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CAD team changes

Greg Williams

As noted in the Church Administration Manual, GCI-USA Church Administration and Development (CAD) is a team of administrators and developers working together to “serve and develop pastors who serve and develop churches, who live and share the beautiful, inclusive gospel of Jesus.” In keeping with that mission, and in accordance with available resources, Greg Williams (GCI Vice President, CAD Director, and Supt. of U.S. Ministers) recently implemented changes to CAD’s structure and staffing.

Two team members have left GCI employment for new chapters in their lives, Charles Albrecht, who worked 29 years for GCI, is now a financial analyst at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California. Nancy Akers, who worked 33 years for GCI, retired on January 20 (click here for a report on her retirement party). On behalf of GCI, Greg expressed his thanks: “A big, heartfelt thank you to Charles and Nancy for their sterling service to our pastors and churches over the course of the past three decades. Their faithful service and spirit of love have made a significant, positive difference!”

The CAD Office team now includes:

  • Pam Morgan, previously with GCI’s Accounting Office, now serves as CAD’s Operations Coordinator and Archives and Records Center Manager.
  • Michelle Fleming, previously a teacher in Florida, now serves as CAD’s Communications and Training Coordinator.
  • Ted Johnston, previously a U.S. Regional Pastor, now serves as Special Assistant to the CAD Director and Publications Editor. (Ted works from his home in Alabama.)

The CAD Church Administration team now includes five U.S. Regional Pastors: Tim Sitterley (West), Rick Shallenberger (North-Central), Mike Rasmussen (South-Central), Randy Bloom (Northeast) and Paul David Kurts (Southeast). Former Regional Pastor Lorenzo Arroyo now serves as Consultant to Tim Sitterley and Heber Ticas.

The CAD Church Development team now includes three National Coordinators:

  • Jeff McSwain serves as Church Development National Coordinator (coordinating the work of the Church Development team) and Intern Program National Coordinator.
  • Anthony Mullins serves as Generations Ministries (GenMin) National Coordinator and Ministry Coaching National Coordinator.
  • Heber Ticas serves as Church Multiplication Ministries (CMM) National Coordinator, Liaison to Spanish-Speaking U.S. Churches, and Ecclesiastical Supervisor for GCI-Mexico.

Need CAD assistance? Feel free to contact any of the team members listed above, or contact the CAD Office by phoning 626-650-2330, or by emailing church.administration@gci.org.

2 thoughts on “CAD team changes”

  1. All the best Charles with your new job. I hope and pray it all goes well. Thanks for all your service over the years, hard to believe 29 have gone by.


  2. Brother Charles.
    No matter where we serve, we are tools in the hands of Jesus. May our Lord keep sharpening you all for better service on the mission field with Him
    Abundant blessings

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