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Devotional – Perseverance

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

In the face of persecution and the spectre of death, Paul writes to the believers at Thessalonica to help strengthen their faith and encourage them of the glorious return of Christ.

He reminds them that God is so committed to us that he himself works in our lives and performs the sanctifying and redeeming work that we desperately seek. His work in our lives is so complete that his cleansing touch reaches every fibre of our being: spirit, soul and body. Being made in the image of God, we are trinitarian beings in microcosm having diverse faculties of spirit, soul, body – yet united in and as one fundamental person, like a single, seamless fabric. The “fall” affected every aspect of our being. Nevertheless, our God of peace will restore the inner peace that will resonate the fullness of life within us.

As we wait upon our Lord, who will surely come, let us be assured that our God remains committed in restoring us to the glorious creation that he meant us to be. The process of sanctification is not a “do-it-yourself” program but the dynamic activity of Father Son Spirit in our lives. Let us be encouraged to submit, participate and persevere in the restoring work of our creator. “The glory of God is a human being who is fully alive,” said St. Irenaeus.

Prayer: Thank you Lord, that your love is so vast that you remain committed to see me restored to the fullness of life. Thank you for reaching into the very depths of my being and removing the brokenness to ultimately reflect your life and love through me. Help me to remain faithful and allow your cleansing work in my life.


By Danny Zachariah

5 thoughts on “Devotional – Perseverance”

  1. Wow! I never thought of God’s work in us of restoring our mind, soul and body. It brings me peace to know that He will do that.
    Thank you Danny!
    I needed that encouraging message.

  2. Thank you Danny for directing us to Jesus Christ who has sanctified us and keeps us blameless, all done in Himself, the New Creation! God’s Will is how we exist. Gen 1:26 God said let us make man in our image and likeness… This He did in the only way possible, in Himself, by the Way of Jesus Christ. He is Our New Creation! We no longer live, except by the faith of Christ. Gal 2:20 God has already accomplished our salvation for us, in Him. To Him only be the Glory, Praise and Thanks!

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