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Pentecost in Fiji

Dennis Richards and I were thrilled to be able to join our Fiji family for their Pentecost service. Members had boarded a minibus at Lautoka in the West at around 6:00 AM for the three-hour trip to Suva, and another minibus came from Rakiraki, more than two hours away. There were 83 in attendance in the hall, plus another 17 participating on Zoom, for a total of exactly 100 people.

After several delightful items of special music, including a children’s action song, Dennis gave an inspiring sermon based on the 1 Corinthians 12 passage about spiritual gifts. Then I led a communion service. After the service, the hall was quickly transformed into a dining room and the members enjoyed lively fellowship over a bounteous potluck lunch, the tables laden with a huge variety of local dishes.

All too soon, it was time for the minibuses to take the members from the other side of the island home again, everyone buzzing with memories of a wonderful Spirit-filled celebration of this very special day. It was quite evident that the same Holy Spirit who came at Pentecost 2,000 years ago is still filling and guiding the body of Christ in the islands of Fiji.

Rex Morgan with his wife, Marilyn

Rex Morgan, Pastor
Auckland, New Zealand

One thought on “Pentecost in Fiji”

  1. How inspirational! Our Fiji family of believers gathering to worship on the Day of Pentecost – what a great photo of the long table filled with delicious local dishes! Members will have been moved to “devote themselves to the apostle’s teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

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