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Death of Andrew Teng

We were saddened to learn of the recent death of GCI pastor Andrew Teng who formerly pastored the Quezon City, Philippines church. Here are messages about this beloved pastor from people who knew him well over the years:

Tengs and Dizons
L to R: Millet and Bermie Dizon; Andrew and Gladys Teng.
  • From Bermie Dizon (GCI-USA Pastor)

We were all so blessed to have pastor Andrew Teng in our lives. He lived a life that brought glory to God’s name. He was a great friend, brother, pastor, dad, husband…a precious child of God. We will miss you Andrew. We pray blessings and comfort to your loved ones, your wife Gladys and your daughters Phoebe Teng and Fair Teng.

  • From Bidz Dela Cruz (GCI-USA member)

Following his retirement Pastor Teng moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida where he and is wife Gladys lived with their daughter Fair. When Andrew encountered a problem with his vision, the family decided to bring him back to the Philippines for treatment. A few weeks ago, his doctors discovered that Andrew had liver cancer, but it was too late to treat it. Pastor Teng passed away beside his loving family in his homeland a few days ago. He is survived by his two daughters Fair and Phoebe, and his wife Gladys who also is battling cancer.

Teng family
Andrew, Gladys, Fair and Phoebe Teng.
  • From Rex S. Pena (GCI-Philippines Area Superintendent)

I first met Andrew when I was 11 years old. He gave the Bible study for the Y.O.U. group back in 1977. I remember thinking how tall he was. Through the years, I heard many of his sermons. When I returned to the Philippines from Ambassador College, we worked together in our youth camps. Back in 1995, there were five of us who climbed Mt. Makulot to do an inspection for the SEP mountaineering activity. He served almost every year at camp under my watch. We then briefly served together in our Quezon City church—he was senior pastor and I was the associate pastor. I was there when he gave his final sermon before moving to the U.S.

We all prayed for his healing when he returned to the Philippines and was in an out of the hospital. I kept my worries at bay when I read of his being rushed to the hospital several days ago. And then I got the message that he had passed. Thank you Pastor Andrew for your life which you humbly dedicated in service to God who has called you home. You will be sorely missed by everyone who knew you.

  • From Eugene Guzon (GCI-Philippines director)

It is never easy to lose a good friend, and when it happens you feel that a part of you is gone too. I had the chance to say my final goodbye to Andrew when I visited his wake last Friday. He fought the good fight, after months of different health challenges which started with losing his eyesight after what seemed to be an easy, quite common cataract surgery. Then he was diagnosed with malignant cysts in his liver and then suffered from stomach ulcers.

I can just imagine the pain, stress and difficulties Andrew and his family went through. Adding to the challenge were the health concerns of Gladys, his wife, as she too battled cancer and went through the regimen of treatments and the difficult road to recovery. Yet in our visits to them, we saw two strong pillars of the faith, both inspiring testimonies of lives in full trust and surrender to the will of our God as they participated in His work.

Andrew embraced his Savior and relied on his strength unto the end. He ran a full race and finished strong. We prayed for healing and relief. And God answered our prayers the best way possible for them. As for Andrew, his frail body is no longer in the grip of pain.

In 2010, Andrew together with wife Gladys received recognition for their 25 years of service in the church from Dr. Joseph Tkach. And even after his retirement in 2012 until the time of his death, Andrew always had the heart of a pastor, making people feel that they are God’s beloved children. God continues to bless each one of us with an incredibly meaningful life story in him, a race that was meant to be fought and won, and made more sweet by the power of God’s love at work in all circumstances. Pastor Andrew claimed that reality, the same blessing that is for all of us as well and something we can share as well.

We remember Gladys and their daughters Fair and Phoebe as they go through life without their beloved Andrew. They need our prayers, love and encouragement. We thank everyone who prayed for them, visited them, stayed beside them and helped them in many different ways.

Debbie Young

Charles and Debbie Young
Debbie and Charles Young

Please pray for Debbie Young, wife of Charles Young who pastors one of GCI’s congregations in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. Debbie was recently taken to the hospital experiencing shortness of breath and other symptoms. It was determined that she had experienced a mild heart attack. Fortunately there does not seem to be any damage to the heart. Debbie also is suffering with polymyalgia rheumatica, which causes a great deal of pain. She has recently been tested and is awaiting the results and treatment recommendations.

