We were saddened to learn recently that long-time Ambassador College employee Dr. Harry Sneider has died. Harry is pictured at right with his wife Sarah who survives him.
Just a few days after Harry’s death, GCI pastor Neil Earle gave tribute to Harry in a baccalaureate address at Glendora High School. Entitled “Time and Chance,” Neil’s message centered on Ecclesiastes 9:11, with examples from the world of sports to illustrate that the race truly is not always to the swift. Time and chance does happen to all. Neil then noted that Harry rose above time and chance to become an accomplished weight-lifter, Olympic coach and sought-after personal trainer. Here is part of what Neil said:
Harry with fellow weight-lifter Arnold Schwarzenegger
Harry had been told his leg must be amputated back in Germany about 1948 when his family was trying to escape Latvia and head for the U.S. But his mother prayed and he was able to function even though he had a battle with osteomylitis all his life. Because he could jump only three inches, Harry decided to become a weight lifter. When his family finally made it to the U.S., Harry became a champion weight lifter, pumping 451 pounds at age 61 in the Pasadena Senior Olympics.
In recent years, Harry and Sarah have hosted these Senior Olympics.
Our condolences to Sarah, to the rest of Harry’s family and to his many friends.
Cards may be sent to:
Sarah Sneider 115 Loralyn Dr Arcadia, CA 91006-1631
District and church pastor Arnold Clauson died peacefully at home on April 26, with family at his side, just three days after his 70th birthday. He had been battling prostate cancer since last summer. The schedule of funeral services is given at the end of this post. Following is a short biography written in tribute to Arnold by his daughter, Rachelle Clauson. It includes quotes from Arnold’s notes about his life.
Arnold ClausonArnold as a child
Dad was born to Sam and Nellie Clauson on April 23, 1944, in Hendricks, Minnesota. Sam’s family had immigrated to the U.S. from Norway in 1885. Dad already had four brothers and a sister when he came into the world, with another sister to follow. He was the first of his siblings to be born in a hospital. The family lived in a three-room farmhouse on the rocky prairie four miles outside Astoria, South Dakota. They had a family garden and lots of animals but no electricity or running water; they used a wood-burning stove, an outhouse and a well.
Dad wrote, “My childhood was filled with the carefree spirit characterized by many who grew up ‘on the farm.’” Those years of living and working on the farm shaped many of the qualities that benefited Dad and the people he served throughout his life.
Trish and Arnold
Dad met Mom at Ambassador College, where they worked together in the transportation department. Fifteen years ago, Dad wrote: “I gained many life-long friends during my years at Ambassador. But by far the best one is the one I asked to be my wife, Patricia Ann Panella. We got serious during my last year of college and began to plan toward marriage. On June 8, 1969, at 12 o’clock, it happened. We said ‘I do’ and have continued to do so for the past 30 years!” This year marks the 45th anniversary of my parent’s marriage and their abiding commitment to the life they built together. Their first child, my sister Shari, came along in July 1970. I was born in June 1973, and Stephanie came in November 1983.
Dad began serving in ministry in 1968. He was a ministerial trainee in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma, and then in Peoria and Champagne, Illinois. Then he served for a time as a local elder in Cleveland, Ohio. Thereafter, he was the senior pastor in Erie, Pennsylvania; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Enid, Oklahoma; Cape Girardeau, Missouri; Paducah, Kentucky; Denison, Texas; Paris, Texas; Antlers, Oklahoma; and Dallas, Texas. My parents then lived in Pasadena, California for a sabbatical in 1978.
Dad was a faithful and dedicated servant to all of his congregations, both within and outside the walls of the church. He is loved by many, many people. Dad is well known for his solid leadership, his skillful yet unassuming style of speaking, his song leading, and counseling. Others remember his exceptional talent for organization and coordination, which contributed to well-planned District Family Weekends, volleyball and basketball clinics, DELs meetings, Regional/District/New Pastor Conferences, festival worship services, SEP canoe trips, YES camps and rock climbing adventures. He combined these abilities with his proficiency in all manner of technological devices and equipment to produce color-coded manuals, filing systems, sound system solutions, PowerPoint presentations, conference schedules and church bulletins.
Others know Dad for his skills as a carpenter, handyman and consummate do-it-yourselfer, who turned visits to widows and church members into opportunities to fix anything that was broken in their homes. He worked tirelessly on expanding the Grace Communion Church hall for the Dallas North congregation, just as he did on countless other construction projects over the years. He gave his all to everything he did, never quitting when challenges arose. He was able to “MacGyver” a solution to almost any problem—one of his all-time favorite phrases was, “The impossible just takes a little longer!”
Finally, I know that many have been touched simply by the warm smile and willing hand that Dad extended to all those he met in his time on earth, whether they be stranger or friend. He will be fondly remembered and deeply missed.
Funeral Arrangements
Arnold’s family warmly invites you to join in honoring and celebrating his life at any of the following events:
Visitation: 6:00-8:00 pm Friday, May 2, American Funeral Services, 4312 West Crawford Street, Denison, TX 75020.
Remembrance Service: 3:00 pm Saturday, May 3, Harvest Time Assembly of God, 222 S. Heritage Pkwy (FM 1417), Sherman, TX 75092. A reception and fellowship follow at 4:00-6:00 pm.
To sign the digital guestbook on the funeral home website, click here.
Flowers may be sent to the funeral home:
American Funeral Services 4312 West Crawford Street Denison, TX 75020
In the last issue of Weekly Update we requested prayer for John Halford. Here is an update from John’s daughter, Becki Halford Brown.
