GCI Update
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Ministry coach training

CAD ministry developer Ted Johnston conducted a day-long ministry coach training workshop on July 30 for 32 pastors, ministry leaders and ministry workers from several GCI congregations located in Northern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. Participants were equipped to coach others who are active in congregational ministries. Some of the participants are continuing training to be certified as GCI national ministry coaches. CAD provides a certified coach for each first-time employed senior pastor and new church planter.

Concerning the value of ministry coaching, watch this video from GCI church planter Dishon Mills (click on the arrow at the center of the image):

To learn more about Dishon and his new church plant, click here.

For more Church Development videos posted on YouTube, click here.

For additional information about ministry coaching, email Randy.Bloom@gci.org.

U.S. regional conferences in Dallas and Orlando

Dallas regional conference

U.S. regional conferences were held on July 22-24 in Dallas, and on August 5-7 in Orlando. The theme of this year’s conference, held in eight locations, is “On Mission with God.” One more location remains: Denver, CO on September 23-25. For information click here.

Planning is underway for a new round of regional conferences in 2012. It is anticipated that there will be a conference at each of the 2011 locations, at about the same time of year. Watch Weekly Update for forthcoming details.

Workshop at Orlando.


Worship team at Dallas

SEP Florida report

SEP Florida campers and staff

GenMin’s SEP Florida camp was home to 54 campers and 24 volunteer staffers on July 27-30. The camp was held at Camp Kulaqua, in High Springs, FL. In addition to daily worship and Christian leadership classes, campers enjoyed an on-site water park, go-karts, mini-golf, basketball, volleyball, flag football, arts & crafts, and music and talent presentations. Several campers met Jesus for the first time. Two were baptized (with their parents present). Another is planning to be baptized at home.


Death of Leonard Schreiber

Leonard Schreiber died on August 4 at the age of 86 at his home in Aguanga, CA. His wife, Stella was at his side. Leonard is also survived by his son Randy Schreiber and his daughter Terry Schreiber Beaver (wife of John Beaver). Leonard, a long-time Elder, was a friend to many in Southern California. He pastored churches for several years then served in an administrative role in Pasadena. His smile, humor and wisdom will be missed. His funeral was held on August 10 in Altadena, CA. His son Randy officiated.

Cards may be sent to:

John and Terry Beaver
2305 Quail Hollow Dr
Bryan, Tx 77802
Mrs. Stella Schreiber
45120 Hwy 79, #109
Aguanga, Ca 925376



Pray for Janna (Kissee) Jones

Here is a prayer request from GCI pastor and district leader Jim Kissee:

Kaye and I learned this past week that our daughter, Janna (Kissee) Jones has thyroid cancer. Such notifications always bring a deep note of sadness, and even more so now for Janna and her husband, Nate who are expecting a baby girl in December. Their current plans are to have the cancer removed shortly after the baby is born, with possible radiation treatments following the surgery. Your prayers for Janna and her family are deeply appreciated.

Janna (Kissee) Jones
847 S. Campbell Ave.
Springfield, MO. 65806


August 3, 2011

From the President

Outreach & Church-Next Training

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As you will see from the reports in this issue of Weekly Update, summer is a busy time for our churches and denominational ministries. Many churches are involved in community outreach, camps and mission trips. This summer the denomination is hosting training conferences around the globe. In all these activities, we seek to participate with Jesus in the ministry that he is doing in the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the Father’s mission to the world.

Our denominational training programs help equip our members for ministry with Jesus. As an example, note the announcement in this issue concerning Church-Next Training. This event, being held in October in Glendora, CA, equips prospective church planters, church planting teams and pastors who wish to re-plant an existing church. I’ll be one of the presenters, along with Dan Rogers, Randy Bloom and others. Be sure to let Randy know right away if you are planning to attend.

Please pray for one another, for our congregations and for GCI events like our camps, mission trips and training conferences. Always remember that prayer is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith.

Love from my family to yours,

Joseph Tkach

The current version of this update is available online at update.gci.org where you may view and print the update.

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Copyright © 2011 Grace Communion International

Church-Next Training in October

Church Administration and Development announces the upcoming Church-Next Training event.


Church-Next Training provides resources for starting new churches and helping established churches become more effective on mission with Jesus. Topics covered include:

  • Theological foundations for starting new churches
  • Determining a focus group or community
  • Developing culturally relevant ministries
  • Developing church planting teams
  • Starting new worship services
  • Gathering people for a new church
  • Funding church plants


October 11-15, 2011


GCI home office, 2011 E. Financial Way, Glendora, CA.


Church-Next Training is open to anyone who desires to learn to start a new church, or re-start an existing church. Presenters include Dr. Joseph Tkach, Dr. Dan Rogers, Dr. Randy Bloom and Lorenzo Arroyo.

How Much?

There is no cost for registration, but if you plan to attend please be sure to contact Randy Bloom (Randy.Bloom@gci.org) as soon as possible to let him know your intentions. You will pay the cost for your own lodging and meals during the event.

Update from Hector Barrero

On July 9 we held a graduation dinner in Bogota for nine couples who completed a church sponsored marriage class. Three of these were leaders of other denominations who took the class so they could use it in their own congregations. One couple and their family, who are new to the gospel, have begun attending with us.

On July 24, we were visited by John and Nhora Lamb of the Brussels, Belgium, congregation. John, who pastors the Brussels church, presented the sermon and gave a report about what GCI’s mission work in Malawi. The same day we had with us missionaries Daniel and Marilyn German who are working with New Tribes in Africa. Daniel motivated us with a short message on missions. Two missionary ladies working with New Tribes in Bogota joined our congregation about two years ago. They are a source of motivation for us in our local missions work.

Prayer is requested for the success of my upcoming visits to Argentina, Peru and Mexico.

Hector is GCI’s National Director in Colombia and Missions Director for Latin America.



Update from Gary Moore

Silver Meadows Camp

Silver Meadows is our youth camp in Western Canada. It recently completed its 2011 camp session with 30 workers, 35 teen campers and 11 pre-teen campers. Daily Bible studies covered the Living Loved curriculum provided by Generations Ministries. It was well received, and resulted in the Ask the Pastor sessions having some deep and thought provoking questions. Two baptisms took place the final day, and campers donated $600 in offerings to be dedicated to the SEP South Africa camps this year.

– Gary is GCI’s National Director in Canada.

Update from South Africa

Here is a report from GCI-Canada National Director Gary Moore concerning his recent trip to South Africa.

Wendy and I joined with Tim Maguire (GCI’s National Director for South Africa and Missions Director for Southern Africa). We presented two day-long leadership training seminars, one in the Johannesburg area and the other in the Cape Town area. We were pleased to see the continued maturity and growth in the leaders and other members. People are processing the core concepts of Trinitarian theology well and are feeling a renewed excitement in sharing the gospel from the perspective that God loves all people and that all indeed are included. They have their challenges, including lingering effects of the global recession. However, they are tackling life’s challenges with strong confidence in our Triune God’s faithfulness.

After the trip to Cape Town, we visited a church plant in the community of Westlake. The Cape Town South GCI congregation is parenting this plant in an area with significant numbers of immigrants from other parts of Africa. It is inspiring to see this initiatives.

We were also inspired to hear about Tim’s recent trips to Mozambique. He is working there with 87 churches (with a combined attendance of about 4,000) that have now joined GCI. This development testifies that we are indeed participating where God is already at work!

A combined worship service in Johannesburg with 154 in attendance:







Participants in the leadership seminar in Cape Town: