probably the best way to assist members suffering in disasters like these in Africa is to donate to the GCI Disaster Relief Fund, which provides members in disaster areas with emergency needs for food, water, medicine, clothing, temporary housing, home and/or church hall repairs, temporary local pastoral salary expenses, etc. Monies donated to the Fund that are not immediately needed remain in the Fund to be allocated in future disasters. Congregations can donate to the Fund by having their treasurer set up a one time or monthly donation using the GCI online system (http://online.gci.org—log in and select “Church Giving” under the “Treasurer” tab at left). A congregation or individual may donate to the Fund by check made payable to Grace Communion International, indicating on the memo line that it is for the GCI Disaster Relief Fund. Send checks to:

GCI Disaster Relief Fund
Grace Communion International
P.O Box 5005
Glendora, CA 91740-0730

The Nicene Creed’s Trinitarian roots

nicene-creedIs GCI’s incarnational, Trinitarian theology a recent innovation? Some make that claim. But a careful study of the history of theology says otherwise. In fact, the Nicene Creed of 325 A.D., which codified for the church a doctrinal statement that has stood the test of time, was formed in accordance with the incarnational, Trinitarian theology of its framers. In his book The Trinitarian Faith, Thomas F. Torrance makes this point, carefully tracing out the creed’s historical development and examining its theological framework.

A post on GCI’s The Surprising God blog summarizes the key points of Torrance’s book and provides a helpful study of the Nicene Creed. You’ll find the post at http://thesurprisinggodblog.gci.org/p/nicene-creed.html.

Media in Europe

We’re pleased to announce two GCI media developments in Europe. Our program “Speaking of Life” (with a UK ending appended) is now airing in the United Kingdom on SKY TV and on an internet video channel. In the Netherlands, we have launched a new website at www.gracecommunion.nl and a new YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/gcinetherlands. Here is one of the videos there:

Watch on YouTube at http://youtu.be/dmiApTe-2fc.

Converge 2015

Converge 2014The Converge 2015 conference is coming up in March. Generations Ministries national coordinator Anthony Mullins recently announced that onsite lodging for the conference is full. However, there is plenty of room for people to attend who will then be lodged off-site. If you’re looking for nearby, offsite lodging, here are some good options:

In nearby Circleville:

In Grove City (about a 35 minute drive from the conference site):

  • Microtel 1800 Stringtown Road, Grove City, OH 43123 Phone 614-277-0705 Mention “Converge GCI” $ 55.95 +9.79 tax = $65.74 for 2 Double Beds $50.95 + 9.79 tax = $60.74 for small King Room
  • Red Roof Inn 4055 Jackpot Road Grove City, OH 43123 Phone 614-871-9617 Mention “Converge GCI” $68.39 + Tax Double Queen room $74.69 + Tax King Room $63.89 + Tax Single Queen Room
  • LaQuinta Inn 3962 Jackpot Road Grove City, OH 43123 Phone 614-539-6200 Mention “Converge GCI” $99 +Tax Includes Continental Breakfast, indoor pool Currently King and 2 Queen Rooms available (10 rooms blocked currently)
  • Holiday Inn Express 3951 Jackpot Road Grove City, OH 43123 Phone 614-801-9000 Mention “Converge GCI” $99 + tax (no additional charges for addtl occupants) 7 King Rooms and 8 Doubles available

Note: If you decide to attend Converge, but stay offsite, you’ll still need to register and pay the registration fee ($25) and purchase the meal package ($80) unless you plan to eat all meals offsite. To register, go to https://online.gci.org/live/ScriptContent/Index.cfm?go=EVENTS-CONVERGE15. If you have any questions, email Anthony at anthony.mullins@gci.org or text/call him at 678.427.9967.

Roger Guilbert

We received the following prayer request for Roger Guilbert, a long-time GCI elder in France.

We are asking for your prayers for Roger who was hospitalized recently with a blood clot blocking the main artery to his lungs. Though the clot has been removed, particles remain in his lungs. Roger is experiencing much pain and his wife Christiane is deeply affected by all this. Your prayers for them are appreciated along with prayer for their four children and their spouses, and their grandchildren.

Cards may be sent to:

M et Mme Roger GUILBERT
9 rue Georges Jourdain
80540 Bovelles

Interesting church facts


Here are some interesting facts about the church from the January 2015 issue of ChurchPulse, from the ECFA.

