In our monthly GCI Prayer Guide for June 2020, we begin with these thoughts – “Togetherness is a theme throughout Jesus’ teachings. Through corporate prayer, we draw closer to one another, reconciling differences, focusing on the same events and opportunities…”
The US has once again been rocked by the horrific incident of excessive force by police that led to the tragic death of George Floyd and resulting in protests turned destructive in more than 30 US cities.
The US is not the only nation where injustice and outrage are a cyclical pattern. It is emblematic of human history and human nature. It is regrettable that we face this unrelenting pattern time and time again as humans treat fellow humans in unspeakable ways.
Considering the recent events, I am asking our church family to lament together for the tragic loss of George Floyd’s life and the deep-felt pain by his family and the African-American community.
Please pray for our cities even as government officials make reasonable appeals and attempts to restore peace for safe assemblies. And may restored peace bring about meaningful dialogue to properly address grievances and bring about positive change.
It is through these opportunities of corporate prayer that we as the GCI family draw closer together, and our hearts are broken for our broken world. I am proud that our fellowship is multi-racial, and we are empowered by the unifying Holy Spirit to display Christian brotherhood and sisterhood in ways that glorify Jesus. In our united prayers we seek reconciliation for our cities and citizens that can be accomplished only by the work of the Great Reconciler.
“Lord may the hate and rage of our world be replaced by the love and goodwill that comes by the power of the Holy Spirit. And as we journey together through this fallen world, make us instruments of your peace. Amen.”
Greg Williams
President Grace Communion International
P.S. As members of the National Association of Evangelicals we stand in solidarity of their statement:
Recent events surrounding the wrongful deaths of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, and George Floyd in Minnesota illustrate severe racial injustices in the United States. The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) laments the recurring trauma experienced by African Americans. We condemn racism and the violent abuse of power, call for justice for victims and their families, and exhort churches to combat attitudes and systems that perpetuate racism. We are grateful for law enforcement officers who honorably serve and protect our communities and urge our members to uphold them in prayer. (NAE)
YES Lord, in your name!!!
Well said. We still have a long ways to go as many families have failed in their duties and responsibilities to teach and somehow respect to all human beings who were created in the image of God. God is no respected of persons (Acts 20:34).
Everybody has a voice and might pray that God brings peace whereever Whites and Blacks are meeting each other.
Our triune God loves all people no matter what race or color they are. Someday we will all be together with our loving God without any racial prejudice, only love for one another.
I was thinking along the same line recently about human nature, its tendency towards lashing out at things and people different from themselves. God [Holy Spirit] only can make the essential changes. Growing up with different friends and acquaintances of varying races, You might be surprised at how similar everyone is in spite of their skin colour. Spiritually speaking, THAT is what is needed for all – God’s Holy Spirit in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Thanks, Greg !
Thanks Greg for the prayer of unity in Christ that is the gift of God, especially to those who believe! The hatred between men has been going on since Cain killed Abel and will continue until Christ returns. Meanwhile men thru prayer in fellowship with Him can have peace as each is enabled to esteem others better than themselves!
Phil 2:3