We were saddened to learn of the recent death of GCI pastor Andrew Teng who formerly pastored the Quezon City, Philippines church. Here are messages about this beloved pastor from people who knew him well over the years:

- From Bermie Dizon (GCI-USA Pastor)
We were all so blessed to have pastor Andrew Teng in our lives. He lived a life that brought glory to God’s name. He was a great friend, brother, pastor, dad, husband…a precious child of God. We will miss you Andrew. We pray blessings and comfort to your loved ones, your wife Gladys and your daughters Phoebe Teng and Fair Teng.
- From Bidz Dela Cruz (GCI-USA member)
Following his retirement Pastor Teng moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida where he and is wife Gladys lived with their daughter Fair. When Andrew encountered a problem with his vision, the family decided to bring him back to the Philippines for treatment. A few weeks ago, his doctors discovered that Andrew had liver cancer, but it was too late to treat it. Pastor Teng passed away beside his loving family in his homeland a few days ago. He is survived by his two daughters Fair and Phoebe, and his wife Gladys who also is battling cancer.

- From Rex S. Pena (GCI-Philippines Area Superintendent)
I first met Andrew when I was 11 years old. He gave the Bible study for the Y.O.U. group back in 1977. I remember thinking how tall he was. Through the years, I heard many of his sermons. When I returned to the Philippines from Ambassador College, we worked together in our youth camps. Back in 1995, there were five of us who climbed Mt. Makulot to do an inspection for the SEP mountaineering activity. He served almost every year at camp under my watch. We then briefly served together in our Quezon City church—he was senior pastor and I was the associate pastor. I was there when he gave his final sermon before moving to the U.S.
We all prayed for his healing when he returned to the Philippines and was in an out of the hospital. I kept my worries at bay when I read of his being rushed to the hospital several days ago. And then I got the message that he had passed. Thank you Pastor Andrew for your life which you humbly dedicated in service to God who has called you home. You will be sorely missed by everyone who knew you.
- From Eugene Guzon (GCI-Philippines director)
It is never easy to lose a good friend, and when it happens you feel that a part of you is gone too. I had the chance to say my final goodbye to Andrew when I visited his wake last Friday. He fought the good fight, after months of different health challenges which started with losing his eyesight after what seemed to be an easy, quite common cataract surgery. Then he was diagnosed with malignant cysts in his liver and then suffered from stomach ulcers.
I can just imagine the pain, stress and difficulties Andrew and his family went through. Adding to the challenge were the health concerns of Gladys, his wife, as she too battled cancer and went through the regimen of treatments and the difficult road to recovery. Yet in our visits to them, we saw two strong pillars of the faith, both inspiring testimonies of lives in full trust and surrender to the will of our God as they participated in His work.
Andrew embraced his Savior and relied on his strength unto the end. He ran a full race and finished strong. We prayed for healing and relief. And God answered our prayers the best way possible for them. As for Andrew, his frail body is no longer in the grip of pain.
In 2010, Andrew together with wife Gladys received recognition for their 25 years of service in the church from Dr. Joseph Tkach. And even after his retirement in 2012 until the time of his death, Andrew always had the heart of a pastor, making people feel that they are God’s beloved children. God continues to bless each one of us with an incredibly meaningful life story in him, a race that was meant to be fought and won, and made more sweet by the power of God’s love at work in all circumstances. Pastor Andrew claimed that reality, the same blessing that is for all of us as well and something we can share as well.
We remember Gladys and their daughters Fair and Phoebe as they go through life without their beloved Andrew. They need our prayers, love and encouragement. We thank everyone who prayed for them, visited them, stayed beside them and helped them in many different ways.