We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Marie Allworth after a battle with cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Marie was the widow of GCI elder and former GCI TV department employee Al Allworth. Marie was buried in the state of Washington where she and Al had moved after living in Oregon following Al’s retirement. Here is a picture of Marie with her daughter Lynn Forehand.
Category: Prayer & Updates
Anthea Lippross
This prayer request is from GCI elder Roger Lippross concerning his wife Anthea.
Prayer is requested for Anthea Lippross concerning her heart problems. Tests determined that she has an unusual mass on the inside wall of her heart and her mitral valve has deteriorated. This is a very serious condition. She will be having open heart surgery on February 26 to remove the mass and replace the heart valve. This is a high risk operation.
Anthea and the family remain positive and optimistic. She has been greatly encouraged by emails and cards from church members and by prayers offered by hospital staff who are believers.
Please pray about the surgery and about her return to full health.
Cards may be sent to:
George Affeldt
This update on George Affeldt’s condition is from his daughter Jennifer (Affeldt) Giddens. For the original prayer request, click here.

Perhaps you saw on Facebook the picture at right of me with my father during a Super Bowl party held at his bed in the hospital. I’m pleased to report that since then, Dad has been sent home. He’s a bit weak, but doing well.
On January 24, Dad fell when getting out of bed. Mom called 911 and they took him to the emergency room at the hospital. A kidney stone was discovered. It had dropped and lodged between his bladder and kidney, causing severe infection. Surgery was needed, though due to his blood pressure dropping, it would be risky. Dad asked my sister to call my brother and me before going into surgery. I don’t think Dad expected to survive, but he did! He told my nephew, Jonathan, “I pulled one out of the fire today!” Dad then spent several days in the hospital recuperating. They treated him for a blood infection and gave him dialysis to “wake up” a sleeping kidney. He is now home, continuing to receive antibiotic treatments. They don’t feel that he will need further dialysis.
Dad has an amazing testimony to God’s power to heal. Thanks to all who prayed for him, my mom and our whole family. We have felt those prayers! Please continue to pray for Dad’s recovery, that he will be able to spend several more years (and Super Bowls) with us.
Cards may be sent to:
George and Jacki Affeldt 508 North Marquette Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57110-5736Naomi Biswas

GCI elder John Biswas, director of the Bengali Evangelical Association, requests prayer for his wife Naomi. She is suffering from asthmatic congestion, which hinders her breathing and speaking. Her energy level is quite low, making her unable to work in her nursing job.
Cards may be sent to:
Naomi BiswasBengali Evangelical Association
P. O. BOX 1733,
Loma Linda, Ca., 92354
Bernie Schnippert
This health update and prayer request is from Bernie Schnippert, GCI’s legal counsel.
I recently learned that my carcinoid cancer has spread considerably and has infected both more soft tissues and the bones in my upper abdomen area. This spreading was discovered when I had more extensive tests after breaking my sternum (very painful but now essentially healed). The spreading of the cancer obviously has implications for longevity but no one knows for sure exactly what this means. For now, I continue to be able to do my job, so please do not hesitate calling or emailing the Legal Department with church business.
As you can imagine, this whole scenario is especially stressful to me and my wife Arlene after recently losing our daughter to breast cancer. Please pray for strength for Arlene and courage for me.
Cards may be sent to:
Bernie and Arlene Schnippert
64651 Jan Dr
Bend, OR 97701-8824
Death of Debbie Klynsmith

