Prayer is requested for Deben Sam (pictured below), GCI’s ministry partner in Nepal. Deben’s wife Manju informed us that Deben is very sick and has been hospitalized. He is suffering from high blood pressure and blood sugar, vomiting, severe headaches, and double vision.
We were saddened to learn that Joanna D’Costa, wife of Joseph D’Costa, GCI’s pastor in Bangalore, India, recently suffered a stroke. Here is Joseph’s prayer request:
Joseph and Joanna D’Costa
We were at church and Joanna gave a prayer. When I began the sermon, she momentarily lost consciousness and became stiff. She regained consciousness quickly and asked that I carry on with the sermon. But we felt that something was wrong so we called an ambulance and rushed her to the hospital. On the way her blood pressure shot up and treatment was administered in the ambulance.
In the hospital it was determined that there was a ballooning of one of the blood vessels in her cranial cavity (outside the brain) from which blood was flowing. This was causing her severe headaches. A procedure was conducted, and she is now recovering, replying normally and even making a few jokes.
It appears that things are coming back to normalcy. Please pray for Joanna’s complete recovery because in such cases there is the possibility of complications.
Cards may be sent to:
Joanna D’Costa Post Bag Nol 3786 Marathahalli Bangalore 560 037 INDIA
We were saddened to learn that early Sunday morning, September 11, Andrew Pickett, son of GCI Pastor Tom Pickett, died following a stroke he suffered several days earlier. Andrew was taken off life support on Saturday night.
You may recall that Tom’s wife Adrienne died earlier this year (click here for the report). Please pray for Tom, his surviving son David, and the rest of the extended family in their time of grief and recovery.
Here is a note that Tom posted earlier this week on Facebook:
The Picketts a few years ago: (L to R) David, Adrienne, Tom and Andrew
My dear family and friends, how can I state the profound truth that God loves us all unconditionally. He has received his precious child Andrew to be with his mother Adrienne in heaven. His organs will be given to others who need them to live full lives on this earth, and he lives on in the spirit. Thank you for your many and heartfelt prayers for Andrew, for me and for his wife and the rest of our extended family. Your continued prayers are appreciated as we move forward into our futures.
We were saddened to learn of the death of Larry David Smith, brother of GCI pastor Tom Smith and uncle of GCI pastor Carrie Smith. The information below was provided by Carrie.
Larry (left) with his brother Tom Smith
Larry, a resident of Bristol, TN, died at age 78 on August 23. His wife Betsy preceded him in death in 2007. Four children survive: daughter Suzie Arnie; and three sons: Mike, Scott, and Kevin.
Given the ten years between their ages, Tom considered Larry not only a beloved brother, but also his “second dad.” Carrie had the opportunity to minister to Larry’s children through the difficult final stages of their father’s life. Carrie wrote about this experience:
These past several weeks have been a trying time for his children as a visit to the doctor led to a hospital stay, moving to ICU, and making some hard decisions about what is best for their father. I had the privilege to come alongside them during that difficult time.
Larry with his niece Carrie Smith
God definitely works in mysterious ways. As Larry’s children prepare to celebrate the full life of a wonderful man, I am currently in Ohio celebrating the beginning of life as Hope Pregnancy Center (in Clarksville, TN where I serve in ministry) is training to “GO” into the community with our mobile unit this fall. What an incredible opportunity God gives us to journey together from beginning to end, no matter the point (or points) of intersection in someone’s life. This is what matters: Life WITH others, in relationship, for their good. Multiplying joys and sharing sorrows. Life together. Thank You, Lord that You have made us for relationship—with YOU and others.
Cards to the family may be sent to:
Tom Smith 346 Steele St Monroeville, PA 15146-4656
Several members of GCI congregations in Baton Rouge and Lafayette, LA were severely impacted by the recent flooding in Southern Louisiana and Mississippi, which has displaced about 40,000 residents and has killed at least 13. Following is an update from Anthony Rice who pastors the two GCI congregations most heavily impacted (flooding has also been reported in the Hammond, LA church area where Mike Horchak is pastor, but apparently no members have sustained damage). Following Anthony’s report are videos of the devastation, and a note from GCI Treasurer Mat Morgan on how GCI congregations can assist. Here is Anthony’s report:
Anthony Rice
It’s hard to believe what has happened in Southern Louisiana! The area affected is about ten times the area impacted by Hurricane Katrina, though because the area impacted this time is largely rural, not as many people have been affected.
Leonard and Mattie Tillotson
About 20 GCI families in Baton Rouge and Lafayette have been significantly impacted. As far as I know, there was no loss of life or serious injury among our members. However, there was significant property damage with several homes flooded (including the home of Leonard and Mattie Tillotson who pastor our church in Natchez, MS), some lost cars, and several had to be rescued by boat or National Guard.
The flood water is starting to recede on the northern end of the area, though the southern end is being impacted as the flood water heads south (see map below). The water was as much as 16′ above flood stage near where I live. My family is OK but still boxed in by the water.
Thanks for your prayers for us. I’ll keep in touch with the members here, then with our Home Office concerning needs for financial or other forms of assistance.
Here’s how you can help
This message is from Mat Morgan, GCI Treasurer.
