Thanks for praying for GCI Mission Developer Rod Matthews (click here for the original prayer request). Here is a note from Rod concerning his progress:
Rod Matthews
I am deeply grateful for the prayers, encouragement and love that has come my way through communication from all over the world leading up to and following my cancer surgery on October 20.
Last week the surgeon said he was very happy with how my recovery is progressing. He also presented me with the gift of good news that the biopsy results on the lymph glands removed during the operation indicate that the cancer has not spread beyond the prostate. In early February, I’ll have the first of a sequence of three-monthly blood tests to ensure there continues to be no further indicators of cancer.
I feel privileged to know so many people who are my loving and caring brothers and sisters in Christ, and I give thanks to God for bringing us together into such warm and nurturing fellowship in the body of Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Many thanks again, and all of God’s blessings to you and your families, Rod
Our condolences to GCI-USA Pastor James Newby, his wife Karen and the whole Newby family. James’ father, Raymond Newby, died suddenly and unexpectedly on October 21. Here is information about Ray taken from his obituary.
Ray, who died at age 73, is lovingly remembered by his wife of 55 years, Verna Mae, by six surviving siblings, by his son James and his wife Karen, and by Ray’s six grandchildren.
Three generations of Newbys: James (grandson), James (son) and Ray (grandfather/father)
Born in Dundee, Scotland, Ray immigrated with his family to the U.S., where they settled in Yonkers, NY. It was there that Ray developed a love for gymnastics, becoming NY state champion. In 1962, he married Verna and they moved to the San Francisco area, where their son (now GCI pastor) James was born. As Ray pursued college and a career, the family moved to Michigan, New York and then Connecticut. Ray worked in construction and manufacturing, then turned to writing industrial technical manuals, which led to a consulting business.
Music filled Ray’s life, singing in choirs, tenor solos and ensembles. He dabbled with harmonica, guitar and piano and wrote many songs and poems. His music ministry blessed many. His duets with Verna were especially beautiful.
A world traveler and adventurer, Ray visited Kenya with Verna when James worked there for a time. James fondly remembers his father, including the times a few years ago when Ray, James and three of James’ children enjoyed xome wilderness canoe trips.
Cards may be sent to:
James and Karen Newby 920 Prairie Path Ln Joliet, IL 60436-9737
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of GCI-Canada Pastor and long-time youth camp director Lynn (Egbert) Lawrence. Following are notes from Lynn’s brother Jeb Egbert and GCI-Canada National Director Gary Moore.
From Jeb Egbert
Lynn and Dennis’ wedding
At 5:05 p.m. on October 28, my dear sister Lynn Lawrence, passed away. She was surrounded by members of her family, and I was honored to be with her from 10:00 a.m. until her struggle with the scourge of cancer ceased. Thanks to all for your expressions of compassion, love and support during this difficult period.
From Gary Moore
Lynn served alongside her late husband Dennis in pastoral ministry from the time they left Ambassador College until his death in 2011. Lynn was an elder and pastored GCI’s Montreal English congregation until earlier this year when her battle with cancer precluded her carrying on that responsibility.
Lynn leaves her four daughters, Abbie, Judith, Ericka and Erin, their families and other relatives, not to mention many friends and brethren.
Lynn’s funeral will be held at 12:45 pm on Saturday, Nov. 4 at Christ Church (455 Rue Church Beaconsfield, Quebec. H9W4W8). Burial will take place at 2:30 pm at Lakeview Memorial Gardens (701 Rue Donegani, Pointe Claire H9R 5G6). Following the burial, a reception with light meal will be held at Christ Church.
Cards to the family may be sent to:
Abbie Lawrence 429 Avenue Hermitage Pointe Claire, Quebec H9R 4Y5
Prayer is requested for Rod Matthews, GCI Mission Developer for Southern Asia and the South Pacific.
Ruth and Rod Matthews
Rod, who is battling prostate cancer, is scheduled for surgery on October 20. It is likely that he will be hospitalized for 3-4 days followed by several weeks of recuperation at home. Rod reports that he is in good health otherwise, and is feeling well. He wrote that, “It’s a real blessing to be part of a worldwide caring family, all in the measureless care of our Heavenly Father.”
Cards may be sent to:
Rod and Ruth Matthews PO Box 402 Varsity Lakes, QLD 4227 AUSTRALIA
Tom Smith, pastor of GCI’s congregation in the Pittsburgh, PA, area, was admitted to the hospital recently experiencing shortness of breath. Initial tests indicated he had a mild heart attack. A heart catheterization confirmed the diagnosis and stents were inserted to open two blocked arteries and medications were prescribed to deal with his congestive heart failure.
Pam and Tom Smith
The doctor told Tom’s wife Pam that if Tom had not come in immediately when experiencing shortness of breath, he “probably would have come in on a stretcher.” Thanks to the many who already have been praying for Tom. Prayer is requested for his full recovery.
