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Grace Communion Seminary Commencement

On Friday, June 30, the Grace Communion Seminary (GCS) Commencement was held during the Denominational Celebration in North Carolina, U.S. The last commencement was in 2017 in Orlando, FL; this commencement was for students who completed their studies 2018-2023.

There were 19 candidates for a Master of Pastoral Studies, 12 candidates for a Master of Theological Studies, and two candidates for a Master of Divinity. Twenty graduates attended the commencement. The student address was given by Audie Santibanez, GCI Deputy National Director of the Philippines.

Testimonials of Graduates

The GCS training has changed me as a person as well as a minister of the gospel. I have no doubt, I am adequately equipped for the work. As it says in Luke 12:48, “to whom much is given much is required.” I plan to use what I have been given to develop more leaders who will in turn develop more leaders. That way these leaders will be equipped to share the gospel with more people. —Anthony Gachanja, Regional Director, East Africa

Within a very short time, what I was learning in the seminary classes started to infuse every aspect of my ministry. Many members commented on how my sermons had grown in depth and richness after I had been taking seminary classes for a couple of years. The books I acquired for my classes make me feel like I have a gold mine of theological knowledge sitting on my bookshelves that I will be able to mine for the rest of my ministry vocation. —Al Kurzawa, Pastor, Seaford and Morwell, Victoria, Australia

The unique aspect of GCS is the awesome learning environment of family. This is not an ordinary educational experience that is distant. We know each other well—faculty, staff, and students. We learn from each other in a trinitarian experience of mutual indwelling that makes the GCS experience so profound. Accordingly, we can relate this experience back to our congregations, not just as knowledge, but a true experience of what true relationship in this common journey can bring. —John Newsom, Pastor, Queens, New York, US

My first ever GCS class was with New Testament Survey, and I was still a reluctant student until about halfway through that class. But it was the beginning of something magnificent. What I did not want at first has turned out to be one of my greatest blessings. God has used my classes with GCS to bring spiritual renewal to my life. Something I did not expect but I’m immensely grateful for. —Audie Santibanez, Deputy National Director, Philippines

Grace Communion Seminary serves the needs of pastors and others engaged in Christian service who want to grow deeper in relationship with our Triune God and to be able to serve in the church more effectively.

The mission of GCS is to equip men and women for church-based ministry. We accomplish this through quality graduate-level distance education programs in biblical, theological, and pastoral studies grounded in biblical, Christ-centered, historically orthodox faith and worship.

Learn more about GCS here.

2 thoughts on “Grace Communion Seminary Commencement”

  1. Our heartfelt congratulations to all the graduates ! Looking at the joy filled graduation picture the thought came to me that it is never too late to strive towards earning an academic degree. May your higher learning experience be a blessing to the church and open up new doors for the spreading of the gospel message.

  2. I really appreciate the excellent training our Pastoral Team has received through GCS. The depth and quality of the sermons of our young Associate Pastor, in particular. Thank you!

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