We are saddened to announce the death of Debbie Klynsmith, wife of GCI elder Bob Klynsmith.
Debbie passed away in Cape Town, South Africa on February 2. She had been courageously fighting cancer for over three years.
Debbie was born in Northern Zambia in 1960. The family moved to South Africa when she was three years of age. Debbie and her husband, Bob Klynsmith, were married in Johannesburg in 1982. They enjoyed close to 33 wonderful years of marriage, including parenting their three sons David, Warren and Matthew.
Bob graduated from Ambassador University in 1973 and entered full-time ministry in 1981 after working in business for several years. In 1992, Bob became the national leader of WCG/GCI in Southern Africa, serving in that capacity until 1996 during the years of our transformation as a church. He currently runs his own management and strategic consulting business in Cape Town while serving GCI in a bi-vocational mentoring role and as an editor and writer for our Face to Face magazine.
Debbie will always be remembered for her gracious strength, dignity and caring nature. She was a remarkable person and friend who sincerely served those who crossed her path with compassion. Besides being a competent legal secretary and loyally supporting Bob in ministry, Debbie poured many years of her life into the Kenridge scouting movement as a volunteer instructor. She adored young people and deeply loved her three sons. Debbie’s gentle smile, thoughtfulness and love for life will be deeply missed.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Bob, David, Warren and Matthew as well with Debbie’s mother, Grace; Debbie’s sister Glynis; and her brothers Richard and Douglas and their families.
Debbie’s funeral will be held on February 8 in Cape Town. Messages may be emailed to Bob at robert@strategic-options.co.za
Cards may be sent to:
PO Box 627 Sea Point, Cape Town South Africa, 8060Google competition
This prayer request is from Tim Maguire, GCI’s mission developer in southern Africa.
An exciting opportunity has arisen for GCI related to our ongoing ministry in Mozambique.
Last October, I learned of a competition run by Google, called Africa Connected. Its objective is to show how Google has helped to advance business enterprises in Africa.
I decided to enter on behalf of GCI, explaining how Google’s Translate tool enabled me to communicate with our Portuguese-speaking members in Mozambique. This was critica because their local leader—the only member who spoke English—had died. I also explained how we used Google’s search engine to find information on well digging and water purification.
Out of thousands of entries from countries throughout Africa, our story was chosen as one of 20 semi-finalists. They then asked for my participation in filming a short video about our work in Mozambique. We could not travel to Mozambique with all the video equipment, so we traveled to an area close to the Mozambique border where we filmed a reenactment of our ministry activity. The video is being edited and will appear as part of Google’s future promotions.
The next stage of the competition involves Google judges selecting the top 10 videos. This selection will be announced on February 10 with the selected videos appearing on YouTube where the public will be invited to vote to choose the top five as winners. Each winner will be awarded $25,000.
Who knows what positive impact this exposure may bring to GCI in southern Africa? Your prayers are much appreciated.
George Affeldt
The family and congregation of long-time GCI pastor George Affeldt request your prayers for George, who currently pastors GCI’s church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Last week, George fell and his wife, Jacki, could not get him up, so she called 911. He was transported to the hospital, where a CT scan revealed a kidney stone lodged between his kidney and bladder, causing serious infection.
George has been in ICU for several days. He is stable, though there is concern about his kidneys. The doctors found kidney cysts and stones. Though they are not ruling out dialysis, they are hoping his kidneys will function on their own.
It is anticipated that George will be in the hospital for a couple of weeks. Please keep him, his family and his congregation in your prayers.
Cards may be sent to:
George and Jacki Affeldt 508 North Marquette Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57110-5736Death of Ollie Baker
We are saddened to learn of the death of Ollie Baker, senior pastor of the GCI church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Here is an update from Ollie’s district pastor, Mike Horchak.
Pastor Ollie Baker died quite unexpectedly. He had fallen in his home and apparently died from a blow to the head.
Ollie was loved by everyone and was a very caring pastor. His death is a shock to his congregation. Please pray for them. Also pray for his family of nine children and their families. Ollie’s wife preceded him in death.
Please also pray for Kathy Houston. She has been assisting Oliver as a pastor-in-training for the last two years. She will now be taking on full pastoral responsibilities.
Ollie’s funeral is scheduled for January 18.
Death of Gervaise Amundson
We are saddened to learn of the death of Gervaise Amundson, wife of GCI pastor Don Amundson of Austin, Texas.
Gervaise went home to the Lord on Christmas Eve at around 8:00 p.m. She had been in hospice care for three days following a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Her last meal was some ice cream that Don fed to her. It was one of Gervaise’s favorites.
Cards may be sent to:
Don Amundson8114 Shenandoah
Austin, Texas 78753-5735