Your prayers are requested for retired GCI pastor, Pete Kendall, who lives in Florida.
Pete and his wife were in Atlanta visiting family. While jumping on a trampoline, he did a back flip and landed wrong, breaking his neck. Subsequent surgery successfully stabilized the neck. The doctors said he narrowly avoided being paralyzed.
Your prayers for his complete recovery are appreciated.
Cards may be sent to:
Mr. Pete Kendall 1321 Mohrlake Drive Brandon, FL 33511-1825
On March 25, we reported on GCI-Canada elder Perc Burrows’ struggle with severe health problems. About six weeks ago he entered the hospital, and several days ago his body began to shut down. Early this week, he died peacefully from pneumonia.
Perc and his wife Shirley were pillars in GCI’s Toronto-area congregations. For several decades they were fondly known as genuine servant-leaders. Perc will be greatly missed.
Please join us in offering condolences to Shirley and the whole family.
Cards may be sent to:
Shirley Burrows 115 Bonis Ave #208 North York, ON M1T 3S4 CANADA
Your prayers are requested for Dr. Graham Mitchell, GCI elder in Northampton, England. Graham fell on a stairway and had to be taken to the hospital, where he had surgery for serious injuries. His wife sent this report:
Graham is able to communicate some, with a little nod or shake of the head. It must be incredibly frustrating for him. Yesterday, he told me he loved me, and I managed to lip read that. We are not looking beyond the present, at the moment. I am frightened, and in the dark waking moments at night, find myself considering the worst. Your prayers are of great comfort.
Cards may be sent to:
Dr. Graham Mitchell 11 Kettering Road Broughton Kettering, Northants NN14 1NL UNITED KINGDOM
GCI retired pastor Allen Bullock of Denver, Colorado, has been diagnosed with colon cancer. This week he goes to the oncologist and surgeon to determine next steps. Allen and his wife Doris request your prayers.
Cards may be sent to:
Allen & Doris Bullock 2732 Bruchez Parkway, Unit 104 Denver, CO 80234-3588
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of David Samuel Gilbert, Jr., father of GCI Pastor David Gilbert III. Here is the death announcement:
David Samuel Gilbert, Jr.
David Samuel Gilbert, Jr., 86, of Elizabeth Twp, passed away peacefully Monday, May 11, 2015 at home surrounded by his loving family. He was born July 7, 1928 in Christy Park and was the son of the late David S. Gilbert, Sr. and the late Elizabeth Vaughn Gilbert. He was a retired carpenter, builder, construction manager and consultant, as well as a real estate broker. He built homes and several churches. He also was an inventor, holding a patent on Drain Nut Pliers which he developed for the plumbing industry.
He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Dorothy Rudd Gilbert, four sons, a daughter, five grandchildren, two great grandchildren, a brother and two sisters. He was preceded in death by three sisters and a brother. His funeral was held at the Greenock United Methodist Church on Friday, May 15. Pastor David S. Gilbert, III, officiated
Cards may be sent to:
Mr. David S. Gilbert, III 249 Frogtown Rd Kintnersville, PA 18930-9644
We noted last week Pastor Arlen Bryant’s surgery to remove a brain tumor. Here is a more recent Update from Arlen:
My surgeon called recently with the pathologist’s report. He said I have a very aggressive type of cancer and we need to move quickly to slow or get rid of it. He wasn’t able to remove all of the tumor during surgery because it could have damaged my speech or ability to walk. I go next week to get the staples removed and set up a schedule for further treatment. My daughter wants me to go over to Vanderbilt for further treatment and I am considering that option, though I’m not worrying about this because I know my life is in the hands of the GREAT PHYSICIAN. My thanks for everyone’s prayers, cards and phone calls. I love all our folks and appreciate their concern for me and Jean.
Cards may be sent to:
Arlen and Jean Bryant 2054 Benton Young Rd Cookville, TN 38501
Here is a prayer request from Ron Dick, retired GCI pastor, concerning his wife Linda.
Linda has had so much trouble with her health over the last 20 years that we would have been guilty of news overload to report all the issues. Suffice it to say that she was physically unable to participate like she desired in the ministry and in society in general. After years of medical tests with no name to put on her condition, she learned to manage her situation the best she could. There were tests and scans by the scores even as recently as February this year. None revealed anything more than a peptic ulcer.
