Greg & Susan Williams are delighted to share the good news, that their son Glenn and his wife, Crystal, welcomed their newborn son, Everett Dean Williams into the world on June 3, 2020. Emory Grace now has a baby brother!
Greg & Susan Williams are delighted to share the good news, that their son Glenn and his wife, Crystal, welcomed their newborn son, Everett Dean Williams into the world on June 3, 2020. Emory Grace now has a baby brother!
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Congratulations grandpa!
To the proud parents, and no less proud grandparents, our heartfelt congratulations! Samuel, our grandson number 5, and his mom Petra will be visiting with us tomorrow and plan to stay with us for a few days. Looking forward to spending some time with our “little viking” after a long “Corona separation”.
May the Lord protect and guide little Everett all the days of his life.
Joy to the world, a newborn babe!
That’s good news! Congratulation Mr Williams for becoming grandpa!
Greg, you had a big grin on your face, but big sister, Emory Grace, had a proud smile on hers. Congratulations to ALL!
Congratulations God is so good.
Congratulations, Greg! We grandparents love our grandchildren so much, we should have had them first!
Praise the Lord for your blessings Congratulations proud parents grandpa and. grandma that is a beautiful picture of both grandpa , big sister and the baby they are so proud i love it he is a handsome baby boy enjoy every moment.
Praise our awesome God for the blessing of grand-children!!!! They are a special light of our lives. Family is amazing. Thanks for sharing Greg and Susan; congratulations and may your quiver continue to be filled!!!