GCI Update
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Neighborhood Camp Surrey Hills

Surrey Hills is celebrating another incredible move of the Holy Spirit throughout our church and neighborhood. Camp Surrey 2023 was a huge success serving 87 campers from grades K-7th. Most of these campers have become familiar faces, which is something that we relish in being a neighborhood church. These are the same faces we see throughout the year at our different neighborhood events, at the school, the neighborhood park, or gas station. Many of these children and parents are more than neighbors, as they have become our friends, and some have become members. It’s mind-blowing what happens when we let Jesus build his church, and we simply participate in the great commandment of loving God and loving our neighbors.

This was our 4th year of doing “Camp Surrey” in person. Every year, we have grown, we have learned, and we have adapted. This year, God did something incredible as we were able to accept 87 campers because of the generosity of 65 incredible staff volunteers! This camp felt very different from previous years, and we had found our “sweet spot.” This camp ended with many tears from campers begging for it to last longer. It was unanimously obvious, that this year was a favorite.

Campers enjoyed kayaking, a climbing wall, an incredible escape room, swimming, and many indoor and outdoor activities. Our theme was “Mission: I’m-possible,” and everything from décor, to activities, and Pastor Joe & Miss Nikki’s messages at the Spirit Rallies were themed and filled with interaction and fun. Every single camper was impacted in a big way and left knowing that they are loved.

On the last day of the camp celebration, we announced next year’s theme and opened a pre-registration link. As of today, we have over 51 families already pre-registered for next year! Wow! We will continue to follow up with these campers and their families throughout the year both online and in-person. Our next follow-up event is our back-to-school water balloon battle and neighborhood block party! We are so excited!

Thank you to everyone for your prayers as we continue our planning for Camp Surrey 2024: “Survivor.”

Ceeja Malmkar, Love Avenue Champion & MTC Coordinator
Surrey Hills, OK, US


2 thoughts on “Neighborhood Camp Surrey Hills”

  1. Wonderful to see the joy on all faces and hear the excitement for participating with Jesus in your update. Thank you for sharing!!

  2. It is exciting to see Camp Surrey Hills, provide a beautiful and fun camp for all the young children, continue on for next year with Jesus blessing.

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