Cards may be sent to:

Charles and Debbie Young
6290 Ponderosa Ct
College Park, GA 30349-4038

William Condley

Thanks for your prayers for GCI Pastor William Condley (click here for the earlier prayer request). William’s son David sent this update:

Dad’s surgery went well, though he continues to be on a ventilator and sedated. He is having heart rhythm problems that may require a pacemaker if things don’t improve. Overall he is doing well, just waiting on his lungs to catch hold. Mom is doing well, and we are switching out taking care of her.

Please continue to pray for both William and his wife Ednita. Cards may be sent to:

William and Ednita Condley
153 S. Main Street
Atkins, AR 72823-8235

Death of Roger Abels

We were saddened to learn of the recent death of long-time GCI pastor Roger Abels.

Roger and Donna
Roger with his wife Donna

Roger passed away at age 66 on May 16. He was born on June 6, 1949 in Omaha, Nebraska, the son of the late Glenn and Alice Abels. Roger retired after 42 years as a GCI pastor, having served in Philadelphia, Chicago, Louisville, Kalamazoo, and (for 25 years) Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Roger is survived by his wife Donna of Fort Wayne, his daughters Jessica (Travis) McClure and Courtney (Mark) Harmon of Fort Wayne, his son Travis Abels of Portland, six grandchildren, a brother and a sister. Roger was preceded in death by a son, Brandon Abels, and by a sister.

Funeral services will be on Friday, May 20 at 1:00pm at Hockemeyer and Miller Funeral Home in Fort Wayne, with calling one hour prior; GCI Pastor Jim Valekis will officiate. Calling will also be on Thursday, May 19 from 2-4 and 6-8pm at the funeral home.

Here are excerpts from tributes posted on Facebook by Roger’s children:

  • From Roger’s daughter, Courtney Abels Harmon

Roger-and-CourtneyDad passed away yesterday in the most peaceful way any of us could chose—after the words “amen” and while being embraced by his family. Thank you for your prayers. God answered them though some of the answers weren’t what we wanted. There is no doubt that Dad is with Jesus. That was what he wanted the most!

  • From Roger’s daughter, Jessica Abels McClure

Roger and JessicaDaddy, as much as you “loved life,” you never lived for earthly rewards because you understood this was simply your temporary home. You lived your life with an unshakable assurance of what comes next. May you experience the unimaginable joy of being with our Heavenly Father, as you so much looked forward to doing. Thank you for dedicating your life to teaching not only your family, but hundreds of others the grace and peace that comes with knowing our Lord and Savior.

  • From Roger’s son, Travis Abels

Travis AbelsThank you Dad for taking us on camping trips, and showing us how to pick out a good walking stick. For being so easy to laugh, and filling our house with its echo, for so many years. Thank you for kissing mom every day, and yelling “emergency, emergency!” when you needed an immediate hug. For your strong arms, that cherished hard work, planting gardens, and playing basketball with your kids. For your adventurous spirit. Your tenacity. Your wisdom. Your tenderness. For all the late nights you stayed up with me making popcorn, and sneaking ice cream from the outside fridge.

Thank you for telling me “A poor man’s cloud is just as beautiful as rich man’s cloud,” and giving me my first beer after a long day of work in the yard. For your diamond-blue eyes, that so lovingly watched us, and your gentle smile, when we looked back at you. For showing us that it was okay to cry, and reminding us to never let the sun go down on our anger. Thank you, Pops, for being my favorite storyteller, and painting worlds with your words. For using those words to lead, to heal, to inspire laughter and understanding. For being a courageous example of what faith can do, and showing us what a good man looked like. For spreading your light so far and wide.

Please be in prayer for Roger’s wife Donna, for their children, the rest of the family and close friends. Cards may be sent to:

Donna Abels
1827 Ransom Dr.
Ft Wayne, IN 46845

Bob Persky

Bob and Kay

Please pray for retired GCI pastor Bob Persky, who lives with his wife Kay near Dallas, Texas. Bob was diagnosed recently as having multiple myeloma. He has been undergoing chemotherapy. He also is experiencing renal failure and is on dialysis, hoping to help his kidneys resume normal function.

