GCI Update
Connecting Members & Friends of GCI
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Community Festival

On March 18-19, our town held the Celebrate Mooroolbark Festival. Numerous volunteers from the Grace Communion Mooroolbark church contributed countless volunteer hours in the days beforehand and during this annual autumn festival. The committee chair of the festival told one of our members, “Your church is a godsend.” She was most appreciative of our help.The town festival is held in parkland beside the town centre and attracts thousands of people over two days. The festival hosts market stalls, rides, free activities for the kids, on stage live entertainment, a car show, and a wool and handcrafts show. Grace Communion Mooroolbark is a major sponsor of the festival due to our Living Today magazine promoting the festival and its activities.

The same edition of the magazine also promoted the upcoming Easter church services – both our own, and other local churches. It’s a blessing that we can join Jesus in being a blessing to the local neighbourhood and work together with churches in the area.

By Matthew Gudze, pastor
Mooroolbark, Victoria, AU

Easter Egg Hunt

GC South KC in Kansas City, MO, hosted our first annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 8. We were exceedingly pleased with the overall outcome. Between 25 and 35 children attended. Since our building is on a main street, we decided to hold our event on the front lawn, for more visibility to passersby.

Pastor Terry McDonald created a flyer that was posted on our neighborhood social media page. Also, because of our connections with the local elementary schools, our flyers were sent home to the students’ parents. We placed several signs in the yard and attached balloons to draw attention.

Members of the congregation filled 500 eggs with candy. We included notes inside telling them that Jesus loves them. Additionally, we provided 24 golden eggs that contained specialty items, such as tokens for ice cream or money. The eggs were hidden around the front of the building and yard.

We also provided lawn games along the pathways, which was a special highlight. The coke bottle ring toss was an obvious favorite. We played music, and we even had a spontaneous line dance among members, parents, and children. Everyone had a great time and we connected with many people.

We learned many things from this first event. We needed more eggs and plan to double the amount next year. We advertised that the event would be held for three hours but learned that two hours was probably enough because everything was winding down at that time. We decided that next year, we will not put all the eggs out at one time so they could be more evenly distributed.

It was an amazing event, and we’re grateful to all who shared their time.

Barbara Leatherman pictured right with Kizzie McDonald

By Barbara Leatherman, Love Avenue champion
South Kansas City, MO, US

Devotional—Noticing, Attending, and Wondering

Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. John 14:19 NIV

Realizing God is dwelling within and among us doesn’t happen automatically. If you are like me, I am too distracted. My mind rushes ahead to what is next or returns to the past, rarely remaining attentive to the now. Unless I am intentional and open to the present moment, I miss that “earth is crammed with heaven and every common bush afire with God,” as Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote.

Sometimes I begin my daily walks with a prayer that I may notice whatever God wants me to see. One day the flowers growing on weeds caught my attention. I picked one and noticed its beauty, the shades of its color and shape. I wondered in amazement at the Artist who would take such detailed care in a flower that remains largely ignored. Another day I was drawn to a green pinecone. I held the prickly cone gingerly. Walking with it in my hand, I thought about my own need for smoother edges. Once a neighbor caught up to me. As we walked together, she wept from the sorrow of her husband’s illness. These walks, she said, restore her from long nights and constant care. I listened, felt her pain, we prayed. I wondered at the beauty of sacrificial love and its exquisite expression in my friend.

No matter how ordinary any given moment is, God is present. Noticing, attending, and wondering opens us to the transcendent no matter how nuanced it appears. We will see God here sustaining, embracing us, and all the while holding the universe together.

Prayer: Jesus help me notice, attend, and wonder at your presence no matter how nuanced it appears. I want to celebrate that in you I live and move and have my being. Amen.

By Carmen Fleming
GCI-US Home Church, Orlando, FL, US

Be Loved

Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

Can you recall a time when you were inspired by hearing the truth of the gospel? I mean really moved to the point of conviction. Several years ago, at an intern gathering, we were honored by a guest speaker named Zac. Zac has spent his entire life facing barriers and obstacles. Zac has cerebral palsy.

The day Zac addressed the interns, he delivered a stirring message. He began by reading the apostle Paul’s greeting to the church at Rome:

To all God’s beloved in Rome, who are called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:7 NRSV)

Zac pointed out that this encouraging letter was not to a select few, but for “all.” The meaning of beloved is quite simple and yet profound – a person that God dearly loves. Zac went on to explain that if the Father, Son, and Spirit have a passionate love for you, then be loved. Receive and accept that love. Walk in that love every moment of every day. Bask in that love and delight in the joy and confidence that God’s love imparts. The gospel was made plain that day.

Zac was more than a messenger of this good news; as they say in the business world, he is also a client. The overwhelming, life-changing love of the triune God transformed Zac. This same love can transform you and me as well.

Zac’s walk may be affected by a motor disability, but his walk with the Lord is with an ease of grace, a smile of joy, and a confidence that cannot be shaken. He is a wise and gifted proclaimer of the gospel. Spending time with a saint like Zac reinvigorates our belief in Jesus. We are assured anew that Jesus’ grace is real, and his peace is available to us.

