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Nancy Akers retires

Several GCI Home Office employees and guests gathered on January 20 to honor Nancy Akers on the final day of her 33 years of employed service to GCI. In retirement, Nancy and her husband Terry (who works part-time in the Home Office) will remain in Southern California.

Nancy began working for WCG in 1973, first as a mail processing clerk/typist, then as a secretary in personal correspondence. From 1981 to 1995 she worked in mail processing and landscape administration, then in May 1995 she began serving as executive assistant in Church Administration and Development where she served for almost 22 years.

We extend to Nancy our thanks and congratulations. Job well done, faithful sister! You will be missed.

24 thoughts on “Nancy Akers retires”

  1. Nancy, thank you for your many years of dedicated service! May God pour out His richest blessings upon you.

    Ray and Carol Meyer

  2. Dear Nancy,
    What great example you were over the years that you served so many of us. You always kept your cool under pressure. You were always calm and nice to us when we were not so nice. A new phase for you is now ahead enjoy it .. Smell the roses. Roger and Anthea Lippross

  3. Nancy, I will miss your warm, friendly voice that so often greeted my calls to CAD. It made us all feel we were a real part of the headquarters team. My best wishes to you and your family.

  4. Many thanks to you, Nancy, from those of us in the Seattle, Washington area.

    Ken & Cathy Emerson

  5. Dear Nancy, thank you very much for your many years of faithful and dedicate service to us international pastors.

    God’s blessings be with you and please enjoy your well deserved retirement!

    Pedro and Brigida Rufián, Spain

  6. Hello Nancy: It is a very long time since we interacted in the pre-school area but I truly appreciated getting to know you and your family at that time. My husband Barry and I wish you the best for your retirement. Now perhaps you will be able to enjoy some of the things you did not have the time to do in your very busy schedule. I continue to keep the special memories of caring and sharing with friends like you. You are in our thoughts and prayers as you move on to yet another challenging but exciting phase of your life. Our love to you and your family.

    Wendy and Barry Gridley

  7. Congratulations Nancy!

    Nancy and I are grateful for your 33 years of considerate and gracious service to God and his children.

    Thank you!

    Ken and Nancy

  8. Dear Nancy,

    We wish you and yours the very best in the years ahead. Thank you for you being there for all of us in the years past.

    Bill and Harriet
    Broadview Heights, OH

  9. Blessings to you, Nancy, for dedicating so many years to the members and staff of GCI. It will be strange to attend the conferences and not see you there at your table, keeping everything running smoothly for us all. Marlene and I remember fondly our first time really getting to know you during new pastor training in TX where you introduced us to Texas French Toast! What a treat… May God guide you through your retirement with much grace and good health!

    Warm regards,
    Thom & Marlene Friedrich

  10. Nancy, Thanks for all your service, especially the help with international missions. Enjoy the retired life. Torney

  11. Nancy, we wish you a wonderful retirement and want you to know we will miss your professional service for us all! God Bless you and your family, David and Linda Husmann.

  12. Congratulations Nancy!
    Thank you for all the years of service you rendered to us in the field. May you find relaxation and peace in retirement. It’s good stuff! I highly recommend it.
    ~Willard High

  13. Nancy, you were a real blessing to Connie and me and wish you the very best in retirement – or continued work somewhere else(?). God bless you and Terry!

  14. Dear Nancy:

    Congratulations on your retirement! We hope that you and Terry will be able to do the special things that you have put off until now.Thank you for your many years of dedicated service to our Lord and our denomination, and for all the help you have given me.

    With our love and very best wishes,
    Guy & Penny Engelbart

  15. Nancy,

    We join the choir in wishing you all the very best as you continue serving our Lord in whatever way He has prepared for you.

    Thank you for all the many years of dedicated service. The “internationals” have greatly appreciated the given support.

    God for us, in us, and through us.

    Santiago and Elke

  16. Dear, dear Nancy, We are sad to see you leave the job; you have been a great face and voice of love, stability and helpfulness for many years. We will miss you very much, but I imagine you have plenty of projects lined up to fill your time in the future. Many blessings to you and Terry as you get to (hopefully) share more time together. Drop a note every now and then to let us know how you’re doing.

  17. Nancy,

    Congratulations on you retirement. You certainly deserve it. Thanks for your service and dedication. I’ll miss your friendly voice when calling Headquarters and presence at church conferences. You’ve been a great help to those of us in the field and a wonderful representative for Headquarters.

    God bless all you do in the future,

    Don & Sharon Lasher

  18. We will miss you Nancy. So many times we call CAD and hear your voice on the other end of the line. You have helped me many times, including directing me to others when you could not. I am sure that you will enjoy your retirement as much as I have. God bless
    John Howard

  19. Words seem inadequate to pay tribute to Nancy Akers. She is one of the most caring, competent, dedicated and hard-working people I’ve ever known. I can’t tell you how many times she protected me from, or delivered me out of, a bind of one sort or another (thaks!!)—always with cheerfulness and decisive action. Nancy, I will *greatly* miss working with you, as we’ve done for—how long has it been?—20 years or more. Enjoy your retirement dear sister.

  20. Thank you Nancy! You have served so many and made all of us feel like family. Enjoy doing some things you deserve to do. You will be missed by all of us! Rich blessings to your family from all of us in Saginaw and Flint,MI.

  21. Dear Nancy

    “Well done, good and faithful servant”. It has been such a great pleasure working with you over the years. No matter what the situation, you always handled it with grace and calmness. Enjoy your retirement. God bless you and your family.

  22. Dear Sister,
    We can’t forget how welcoming and helpful you were to us when we visited campus from the Caribbean on refreshing program or seminar.
    May the Lord bless and fill of joy your retirement
    Georgette & Joseph FRANKLIN

  23. MS. Nancy
    Thank you for your service to GCI. I will never forget the times you helped us on the Pastoral Team here in Memphis registering and getting settled in for a conference. You handled it all with love, patience and a smile. God Bless you in this transition and continue to enjoy your journey!

  24. Nancy, thank you for your help over the years as well your friendship. Both Gloria and I want to wish you a very happy retirement. May you and Terry enjoy this moment. God bless/ John & Gloria Barry Sr.

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