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Church celebrates fifth anniversary

Grace Communion Fellowship, GCI’s congregation in the Eagle Rock neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA, recently celebrated the fifth anniversary of its founding in a special worship service (see the picture above). During the service, Lead Pastor Angelita Tabin gave the congregation’s leaders special recognition with prayer and a gift, and children performed special music (see pictures below).

Following the service there was a meal attended by more than 100 people. Following that, there was entertainment, featuring dancers in Filipino costumes (see pictures below). Reflecting on the event, Pastor Angelita, who was integrally involved in planting the church, shared these thoughts:

We celebrated God’s faithfulness to us. Over the past years, we have seen his goodness, mercy and love. He is truly the one who orchestrates everything to make it possible for us to celebrate. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below, praise Him above you heavenly hosts, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!”

6 thoughts on “Church celebrates fifth anniversary”

  1. Congratulations! We rejoice with you giving thanks to our great God.

    In Him,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. Dear Angie and Family,

    Congratulations on five years of reaching out and serving the Eagle Rock community! You are a blessing to our denomination and a blessing to me!


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