Prayer is requested for GCI pastor Leonard Banks (Rochester, New York) and his wife Patama.
Leonard will undergo surgery on October 13 to remove a section of his colon. If the surgery can be performed using a laparoscopic procedure, the operation will take about three hours followed by three days in the hospital. If laparoscopy is not possible, five + days of recovery in the hospital will likely be needed.
Cards may be sent to:
Leonard and Patama Banks 40 Fountain Street Rochester, NY 14620-1902
As noted in GCI Weekly Updatelast week, Hurricane Matthew was very powerful and wide-ranging. It left a trail of destruction extending from Haiti, through the Bahamas, then up the Atlantic coast of Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina (see the map at right).
In Haiti, Matthew killed at least 1,000 people and wiped many villages off the map. It then battered the Bahamas, and in the U.S. it left at least 24 dead, over 1 million homes and businesses without power, and caused billions of dollars in damage. Here from three GCI regional supervisors are reports on how our members fared:
From Caribbean Region Mission Developer Charles Fleming: “None of our members in Haiti were harmed, though one lost the roof on their home. Our church-owned building in Nassau, Bahamas, had a foot of sea water throughout the building as a result of the storm surge. All computers, etc., had be relocated to homes. One member in Freeport, Bahamas, suffered some damage to their home. Pastor Robert McKinney flew to Freeport to assess the damage.”
From U.S. Regional Pastor Ted Johnston: “Our members in Florida and Georgia all escaped significant damage. All are safe.”
From U.S. Regional Pastor Paul David Kurts: “All our members in the Carolinas are safe.”
Prayer is requested for those recovering from the devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew, and those still in the path of this powerful storm as it slowly travels north.
According to Charles Fleming, GCI Mission Developer for the Caribbean, our members in St Lucia and St Vincent escaped the hurricane with minimal damage. Jamaica had some flooding, but as one member there said, “We are rejoicing.” We are awaiting news about our members in Haiti, which suffered significant damage. The big concern now is for the Bahamas and the East Coast of the US where evacuations have begun. For an update on the hurricane, click here.
Prayer is requested for GCI-Liberia National Director Robert Browne II. He was admitted to JFK Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia, where he was found to be developing heart failure. His body blood volume had fallen to a dangerously low level, and he required five pints of blood.
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Marilyn Canup, a graduate and employee of Ambassador College, and a long-time member of GCI’s congregation in Big Sandy, Texas.
Marilyn Canup
Marilyn was born on March 1, 1941 to Arta and Susie Russell, and grew up in Angelina County, Texas. She attended Ambassador College in California where she graduated in 1963. When Ambassador opened its Big Sandy campus, she journeyed back to Texas to work as the college’s first campus librarian. She loved bookkeeping and worked in that field for many years. After retiring, she continued that passion, serving as treasurer for the GCI congregation in Big Sandy (New Beginnings Fellowship). She also served in the congregation’s ministries to young adults and Silver Ambassadors.
Marilyn served the Big Sandy community as a member and officer of the Big Sandy Ministerial Alliance, treasurer of the Agape House Ministries (overseen by the Alliance), and as a volunteer at the Big Sandy City Hall. Marilyn was chosen as Big Sandy Woman of the Year in 2014.
Marilyn with her husband Dwayne and some of their grandchildren
Marilyn is survived by her husband of 49 years, Dwayne Canup; their children Leron Canup (Amy) and Shana Curd (Paul); five grandchildren; her sister Judith Omasta (wife of GCI elder Larry Omasta); and her brother-in-law, GCI pastor Tom Pickett. Marilyn was preceded in death by her sister Adrienne Pickett (Tom’s wife); nephew Andrew Pickett (Tom and Adrienne’s son); and her brother Thad Russell.
A celebration of life/memorial service will be held at 2:00pm on October 7 at McWhorter Funeral Home in Gilmer, Texas. A potluck meal will follow at New Beginnings Fellowship Church in Big Sandy.
Please pray for David Orth, associate pastor of GCI’s congregation in San Antonio, Texas. He recently had a heart attack. Here is David’s report:
David recovering in 2012
On September 5, I returned to the hospital following another heart attack (I had one in 2012). The doctors found a blockage and inserted a stent. I returned home three days later. Then on September 15 I had a follow-up visit with the doctor. Finding problems, he sent me back to the hospital for another angioplasty, which showed that the damage to my heart had worsened. I returned home on the 16th, wearing a “life vest” that monitors my heart 24 hours a day. If I happen to have another heart attack it will automatically shock my heart to get it restarted. In 30 days they will re-evaluate my condition. If it does not improve, I could continue wearing the vest, or have a pacemaker-defibrillator installed.
God is good—he is my healer, I continually give praise to him for all he has already done and will do in my life.
Thanks to you all for your concern and prayers.
David Orth 4326 Parkwood Dr San Antonio, TX 78218-5028
Here is an update concerning the earlier prayer request for Joanna D’Costa, wife of GCI Pastor Joseph D’Costa.
Joseph and Joanna
After being given a clean bill of health following her recent stroke, Joanna stayed in the hospital to undergo physiotherapy for knee and ankle problems. This helped a lot and she was discharged on September 23. In order for Joanna to rest, the couple has moved to the home of their daughter in Bangalore where they will stay for several weeks.
Joseph reports that Joanna is recovering well—gaining strength and getting exercise. She will have a final check-up next month and it is expected that she and Joseph will be able to attend the south Indian festival at the end of October.
Joseph sent this message: “Please pass on my deepest thanks to GCI members all over the world for their prayers, love and encouragement. May God bless them abundantly.”
Cards may be sent to:
Joanna D’Costa Post Bag Nol 3786 Marathahalli Bangalore 560 037 INDIA
Here is an update related to an earlier request for prayer for Deben Sam, GCI’s ministry partner in Nepal.
Deben is out of the hospital and recuperating at home. He is still experiencing dizziness and is unable to walk very far or sit up for long periods. The doctors have prescribed complete rest.
Deben is most grateful for the prayers of so many people around the world. He appreciates your concern because he has a way to go to recover completely. He also appreciates your prayers for the children in Nepal who are being cared for in Christian orphanages.
Retired GCI pastor Willi Mandel requests prayer for his wife Ingrid who fell a few days ago, breaking her right hip. She has already had hip replacement surgery for her right hip, and the same surgery is scheduled for her left hip, which has given her problems for the past two years. Recovery/rehabilitation following these surgeries will take her about two months
Cards may be sent to:
Ingrid Mandel 747 Tanner Drive Kingston, ON K7M 9G7 CANADA
Prayer is requested for Pat Evans, wife of Jack Evans, pastor of GCI’s congregation in Kenai, Alaska. A few days ago, Pat was involved in a head-on collision and underwent surgery for two fractured legs. She also broke several ribs and punctured a lung. She is facing a long recovery, and at least one more reconstructive surgery on her foot.