John Halford
Tests show that Dad has stage three esophageal cancer. He is scheduled to start radiation and chemotherapy soon—going five days a week for five weeks. He will then have a couple weeks of rest, then surgery. That will be followed by more rest then additional chemotherapy. The bottom line is that Dad is in for a rough six months, but we are optimistic that he will get through this and will be back to his old self soon.
Doctors have given Dad something to help with his nausea to increase his appetite. We are praying this works because he is weak due to losing a lot of weight.
The cards and letters that have been sent to him from all over the world are covering his mantel and Mom is having to find more space to put them. Dad has expressed time and time again that he is overwhelmed by all the kind words and prayers from you all. It has been such an encouragement to him. Thank you all so much. I will keep you posted on his progress.
Cards may be sent to:
John & Pat Halford 5836 South State Road 129 Versailles, IN 47042
To learn more about John and his perspective on life and aging, watch the video below.
In the last issue of Weekly Update, we announced the death of Shirley Moskel. Here her husband, GCI pastor John Moskel, offers a tribute to Shirley and his thanks to Update readers.
Thank you to all for your prayers on behalf of my dear wife, Shirley. On April 19, she ceased her struggle with lung cancer.
Stephanie, Shirley’s daughter, was able to assist me in caring for Shirley at home, with the hospice nurse and staff giving much-needed support. Shirley was on the maximum allowable dosage of pain-killer medications, plus a little extra in her final days. She had a fair degree of mental confusion in her last week, but that was expected as the disease progressed through her frail body.
Retired GCI pastor Keith Brittain officiated at her memorial service. Over 160 attended. Our local congregation, Open Hearts Fellowship, provided a delicious lunch following the service.
Though it was at times exhausting to care for Shirley through the night, I cherish those memories and consider it a privilege to have helped make her suffering a little more bearable. She was a terrific companion, always ready to share a laugh and be cheerful in the midst of what must have been very deep pain.
The silence and the loneliness are hard to bear now, but I take comfort in what one clergyman said recently, “The nice thing about being a Christian is that you never have to say goodbye.”
I eagerly anticipate the grand family reunion that lies ahead.
Prayer is requested for John Halford, special assistant to GCI president Joseph Tkach. John was recently hospitalized where he was diagnosed with cancer. He is now home, awaiting further tests to determine the extent of the cancer and to determine needed treatment. Here is an update from John’s daughter, Becki Halford Brown:
My dad had been experiencing rapid weight loss and some discomfort in his chest. Tests showed that he has esophageal cancer. The oncologist says he is “cautiously optimistic” that the cancer is limited to the esophagus. If that is the case (and we will know soon), radiation and chemotherapy will probably not be needed, and dad will have surgery right away to remove the cancer. Short of a miraculous healing, this is about the best news we could ask for.
John and his family ask for your prayers for John’s healing and for direction for the doctors who will be treating him.
Cards may be sent to:
John & Pat Halford 5836 South State Road 129 Versailles, IN 47042
We are saddened to learn of the death on April 18 of Shirley Moskel, wife of GCI pastor John Moskel. Click here for a previous prayer request that outlines her battle with cancer that now is over. Please pray for John and Shirley’s other family members and friends. Details about the funeral are pending.
Here is a recent update on Arnold Clauson from his daughter Rachelle who is helping with his care at his home in Texas.
From left: Rachelle, Arnold and Trish Clauson
Dad had a difficult time this weekend, then yesterday [April 21] he seemed to decline even more.
We had arranged yesterday for him to receive hospice care. For now they are coming in 20-30 minutes each day. However, Dad’s symptoms were changing so fast last night that we asked them to return. They gave him oxygen to help increase his blood oxygen levels.
This morning [April 22], Dad was able to eat and was strong enough to travel for dialysis. His blood pressure drops at times, so we’re keeping a close eye on that.
Continued prayer for Dad’s healing and comfort is much needed and appreciated. Please also pray for Mom [Trish] and for me—we often get exhausted caring for Dad. We love you all—blessings and health to you and your loved ones.
Cards may be sent to:
Arnold and Trish Clauson 109 Melrose Circle Denison, Texas 75020
Prayer is requested for David Warner, husband of Janet Warner, pastor of GCI’s Las Cruces, New Mexico congregation. David has been diagnosed with acute myeloid lukemia and is being treated at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. He has been accepted into a small pool involved in a clinical trial of a new chemotherapy that is showing great promise.
Please pray for David’s healing and for comfort for Janet who is also grieving the loss of her mother who died about two weeks ago.
Cards may be sent to:
Janet Warner 14112 Highweed Drive Horizon City, TX 79928-5577
Please pray for Shirley Moskel, wife of GCI pastor John Moskel. Shirley is in the final stages of small-cell carcinoma in her lungs and liver. Radiation treatments and chemotherapy were discontinued in January.
Her oncologist is a good friend of hers, having worked together with her at Lexington Medical Center several years ago. He promised that she would be made as comfortable as possible.
She has recently been placed on hospice care at home. Her hospice nurse has estimated that she may live for another few weeks. We would request your prayers on her behalf, as she is encountering a great deal of pain at this time, in spite of being on a pain pump and taking additional pain medications. She is conscious and fairly alert, though experiencing some mental confusion and anxiety. But her sights are firmly set on the Kingdom of God.
Cards may be sent to:
John & Shirley Moskel 130 Youpon Drive Lexington, SC 29073