We were saddened to learn of the recent death of GCI-Philippines Pastor Reuel Pamor.
Pastor Reuel Monserate Pamor, who for nine years pastored the GCI congregation in Pili, died unexpectantly at age 57. Reuel is survived by his wife Gina and four daughters. His funeral was held on February 11. For additional details about Reuel’s life, family and ministry, click here.
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of GCI-Cameroon Pastor Victor Balinga.
Pastor Victor Balinga (pictured at left), was born on May 14, 1939. He received a degree in agricultural engineering from a university in Nigeria and also studied at a U.S. university in Maine. In Cameroon he served as technical adviser to the minister of scientific and technical research. He was also the general manager of Parc Korup and helped establish the botanical garden of Limbé, Cameroon. He married Agnès Balinga Murum in 1967. They have 7 children and 21 grandchildren.
Pastor Balinga was a longtime WCG member, having joined the Yaoundé congregation in 1978. He served there as a deacon for several years, then was ordained an elder in 1999 and commissioned to serve as the Lead Pastor of the Limbé congregation. In partnership with his wife Agnès, Victor planted a congregation in Bimbia and cells in Tiko, Buea and Bamenda. He also broadcast the gospel on an area FM radio station.
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Jane Nolder, wife of Nevin Nolder, who pastors a GCI congregation in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Nevin and Jane
Jane’s death from complications due to cancer was unexpected—the couple had been led to believe that they had more time together. A memorial service will be held on Feb 17.
Please join us in prayer for Nevin and his family.
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Sam Templeton, former pastor of GCI’s congregation in Cambridge, Ohio.
A long time member of GCI, Sam (pictured at right) was baptized in 1966 and first attended WCG in Wheeling, WV. Sam was a founding member of the WCG/GCI congregation in Cambridge, OH, where he served as a deacon, elder and lead pastor. Due to declining health, Sam retired from serving as lead pastor in 2005.
A US Navy veteran, Sam was employed as a deputy sheriff and a private investigator. He was widely known and highly regarded, and will be missed by many, including the GCI members in the area.
Sam is survived by his wife Dorothy, who lives in Woodsfield, Ohio.
Cards may be sent to:
Templeton family 111 Young Ave Woodsfield, Oh. 43973
In the last issue of GCI Update, prayer wasrequested for Pedro Rufián, GCI pastor in Spain. Here is recent update from Pedro:
Thank you very much for the outpouring of love, concern, prayers, messages and phone calls. I just came back from a visit to the urologist. She told me that I have grade two prostate cancer, with some metastasis into my bones. I will have hormone treatments for 15 days, followed by chemotherapy. My family and I trust in our loving Father as our ultimate Healer and in his perfect will for our lives, so we have peace and confidence knowing our triune God is always with us to comfort and strengthen us. I will continue to appreciate your prayers for my family and me at this challenging time.
Cards may be sent to Pedro and his wife Brigida at:
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Rufián Real 26 E-28610 VILLAMANTA SPAIN
Prayer is requested for Warren Wilson who pastors GCI’s congregation in Mineral Wells, West Virginia.
Lorraine and Warren
Warren had his gall bladder removed recently but had to return to the hospital due to complications, including a great deal of pain. Please pray that God will guide the doctors in diagnosing and treating Warren, and please pray for Warren’s wife Lorrain.
Cards may be sent to
Warren and Lorrain Wilson 220 Waverly Way Clarksburg, WV 26301-4047
PS: Here is an update we received from Warren on Feb. 14: “I was just released from the hospital following an 11 day hospital stay for a bowel obstruction, which was cured by laprascopic surgery. I want to thank you all for your prayers and support.
Prayer is requested for Jodie Haist, wife of Brad Haist, pastor of GCI congregations in Flint and Saginaw, Michigan.
Brad and Jodie
Jodie is scheduled to have a second back surgery on February 15. Brad says she is in great pain, and they are praying for relief. According to Brad, this surgery will involve rods, screws and more.
Please pray for Jodie and the surgical team.
Cards may be sent to:
Jodie Haist 618 9th Street Sebewaing, MI 48759-1211
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of retired WCG/GCI pastor, Carlton Smith. Carlton graduated from Ambassador College in Pasadena, CA, in 1956, where, as a student, he participated in two U.S. baptizing tours. Carlton then pastored WCG congregations in Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Washington and California. Following retirement, he resided in Visalia, CA, then most recently in Solvang, CA.
Carlton is survived by his wife of 59 years, Beverly, his son Douglas Smith, his daugther Aletha Mann (wife of GCI Assistant Pastor Brad Mann), and his daughther Carlene Jones. Carlene wrote this in tribute to her father:
One of his greatest joys was serving the church for nearly forty years. We experienced so much through him and appreciated his favorite and often-quoted Bible verse, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). He has now achieved that glory and left us with a love for Christ and the pursuit of our Christian faith with deep reverence, sincerity and confidence that all things work for the good of those who believe. We joke that he made it from Mississippi to the resurrection, a tremendous journey in which we were privileged to share.
Prayer is requested for Pedro Rufián, GCI pastor in Spain. He entered the hospital on January 16 to be treated for urinary tract problems. Though some of the problems were resolved, and he was released from the hospital, he is now being treated for a prostate condition and further tests, including a biopsy, are forthcoming. In a note about his health, Pedro wrote this:
We trust in our all-powerful Healer and loving Father. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, I’m ready to accept his wise will for my life, but I would like to be healed to be able to continue serving my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. I will appreciate your prayers very much.
Cards may be sent to Pedro and his wife Brigida at:
Mr and Mrs. Pedro Rufian Real 26 E-28610 VILLAMANTA SPAIN
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Lois Quillen, wife of retired GCI Pastor Bill Quillen. The following information was provided by Lois’ daughter, Barb (Quillen) Egbert.
Bill and Lois Quillen
Lois Eleanor (Walker) Quillen passed away on January 1 at age 87. She and Bill had been married for 63 years. Lois, who had been orphaned at a young age, was preceded in death by three siblings and an infant son. Lois is survived by two daughters, Beth Thomas and Barbara Egbert (wife of Jeb Egbert), five grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
Bill and Lois pastored numerous GCI (then WCG) congregations, including Des Moines and Iowa City, IA; Glendale, CA; Missoula and Kalispell, MT; Las Vegas, NV; Kingman, AZ; and Victoria, TX. After retiring, they moved to Frisco, TX, then to Huntington Beach, CA, to be closer to family.
Lois filled many roles in her life—wife, mother, grandmother, pastor’s wife, SEP camp staff member, and friend. She was widely known for her graceful gift of loving every person who crossed her path. She knew no stranger, and “adopted” many into her family.
Cards may be sent to:
Bill Quillen 8933 Amador Circle #1315A Huntington Beach, CA 92646-8737