Card’s may be sent to:
Tom and Pam Smith 346 Steele St Monroeville, PA 15146-4656
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Donna Bechthold, wife of GCI elder and former pastor Glenn Bechthold. Here is an announcement from GCI Pastor Mark Stapleton.
Donna and Glenn
Donna died on October 1 at age 67. She had been battling leukemia since 2009. In 2011, she had a bout with bacterial meningitis, resulting in a coma from which she miraculously recovered. She battled the leukemia bravely, and was holding her own when, just after Christmas 2015, an MRI revealed numerous brain tumors. After multiple rounds of radiation, Donna’s tumors where at bay. However, she returned to the hospital recently with complications and it was determined that she had a septic infection that ended up being the cause of her death.
Starting in 1976, Donna and Glenn had served the GCI church in the San Diego North County area. Glenn served as the bivocational pastor of North County Christian Fellowship from 1999-2003, while Donna managed their plumbing business and served alongside Glenn in pastoring the congregation. Donna was a strong, courageous and competent woman, full of love and life. She laughed easily, loved people and really knew how to throw a party. She will be deeply missed.
Donna was preceded in death by her father Don Turk and her mother Rosalie Turk. She is survived by her husband, Glenn, two daughters, Brandy Bechthold and Daiquiri Rankin, and her grandchildren Drake and Bailee.
The family knows that many of you have been praying for Donna’s healing since her condition was announced in January 2016. They are grateful for those prayers, which brought comfort and intervention on many occasions. Prayer is requested for Glenn and the family during this difficult time. The couple would have celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary on December 5. Instead, the family will hold a Celebration of Life on December 3. It will be open to everyone.
Cards may be sent to:
Glenn Bechthold 2420 La Costa Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009-7301
We were shocked and saddened to learn of the recent, tragic death of Carole Grinnell, wife of GCI elder Bob Grinnell who serves as the facilitator of our fellowship group that meets in Good Hope, AL.
Bob and Carole, along with their daughter Debbie, were on a camping trip to attend automobile races at the Talladega Speedway when Carole accidently stepped on a bed of fire ants and died suddenly—apparently from an allergic reaction. Bob and Carole had recently celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary. Carole, who was 77, was in good health overall.
As noted last week, several GCI members in the Caribbean Island of Dominica sustained property damage. We’ve now received a detailed report listing damage to the homes of several members, including roofs torn off, interiors flooded, etc. Though most have property insurance, they struggle to secure needed supplies, food and medicine due to long lines and limited hours of service at supermarkets, pharmacies and banks.
Thankfully, GCI members from other Caribbean Islands are helping. Supplies have been sent from Barbados, Grenada and Martinique. The hall where the Dominica church meets suffered water damage. They met briefly last week and have decided to meet every other week for now since the Public Works Department is limiting traffic on weekends in order to clear the roads of debris.
Damage from Hurricane Maria in Dominica (ABC News photo)
GCI Disaster Relief Fund
The GCI Disaster Relief Fund provides members in disaster areas with emergency needs such as food, water, medicine, clothing, temporary housing, home and/or church hall repairs, temporary local pastoral salary expenses and other emergency needs. Monies received into the Fund that are not immediately needed will remain in the Fund to be allocated in future disasters. In previous years, money from the Fund was used to help members recover from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, storms and flooding in Bangladesh, an earthquake and tsunami in the Solomon Islands, typhoons in the Philippines and an earthquake in Haiti. If your congregation would like to donate to the Fund, your treasurer can set up a one-time or monthly donation through the GCI-Online system ( by logging in and clicking on Donate under the Manage tab. If your congregation prefers to send a check, make it out to Grace Communion International, indicating on the memo line that the donation is for the GCI Disaster Relief Fund. The donation should be sent to:
GCI Disaster Relief Fund Grace Communion International P.O Box 5005 Glendora, California 91740
Prayer is requested for retired GCI-USA pastor/district superintendent Don Lawson and his wife Sue.
Don and Sue
According to the couple’s son Don, Jr., Don had a stroke last week followed by an incident that involved lack of blood flow to his brain. While hospitalized, it was discovered that he has pneumonia. On top of all of this, Don continues to battle kidney failure and bone marrow cancer. Sue, who is in a nursing home, continues to deteriorate with Alzheimer’s disease.
Cards may be sent to:
Don and Sue Lawson 82383 Stradivari Indio, CA 92203
Prayer is requested for John Novick, Lead Pastor of GCI’s congregation in Jackson, Mississippi.
John and Cathy Novick
John was diagnosed recently as having an aggressive form of cancer. He is currently evaluating various treatment options. Please pray for wisdom as John considers the best path forward. Please also pray for John’s wife Cathy as she cares for her husband.
Cards may be sent to:
John and Cathy Novick 182 Commonwealth Ave Brandon, MS 39047