  • Church Racial Mix Changing. According to the most recent (2012) National Congregations Study, 80% of American congregants attend services at a place where a single racial or ethnic group comprises at least 80% of the congregation. 20% worship where no single racial or ethnic group predominates. This is up from 15% in ‛98 and 17% in ‛06–‛07. In addition, the share of white Americans who attend services with no one of another other race or ethnicity is dropping. In ‛98, 20% of U.S. congregants were part of entirely white congregations vs. 11% in ‛12. A similar dynamic is at work among Hispanic worshipers. (Pew Research Fact Tank 12/8/14)
  • The Average Church attracts fewer than 90 adults on a typical weekend. 60% of Protestant churches have 100 or fewer adults on a typical weekend. Just 2% of churches attract more than 1,000 adults on a typical weekend. (Barna Research)
  • Church Planting. Churches of 200 or less are 4 times more likely to plant a daughter church than churches of 1,000 or more. The smaller the size of the church, the more fertile they are in planting churches. (LifeWay Research)
  • Keeping the Faith. 56% of Millennials are keeping the faith of their childhood while 20% are switching to another denomination, 18% are leaving their faith and 4% are coming to faith. (Facts & Trends Summer 2014)
  • Fewer Married Millennials. While Millennials (21%) are half as likely to be currently married as their parents at the same age, Pew reports generally the “youngest generation has the strongest desire to marry” which is “a reflection of their stage in the life cycle.” However, Millennials are 5% less likely than those of older generations to say “successful marriage is one of their most important life goals.” (Focus on the Family Findings 6/2012)
  • Perceptions vs. Realities. In the U.S., the Center for Media Research says we get a lot of things very wrong. Aging Population: We overestimate the U.S. population to be much older than it actually is … The average estimate is 35.9% of the population is 65+ when it is in fact only 14%. Christians: Americans think 55.7% of the country identifies themselves as Christian vs. the actual figure of 78%. Muslims: We hugely overestimate the proportion of Muslims in the U.S. … thinking 15% are Muslims when the actual figure is 1%. (Center for Media Research Brief 11/22/14)
  • More Americans Foregoing Marriage. New data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that the number of Americans who have always been single and will never marry is at a historic high. About 20% of Americans older than 25 had always been single in ‛13, up from 9% in ‛60. About half of all never-marrieds would like to marry eventually; the younger people were, the more likely they were to say this. “Marriage hasn’t fallen out of favor,” says Kim Parker, Director of Social Trends Research, “but financial constraints and imbalances in the marriage market may be holding people back from taking the plunge.” (Pew Research Center 9/24/14)
  • Faith Sharing Online. In an average week, 1 in 5 Americans share their religious faith online, about the same percentage that tune in to religious talk radio, watch religious TV programs or listen to Christian rock music. And 46% of U.S. adults see someone else share their religious faith online in a typical week. These are among the key findings from a Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel. (Pew Research 11/6/14)
  • 19% Bible Lovers/19% Bible Skeptics. Bible skepticism is tied with Bible engagement for the first time in Barna Group and American Bible Society polling. The number of those who are skeptical or agnostic toward the Bible—who believe the Bible is “just another book of teachings written by men that contains stories and advice” —has nearly doubled from 10% to 19% in just three years. This is now equal to the number of people who are Bible engaged—who read the Bible at least four times a week and believe it is the actual or inspired Word of God. Digging into the population segmentation of Bible skeptics, two-thirds are 48 or younger (28% Millennials, 36% Gen-Xers), and they are twice as likely to be male (68%) than female (32%). They are more likely to identify as Catholic than any other single denomination or affiliation (30%) and are the segment most likely not to have attended church (87%) or prayed (63%) during the previous week. They are also most likely not to have made a commitment to Jesus that is important in their life today (76%). (Year-in-Review: Barna’s Top 10 Findings from 2014, Barna.org.)

GCI Intern Program update

GCI Intern Program coordinator Jeff McSwain met recently with GCI-USA regional pastors and other leaders to give them an update. Here are excerpts from his presentation.

On YouTube at http://youtu.be/jkwD3GA6clc.

An effective way to support the Intern Program is to donate to the GCnext mission fund. For information, go to https://www.gci.org/GCnext.

New GCS President

The following announcement is from Dr. Russell Duke, President of Grace Communion Seminary (GCS).

gcs logo goldIt is with great satisfaction that I inform you that Dr. Gary Deddo will replace me as President of Grace Communion Seminary as of June 2015. Our GCS Board interviewed Dr. Deddo on January 16 and unanimously approved his appointment. Congratulations Gary!

Dr. Deddo has served as a faculty member with GCS for six years, so many of you have studied with him. Many others know him and his wife Cathy from their presentations on theology at our GCI conferences.

Moncton Gary preachingDr. Deddo (pictured at right) brings a wealth of academic experience as professor and editor to the role of President. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary, a Master of Arts in Social Science from Azusa Pacific University, and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from King’s College, University of Aberdeen. He has taught in seminaries for over 20 years, serving Fuller Theological Seminary, Zarephath Bible Institute, Eastern Baptist Seminary, and Grace Communion Seminary. He has been widely published in the area of incarnational Trinitarian theology, and has assisted dozens of authors in his former role as Senior Editor at InterVarsity Press from 1999 to 2012. He was hired as Special Assistant to GCI President Dr. Joseph Tkach in 2012, and will continue to serve in that capacity as well.

We welcome Dr. Deddo’s leadership. Since we are undergoing reaffirmation of our accreditation this spring, we are timing the change to coincide with the accreditation decision by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission in June. This will enable Dr. Deddo to observe the accreditation process from an administrative perspective.

I have felt it important to pursue a transition at this time so that we can deepen the impact that GCS can have for the Church, both within our denomination and for leaders in other churches in the Body of Christ. As we participate in Jesus Christ’s ministry, Dr. Deddo will be able to lead the seminary to connect GCI’s work in theology and our interviews with Trinitarian theologians and pastors to better serve the greater Christian body.

Though I will be retiring as President, I plan to assist in the transition of administration and teach a few courses as my career winds down in retirement. Thank you for your support during this time of transition.