I am keeping this letter short and simple because I want you, the reader, to linger for a few minutes. Focus on the truth that you are a person whom God dearly loves. What does this mean for the rest of your day? The rest of your life?

Be Loved,


2023 Healthy Church Challenge

Join the 2023 Healthy Church Challenge and help us

Remember Our First Love

at the Denominational Celebration.

Hey there, all young GCI members between the ages of 8 and 17, we’ve got an exciting opportunity for you! You’re invited to take part in the Healthy Church Challenge. We invite you to showcase your creativity and talent by submitting a video. Your video will be featured at the Denominational Celebration if it’s selected in the initial screening. And guess what? The final winners will receive a special prize!

The deadline to enter is May 1, 2023, so there’s plenty of time to plan your video if you start today. To learn more about the challenge and how to participate, head over to www.gci.org/challenge. We can’t wait to hear your stories!

The GCI Swag Store Is Now Open

GCI Gear is Here!

We are excited to announce that GCI clothing and accessories are now available as part of our Denominational Celebration! Represent our fellowship and reflect your personal style. Shop now, by clicking on the image below.

We chose the vendor for our on-demand store based on their high-quality and ethically sourced items, as well as their ability to ship internationally. However, please note that the shipping costs are per item. You can get detailed shipping information here.

Volunteer at the Denominational Celebration

Would you like to volunteer? Send an email to home.office@gci.org and we’ll get back to you with the sign-up info.

Are you considering volunteering, but you have questions?

Check out our Q&A.

Q: The conference is 3+ days. Will I be expected to serve the entire time? Every session? What’s my time commitment?
A: Each shift or session is 2.5 hours or less. We ask that you choose and serve for one shift. Of course, you can choose more than one shift.

Q: Do I have to create my own lessons / curriculum?
A: No. We will provide a lesson and activity with all supplies for your session.

Q: How many other adults will I be with?
A: Depending on the age group, you will be with at least two other volunteers during your shift.

Q: Can I request which age group I help with? If I’d rather serve with teens, can I request that?
A: Absolutely. On the sign-up, you will see that the shifts are organized by grade/age and times. You can pick any open slot.

Do you have additional questions? Please send your questions to home.office@gci.org

Come Sing With Us

During our Denominational Celebration, we have the unique opportunity to experience worship by a choir with representatives from across all six of our global regions. All singers who register for the Denominational Celebration are eligible to participate. Click on the image below for more information.

Faith, Hope, & Love in Action Workshop

“In early March, we held a Faith, Hope, and Love in Action workshop in Jacksonville, FL. Teams of pastors and their three Avenue champions attended from 10 US congregations, two Canadian congregations, and one Caribbean congregation. I was inspired by the teachability of the group, their hunger for learning more, and their eagerness to be more intentional and active when they return home.” —Greg Williams, President

The workshop would not have been possible without the involvement of the members of our home office staff: Michelle Fleming, Communications Director, Pam Morgan, Operations Coordinator, Cara Garrity, Development Coordinator, and Lucy Enerio, Administrative Assistant. Thank you for your dedication to plan and execute this workshop. We’re grateful for their vision to create an interactive workshop.

The Appreciative Inquiry model was used, that seeks to engage participants in self-determined change. The teams spent most of the day and half workshop in small group discussions, in a collaborative, strength-based approach. Our GCI coaches played an important role, guiding the discussions with the following prompts:

      • Discover what gives you life in your role.
      • Dream what could be.
      • Design how you can make your dream a reality.
      • Develop a plan to deploy your design.

“It was good and pleasant to fellowship with fellow encourager “champs” and to learn and inspire one another. The coaching provided was delivered in a very kind way. We all learned from each other, and the coaches were there to champion (encourage) the champions by giving wise prompts (questions).” –Jay Santibanez, Faith Avenue Champion, Richardson, TX, US

“It was such a blessing to join other teams from across North America to collaborate on practical ideas and strategies for the three Avenues. It was also enriching to bring our local team together for focused sessions with a coach. I realized the importance of togetherness, and this workshop was a great reminder that we get to participate in ministry “with” Jesus. “With” might have to be my word for the year!”–Gillian Houghton, Hope Avenue Champion, Winnipeg, Canada

The Jacksonville, FL congregation generously hosted the event, with nearly a dozen volunteers providing hospitality to the 65 guests. Thank you!

The GCnext Fund helps make it possible for GCI to provide workshops like this one in the US. We invite you to support our leadership development programs by donating to the GCnext Fund.

Here are two ways for churches to donate:

    • Church treasurers can login to online.gci.org and select Manage, Church Donations to the Denomination. You may give a one-time donation or set up recurring support to GCNext.
    • Send a check made out to “Grace Communion International,” with GCNext in the memo, to: Grace Communion International, 3120 Whitehall Park Drive, Charlotte, NC 28273-3335. For assistance, phone donation support at 980-495-3977.

Donations to the GCnext fund, which are tax deductible in the U.S., are used to support U.S. domestic missions.