GCI Update
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Hospitalization of Marj Friddle

Marj Friddle, wife of GCI retired pastor Jim Friddle, had surgery this week to treat colon cancer. Her doctor told her that the cancer in her colon is apparently related to the breast cancer she battled in 2001. Please pray for Marj’s healing and for encouragement for Jim and the rest of the family. Cards and notes can be sent to:

Marj Friddle
7404 Stillwater Dr
Bayonet Point, FL 34667-2293


Report on Higher Ground camp in North Carolina

Higher Ground, the GCI Generations Ministries camp in Swannanoa, NC just celebrated its 10th anniversary with a camp session that included 145 campers and 70 staff. The camp theme was “Oasis”, with chapel messages focused on how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are an Oasis of Love, Family, Friendship, Life, Light and Safety. The emphasis was on God’s love and purpose for all humanity, and how we first Belong, then Believe, and then Become. Here are a few quotes from participants:

“This was, by far, the greatest week of the year. I’m going to be telling Higher Ground stories for years to come!”

“From the first chapel, I knew this was going to be different. The message was clear and carried throughout the whole week – God loves you…NO MATTER WHAT!”

There were several memorable activities this year. One was a camp-side game of capture the flag. Another, involving the boys, was to watch Pastor Bill Winn working a forge – pounding red-hot metal into the shape of a sword. Sparks flew and burned brightly against the dark night as the boys remained completely silent. As the flames died down and the steel cooled, Pastor Bill recounted what the Holy Spirit did in shaping Jesus “blow by blow” during his earthly life and ministry. He then told them of a similar work the Spirit is now doing in their lives – shaping them into the fullness of what God has made them to be in Christ.

Enrollment for Higher Ground in 2012 is already full, though a waiting list is being kept.

Report on Y.E.S. camp in Louisiana

Youth Extreme Summer Camp (Y.E.S.), the GCI Generations Ministries camp in Louisiana, was held last month at Chicot State Park in Ville Platte, LA. Participants included 110 campers and 65 staff.

The theme for the camp was “Planning a Road Map with Jesus.” Chapel messages helped campers understand that Jesus is always with them, including through life’s struggles and challenges. Campers were encouraged to journey in life with God’s grace as their “Roadmap.”

New activities this year included a game called “Do You Love you Neighbor?” Classes for teens helped them live as the dearly loved children of God that they are. The boys’ class was named “The Distinguished Gentlemen’s Class.” The girls’ class was named “Classy, Not Sassy Ladies Class.” Pre-teens enjoyed Insect Day at the Louisiana State Arboretum.

To watch a video of this year’s Y.E.S. camp, click on the arrow on the image below:

Report on the Ottawa conferences

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Last week I was in Ottawa, Canada, for two conferences. Pastor Bill Rabey did a super job coordinating both.

First was the International Mission Developers’ Conference, attended by 25 elders and wives from Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North and South America (see picture below). We discussed the advance of the gospel through GCI in many nations of the world.

Following that was the Canadian National Conference for pastors and elders and spouses. It was led by Canadian director Gary Moore and included presentations on Trinitarian Theology from Dr. Elmer Colyer (his presentations will eventually be placed on our website). In a church service after the conference, we ordained Fraser Henderson as an elder. It was particularly special because his parents, who had attended the Canadian conference, were present.

Mission Developers’ Conference

This issue of Weekly Update includes the following:

  • A very moving video that tells the story of the 87 congregations in Mozambique, Africa that have recently affiliated with us.
  • Reports from GCI Generations Ministries camps in North Carolina and Louisiana.
  • Information about the commissioning of a new GCI pastor in the Philippines.
  • The launch of a new website for GCI Church Multiplication Ministries.

We have a number of urgent prayer requests this week. First, please pray for the family and friends of Angelica Recendiz. Her son Hector Espinoza, who committed his life to Christ at our Southern California camp, was killed a few days ago in a gang-related shooting (click here for details). Please also pray for the friends and family of Fred Bailey, one of our retired pastors. I was saddened to learn of his death (click here for details). And please pray for Marj Friddle, wife of retired pastor Jim Friddle. Marj entered the hospital this week to be treated for colon cancer (click here for details). Also click here for a corrected address for Jana (Kissee) Jones (we’re praying for her healing from thyroid cancer).

You’ll note in some of the posts that comments appear from Weekly Update readers. You may comment on any of the posts by using the “ADD A COMMENT” feature below each one. Comments are posted at the discretion of the moderator. To comment on my cover letter, click on the letter heading at the top of the page. That will take you to the Weekly Update blog, where comments may be posted.