On April 15 while entering a sleep clinic, she caught her toe on the threshold and fell face-first breaking her nose and raising large bumps on her head. At the ER they found no serious damage but she was very sore. About ten days after the fall, her back began to hurt causing catches in her breathing. The pain persisted so her doctor ordered more scans that revealed anomalies in her lungs. Unable to be sure what they saw, a biopsy was ordered. The result was severe bleeding. A breathing tube and drain tube were inserted. Several days of observation brought the conclusion that the scans were showing hundreds of cancerous tumors. The danger of further biopsies left them not knowing the source of the cancers but that they were serious and her condition was terminal.
Linda is now in hospice care. She requires regular pain control and sleeps continuously. The situation has gone from an unknown back pain to terminal hospice care in one week. Our daughters arrived to see their mother and Linda was able to tell them goodbye and assure them that everything will be all right. Through the fog of the narcotics she remains cheerful and encouraging in the few words she is able to say.
Linda loved her many close friends in the church all over the world. She began attending in Seattle Washington with her mother at age 11. She was baptized at 16, attended Ambassador College in England where she graduated in 1969, was married and spent the next 42 years supporting her husband and family as they were involved in numerous departments in our denomination. She is grateful for a full productive life in the church and with her family.
Those few who are aware of Linda’s situation have offered encouragement and prayers for her peace and comfort. Those prayers are being answered daily and we are grateful to you all.
Cards can be sent to:
Ron and Linda Dick 63 Loren Drive Sarasota, FL 34238-5157
We were saddened to learn of the May 14 death of deaconess Gladys Etta Dudley, wife of GCI elder Willie Dudley, members in GCI’s Manhattan, New York congregation. Her funeral was held on May 18. Here are excerpts from her obituary.
Gladys was born in 1924 in Dinwiddie, Virginia. Her family moved to New York City where she grew up with a strong belief in the Lord and a commitment to helping those in need.
Gladys and her first husband were among the founding members of the Manhattan Congregation of the Worldwide Church of God. Gladys became the mother of hospitality for the congregation and would regularly host traveling pastors and evangelists. She was well known for her culinary talents, including her delicious meals and famous rum balls. Gladys also became well known as a seamstress for a bride’s wedding dress, den mother to the girls in the church, and adviser to young people due to her beautiful, but firm motherly personality to everyone.
After the tragic death of her first husband, Gladys married Willie Dudley in 1968. Together they served tirelessly and passionately in the Manhattan congregation. They were known as the first to arrive at every church event or activity and among the last to leave. Gladys typically took charge of the kitchen or organizing an event.
Gladys is survived by her husband, Willie Dudley, two daughters, two grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, one great great-grandchild, three sisters, and many nieces, nephews and cousins.
Cards may be sent to:
Mr. Willie C. Dudley 3736 10th Avenue, Apt 13M New York, NY 10034-1814
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Yasmin Naomi Plummer, daughter of Dr. Bill Stenger, an assistant pastor in the GCI congregation in Big Sandy, Texas. Here is the death announcement Bill sent us.
Yasmin Naomi Plummer
Yasmin, my firstborn daughter, died recently, leaving behind her 13-year old son, Cameron William Stenger. My younger daughter, Serena Joy Seifreid, has graciously accepted the responsibility of caring for Cameron.
Yasmin’s faith in Jesus remained strong to the end. I know Yasmin rests secure in her salvation. I appreciate your prayers for Cameron and Serena through this difficult time.
Cards may be sent to:
Dr. William Stenger 104 Shady Grove St # A Big Sandy, TX 75755-2108
We were saddened to learn of the death of Carol Schantz’s mother, Margaret Allen. Carol is married to Steve Schantz who pastors GCI churches in Melbourne and Orlando, Florida. We received this announcement from Steve.
Carol Schantz with her mother
My wife Carol’s mother, Margaret Allen, passed on Saturday evening, May 9 after a four-month-long battle with liver cancer. She was 81 years old and surrounded by her children and grandchildren at the time of her death.
Carol is spending time at her mother’s home helping her brothers and family sort through and process the loss—it will take time for all of us. A host of friends and neighbors attended her funeral last week near her home in Springville, Alabama. As I glanced around the funeral parlor I recognized several former WCG pastors and members—ones who were friends of Margaret in the Birmingham, Alabama church: Bruce and Phyllis Gore, Rick and Angela Beam, and Dave Dobson. Her current pastor, Tom Kirkpatrick, delivered the funeral message, and it was my privilege to open with prayer and introduce special music performed by four of Margaret’s grandchildren.
My wife Carol and I want to express our deep appreciation for your prayers for us and for Margaret’s family over these past few months.
Cards may be sent to:
Steve and Carol Schantz 1799 Mallard Lake Rd Viera, FL 32940-6768