GCI Update
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Newly Hired Member/Donor Services Rep, Incoming & Outgoing Sr. Accounting Clerk

We are pleased to announce our newest employee, Diana Mayhew, who will be serving as GCI’s Member and Donor Services Representative. Alongside assisting members and donors, she also processes all the donations to the Home Office and local congregations. Diana has a background in finance and accounting and attends the GC Steele Creek church plant. Born and raised in Romania, Diana brings an international perspective. Please join us in welcoming Diana.

We are also pleased to announce that Connie White is taking on a new role as the Senior Accounting Clerk. Connie was the Member and Donor Services Representative and is actively training Diana in that position. Connie has significant accounting and donation experience. She now processes all of GCI & GCS’s payables and receivables, maintains banking and investment entries, and works with Robert to keep the general ledger correct. In addition, Connie also serves as the Hope Avenue Champion for GC Charlotte. Please join us in congratulating Connie on her new position.

Last but not least, we announce Susan Williams’ decision to retire from full-time employment. Susan has served GCI for many years as a pastor’s wife, GCS Registrar, and Senior Accounting Clerk in addition to several years of service in Public School finance departments in both North Carolina and Georgia. She will continue to work on-call in the accounting department to assist in making a smooth transition for Connie. Susan will also continue to serve GCI as a church elder and alongside her husband, President Greg Williams. She is excited to have more time to devote to family and especially her grandchildren, as well as pursuing other personal interests. We wish Susan much joy and contentment as she enters this new chapter of life.

Robert Meade

7 thoughts on “Newly Hired Member/Donor Services Rep, Incoming & Outgoing Sr. Accounting Clerk”

  1. Congratulations to you all, and thank you for your wonderful service to our denomination!

  2. Diana and Connie, warm congratulations on your new opportunities, blessings. Susan, thank you for your years of faithfulness in your various accounting venues. Happy for you that you will have more time for family and continuing to be there for Greg. God knows my prayers continuing for you both and your lovely extended family.

  3. Congratulations to Diana as being currently an acoounting clerk. God bless you in your work and duties. Congratulatons to Connie as currently being Senior Accounting clerk, God bless you in your responsibilities and Congratulation to Susan Williams, that you inspite of getting a pensioner assist in accounting dep. and also as an elder. God bless you Susan.

  4. Yay for Diana, Connie and Susan for your life changes … we appreciate the time and effort it takes to keep GCI functioning administratively. Welcome, thank you and congratulations.

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