Let us join in prayer with those who grieve and suffer, as well as with those who rejoice. And let us pray for God’s direction and power in all aspects of the gospel work to which we are called. Remember that prayer is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith.

Love from my family to yours,

Joseph Tkach

Death of Hector Espinoza

Hector and Adriana

Hector Espinoza, age 18, was killed last week in a gang related shooting. Hector was a new member of Communion De Gracia, the GCI Spanish-speaking church in San Fernando, CA pastored by Heber Ticas.

Though Hector had a troubled past, he was turning his life around. He was a first time camper this summer at SEP SoCal, where he surrendered his life to Christ. His mother Angelica Recendiz said that he came home with great peace and joy.

Please pray for Angelica and the rest of Hector’s family, including his sister Adriana, who was admitted to the hospital just before camp suffering from lupus. According to their youth pastor, Hector was a tremendous support to Adriana. He would sleep in the hospital and encourage her with assurance that everything was going to be okay. Three of Hector’s cousins attended camp with him this summer: Reyna Flores, Ernesto Flores and Armando Recendiz.

Cards and words of support can be sent to the family at this address:

Angelica Recendiz
10631 Lindley Ave. #136
Northridge, CA 91326

On mission with God

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I greatly enjoyed our recent U.S. regional conferences held in Dallas and Orlando. The theme of these conferences is “On Mission with God.” Many mentioned that the training provided is starting to ‘click’ for them. They are excited about applying what they are learning.

This week I am in Ottawa, Canada for a conference of our International Directors and Mission Developers. Please pray for God’s guidance as we seek his will for our journey forward as a fellowship on mission with God around the world.

In this issue of Weekly Update (click on the links at left), you’ll find reports on the recent regional conferences, on our SEP Florida camp, on the awarding of diplomas from Grace Communion Seminary, on Gary Moore’s recent trip to South Africa, and on the ministry coach training provided by U.S. Church Administration and Development.

In all of these denominational ministries, our goal is to equip our churches for their sharing in God’s mission to the world. Thanks for all that you are doing! And may we all remember that prayer, both individually and together, is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith.

Love from my family to yours,

Joseph Tkach


Seminary diplomas awarded

At the regional conferences in Dallas (July 23) and Orlando (August 6), three Grace Communion Seminary students were awarded Advanced Diplomas in Christian Ministry:

GCS board members Dan Rogers (left) and Joseph Tkach (second from left) award diplomas to GCI pastors Mike Horchak and Don Engle (at right).
GCS board members Dan Rogers (left) and Pat Shaw (right) award a diploma to Charles Taylor, standing with his wife Keysha.

August 10, 2011

From the President

On mission with God

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I greatly enjoyed our recent U.S. regional conferences held in Dallas and Orlando. The theme of these conferences is “On Mission with God.” Many mentioned that the training provided is starting to ‘click’ for them. They are excited about applying what they are learning.

This week I am in Ottawa, Canada for a conference of our International Directors and Mission Developers. Please pray for God’s guidance as we seek his will for our journey forward as a fellowship on mission with God around the world.

In this issue of Weekly Update (click on the links at left), you’ll find reports on the recent regional conferences, on our SEP Florida camp, on the awarding of diplomas from Grace Communion Seminary, on Gary Moore’s recent trip to South Africa, and on the ministry coach training provided by U.S. Church Administration and Development.

In all of these denominational ministries, our goal is to equip our churches for their sharing in God’s mission to the world. Thanks for all that you are doing! And may we all remember that prayer, both individually and together, is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith.

Love from my family to yours,

Joseph Tkach


The current version of this update is available online at update.gci.org where you may view and print the update.

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Copyright © 2011 Grace Communion International

South Africa: Leadership Seminar & Summer Camp Planning

Gary Moore, GCI-Canada director, reports on his recent visit to South Africa:

Gary Moore

Wendy, Tim Maguire and I visited Durban, South Africa where we conducted a day long seminar with several church leaders driving a number of hours to attend. On Sunday we enjoyed church services with a packed Durban congregation. As a result of outreach projects over the last several years, the Durban congregation has experienced good growth in new attendees. About 70% of the congregation has begun attending since our doctrinal changes in the mid 90’s.

Durban congregation

The following Wednesday we attended the monthly SEP camp planning meeting. There was great appreciation passed along to us for the support our Canadian members and congregations provide to this camp in South Africa.