From time to time we’re contacted about helping members impacted by major disasters like the recent flooding in Southern Louisiana. If your congregation has a heart to help members impacted by disasters, probably the best way to do so is to donate to our GCI Disaster Relief Fund. The Fund was established to help provide members in disaster areas with emergency needs such as food, water, medicine, clothing, temporary housing, home and/or church hall repair, temporary local pastoral salary expenses and other emergency needs. Monies received into the Fund that are not immediately needed will remain in the Fund to be allocated in future disasters.
In previous years, the Fund has helped members recover from Hurricane Katrina, flooding in Bangladesh, a tsunami in the Solomon Islands, typhoons in the Philippines and an earthquake in Haiti. On behalf of those helped by the Fund, I express sincere appreciation to the congregations and individuals who have generously donated to the Fund.
If your congregation would like to donate to the Fund, your treasurer can set up a one-time or monthly donation through the GCI Online system ( by logging in and selecting Church Giving under the Treasurer tab. If your congregation prefers to send a check, make it out to Grace Communion International, indicating on the memo line that the donation is for the GCI Disaster Relief Fund. Send donations to:
GCI Disaster Relief Fund Grace Communion International P.O Box 5005 Glendora, California 91740
Prayer is requested for Neil Williams, brother-in-law of GCI South Africa Director Tim Maguire.
Neil and Jane
Neil and his wife Jane are caretakers of the GCI church property in Linga Longa, South Africa. About six months ago, Neil bumped his ankle, but thought nothing of it. However, it got more and more painful and after about a month an open sore appeared. On consulting with the doctor who has dealt with Neil’s diabetes, he was told that the ankle bone had been chipped, causing an internal infection which was now seeping out. After several courses of antibiotics nothing improved and it is now at the stage where the doctors are talking of amputation due to gangrene. Neil is no longer able to walk properly, is in constant pain, and very much in need of God’s miraculous healing. Cards may be sent to:
Niel Williams 274 Cromwell Road Lombardy East 2090 Johannesburg South Africa
Here is an update from Charles Young, lead pastor of GCI’s Atlanta congregation, concerning his wife Debbie (click here for an earlier update).
Charles and Debbie Young
Deb recently received the results of a biopsy conducted on July 1. It confirmed she has dermatomyositis (a rare inflammatory disease) and fibromyalgia (a chronic pain condition). Though incurable, dermatomyositis can be treated, though we are not thrilled with the treatment that has been prescribed for Deb. The drugs can open up the possibility of a whole lot of very bad side effects. We will be looking into other treatment options.
Just recently I had to leave work because Deb had fallen at home and was unable to get back up. The illness causes pain and weakens the muscles.
We are deeply grateful for all of your prayers. God is faithful and his mercy endures forever.
Cards may be sent to:
Charles and Debbie Young 6290 Ponderosa Ct College Park, GA 30349-4038
Thanks for your prayers for GCI-USA Regional Pastor Paul David (PD) Kurts. As noted last week, he became seriously ill due to complications following an appendectomy. It took two additional surgeries and continued hospitalization to resolve those complications, but we’re happy to report that he is doing much better, now convalescing at home.
Here is a note we received today (7/27) from PD:
I’m now home from the hospital after 23 nights in the hospital, 22 pounds lost, three surgeries, six CT scans and countless stomach and chest X-rays. This has been one of the most difficult trials of my life. On several occasions I didn’t know whether or not I’d make it out of the hospital alive, but through it all Father, Son and Spirit have reminded me that his grace is sufficient in all things and at all times. I’ve also gained a new and profound appreciation for those who endure serious illness and long hospital stays. I must say I never really knew. Your phone calls, cards, texts, emails and visits have meant so much. Though I’m not on Facebook, my wife Emma Lee has shared your posts with me, and those have been extremely encouraging also. You’ve reminded me once again why I love our church so much. As the song we used to sing goes, “We are family,” and when one member suffers we all suffer. I ask for your continued prayers through my recovery phase. It will be a long haul, but by his grace I’ll get there.
Please pray for PD’s rapid return to full strength. Concerning his wife Emma Lee and their two sons, PD’s father (retired GCI pastor Paul Kurts) recently wrote this in a Facebook post:
Now Emma gets to fatten that boy back up… She has been such a loyal trooper in this but she is exhausted as you can imagine. Please pray for her and their two boys. All I can say is “Thank you Jesus and all praise, glory and honor go to you our dear Brother and Savior.”
Cards may be sent to:
Paul David and Emma Lee Kurts 6063 Rocky Mount Road Granite Falls, NC 28630-8311
PD (on left) being visited in the hospital by GCI Pastor Bill Winn
Prayer is requested for GCI-USA Regional Pastor Paul David (PD) Kurts. PD had an appendectomy over a week ago. Following the surgery, it was discovered he had severe infection in his abdomen. After dealing with the infection via antibiotics (and prolonged pain and weight loss), a second operation was performed that successfully removed the infection.
PD remains in the hospital, and though still weak, is doing much better and is expected to be released in a few days. Please pray for PD’s rapid and full recovery, and for comfort for his wife Emma Lee, their children and extended family. A big “thank you” to all who have been praying for them already.
Cards may be sent to:
Paul David and Emma Lee Kurts 6063 Rocky Mount Road Granite Falls, NC 28630-8311