The family reports that Bob is not in a lot of pain, and is in good spirits and hopeful. However, the chemotherapy is causing him to be very fatigued. Please pray that his health turns in a positive direction so that the doctors feel comfortable letting him return home where he will continue to care for Kay, who is in ill health herself.

Cards may be sent to:

Bob and Kay Persky
129 Star Point Lane
Weatherford, TX 76088-6409

Death of Larry Pate

We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Larry Pate, pastor of GCI’s congregation in Tacoma, Washington.

Larry passed away peacefully on the morning of April 28. He had been fighting a long health battle. His wife Donna reported that Larry spent the day before he died with friends and family enjoying pizza and root beer.

Cards may be sent to:

Donna Pate C/O New Hope
31411 6th Avenue South
Federal Way, WA. 98003

Death of Arlen Bryant

We were saddened to learn that GCI Pastor Arlen Bryant died on April 26 in his home in Cookeville, Tennessee, following a long battle with brain cancer.

Jean and Arlen with their granddaugher
Jean and Arlen with their granddaughter

Arlen was born on November 17, 1944 in Cookeville, to Walter and Catherine Bryant. He loved history, studied at Tennessee Technological University and taught school for 31 years. Arlen loved to travel. His grandchildren recently helped him develop a new hobby, raising chickens. He collected license plates and enjoyed researching his family genealogy.

Arlen became a member of WCG in 1971 and was ordained an elder in 1985. In January 2000, Arlen was appointed to serve as the bivocational pastor of New Life Christian Fellowship (GCI’s congregation in Cookeville).

Arlen was preceded in death by his parents and a brother. He is survived by Jean, his wife of 49 years; a daughter, Cathy (Steve) Jones; a son, Lewis (Annette) Bryant; five grandchildren; and one sister—all residents of Cookeville.

Cards may be sent to:

Jean Bryant
2054 Benton Young Rd
Cookeville, TN 38501

Death of Adrienne Pickett

PickettWe were saddened to learn of the recent death of Adrienne Pickett, wife of Tom Pickett, Pastor of GCI’s congregation in Fort Worth, Texas.

Adrienne passed away on April 21. She was 71 years old. Her funeral will be at 11:00 a.m. on April 29 at Capstone Church, 4823 W. Loop 820, Fort Worth, Texas. Visitation will be at 6 to 8 p.m. on April 28 at Winscott Road Funeral Home, 1001 Winscott Road, Benbrook, Texas.

Adrienne is survived by her husband, Thomas J. Pickett (pictured with Adrienne at right); their two sons, Thomas David and Andrew; their six grandchildren, Courtney (pictured below), Christopher, Jewelyn, Chloe, Drew and Quinn; and Adrienne’s four sisters: Marilyn Canup, Judith Omasta, Elizabeth Coston and Jacquelyn Russell.

David, Courtney and Adrienne
Adrienne (right) and Tom (left) with their granddaughter Courtney

To leave a message in a guestbook, click here. Cards to the family may be mailed to:

Tom Pickett
1206 Sproles Drive
Benbrook, TX 76039

Dishon Mills

In March, we requested prayer for Pastor Dishon Mills who was anticipating oral surgery. The surgery is now complete and Dishon sends this praise report:

Dishon Mills 2
Dishon Mills

We serve an awesome, wonder-working God! The only word that adequately describes my surgery is miraculous. My doctor said my tooth came out with minimal effort. This is atypical. Once he removed the tooth, he was able to clearly see my nerve, which he said was very unusual in cases like mine. He had no trouble avoiding severing it as he removed the cyst. As far as outcomes, my procedure was as good as it gets. No fractured jaw and no severed nerve.

I am managing my pain well enough and the swelling is not bad. Although my nerve was not severed, it was traumatized by the surgery. The left side of my mouth is numb, but I get a little more feeling back each day. I’m taking it slow. I have to eat like a baby for a week and then I’ll be able to eat like a toddler. I will also have to be careful with my jaw as my bone grows back. All-in-all, I’m doing well.

Thank you for your love and prayers. God willing. I should be back in action next weekend. To God be the glory!