Crossing Borders provides twice-a-year mission trips into Mexico. Here are some important reminders and requests:
We have openings for anyone age 15-99 to come along on our summer mission trip to Mexico. Our 27th trip will be June 22-30. Please consider for yourself and let others know about this opportunity. Details at:
- We are in need of a camp host(s) for the summer trip — one or two people to stay at camp on the U.S. side of the border and cook meals and do some laundry. Very important support for the mission trip! Let us know of anyone interested and we can discuss in more detail.
- For our winter trip Dec. 6-9, we are in need of additional shoebox gifts for the children in Mexico. We thank God for those in various churches, clubs,
school groups, neighborhoods who send/bring us shoebox gifts every year. But our number of boxes has decreased lately, and we could use an additional 400-500 boxes. Could you organize a group to pack and send gift boxes that we hand-deliver to needy children in Mexico? For more info, click on Shoebox tab at:
Feel free to call Lee Berger with any questions: 903-746-4463
Wonderful! We pray God‘s blessings upon this labor of love.
Thank you, ministry friend. We pray the same blessings on your joyous participation in the work of the Lord.