GCI Update
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Jewel Love

We are very grateful to all of you for your prayers to our faithful and loving God on behalf of my husband, Jewel and our family. While we were staying at the Fisher House, in West Los Angeles, it was very comforting to know your loving prayers were being offered up for us. The good news is Jewel has finished his radiation treatments and we are now back home in Redlands, CA. During his last doctor’s appointment we learned that Jewel’s PSA level had gone from seven down to two. Thank God that was good news. The doctor also indicated that within a month his PSA level should be zero. So continue to keep us in your prayers. Thank you for your prayers, cards, visits and telephone calls.

God’s peace and love to all you,

Lelia Love

Cards may be sent to:
Mr. & Mrs. Jewel R. Love
850 Gail Ave
Redlands, CA 92374-2544


Karen Torgerson

Karen Torgerson, wife of our Wisconsin Dells’ pastor John Torgerson, has been fighting a cold that has impaired her lung functions to the point where she had to be hospitalized and put on a respirator. Karen has been losing lung function a little bit at a time for a number of years but has been able to lead a relatively normal life by using a portable oxygen generator. John said that the Doctors do not know at this point if her lungs will return to her pre-cold levels.

Cards may be sent to:
John & Karen Torgerson
4193 6th Ln
Wisconsin Dells WI 53965


Marj Friddle

Marj Friddle reported good news about her progress with colon cancer! We rejoice with her and Jim that the staph infection she had been fighting has now healed completely. In addition, her latest lab reports showed no elevation in white cell count.

Marj wrote: ” We are SO THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL for the MANY cards (68 at last count), numerous e-mails and phone calls that we have received. Our friends have been wonderful with their prayers and love for us. We DEEPLY APPRECIATE all the prayers, not only for me, but also for Jim. Our son, Nathan, was here for two weeks and that was a huge help. I still have to take it easy. There is a lot of soreness in my abdomen which will take time to go away. I feel so amazingly blessed that the cancer had not spread and that it was on the right side of my colon so I didn’t have to have a colostomy.”


Jason Richards

Many of us have been praying for Jason Richards, the grandson of GCI pastor Martin Manuel. Jason faces life-threatening health issues. Here is a report from Martin:

Jason’s recovery from the most recent crisis has been quick and remarkable, as stated by a number of nurses and doctors who have attended him for the past few days. He was released from the ICU and we have been told that probably he will go home in a few days. They have changed the medicine that is suspected to be at fault.

After his cardiac arrest, a nurse told us that “angels were with him in the room.” Another nurse said that “the prayers worked.” Though the past few days have been extremely stressful, the grace and presence of God with Jason and each of us has been very clear. Many of you have sent encouraging e-mails and some have called. We appreciate them and especially the prayers!

Love to all, Martin


Grace Stokes

Pastor Jim Stokes is praising God, and asking for additional prayer for his wife Grace:

It was tough day last Wednesday. Gracie was fighting to get her breath. She had been feeling “punky” for several days and tired easily. She seemed better in the afternoon and evening but we both concluded that she should see our doctor. So on Wednesday morning we called our doctor and got ready to go to his office. When he didn’t call back we decided to go to the hospital ER about 5 miles away. They treated her like she was a queen! They ran many tests, gave her medication to remove congestion around her lungs and for her heart, and gave her oxygen.

They monitored her through Thursday and kept her overnight. They believed she had a clogged artery and scheduled angiography for Friday morning. That test showed that her veins and arteries are surprisingly clear, and no further physical treatment is needed. On Friday night we came home.

Tests show that Grace’s heart is weakened to 20% of normal function. This will be treated this with medication, diet and possibly exercise therapy. She has to take it easy, which means no lifting and no housework. I think I’ve been set-up! However, I praise God that she’s breathing well and does not need oxygen. Her appetite has returned and I take that to be a good sign. Considering everything including age, Gracie is doing very well. The hospital treatment was GREAT and the doctors highly skilled. We thank God for answering many prayers in such a speedy, positive way. We do ask for continuing prayer for her.

Dennis Lawrence

The following announcement and request is from Gary Moore, GCI-Canada National Director.

Pastor Dennis Lawrence
Lynn Lawrence

Canadian pastor Dennis Lawrence will be going on disability on September 15 due to continuing health struggles. This is, of course, a big and emotional step for Dennis, who has served for 37 years in pastoral ministry.

A celebration of his ministry will be held on September 10. If you have benefited from Dennis’ ministry, we encourage you to email a note to his wife Lynn (Egbert) Lawrence. She will see that it is given to Dennis as part of the celebration. Lynn’s email address is lynnegbert@yahoo.com.

Thanks for your prayers for Dennis and Lynn.

Marj Friddle

Here is an update from Marj Friddle who continues to recover from her recent cancer surgery:

I am feeling better. Today, [August 7] for the first time I have felt more like I did before the surgery. I am weak but that also seems to be a little better today. The infected area is coming along but it is going to take a while for this to heal because it is 5 centimeters deep. A home health care nurse comes each day to clean and dress the area. The nurses have taught me how to connect the antibiotic infusion device to the line in my arm so I can do that myself. That is done once a day and it takes about an hour and a half. This has to be done for 10 days, blood work will be done and medication adjusted or changed as indicated by the blood work. The home health care nurses have been excellent. The one today was superb – very kind and compassionate. Thank you for your prayers (they need to continue) and your love.

My love to everyone,



Update on Marj Friddle

Jim Friddle gives us this update on the progress of his wife Marj:

Dear ones,

Marj and I thank you for the outpouring of love shown by your prayers, cards and e-mails. We ask you to continue your prayers for Marj.

After Marj was released from the hospital on antibiotics on Aug 23, she began to have abdominal pain and inflammation on Aug 27. We took her to the E.R. on the next day and she was admitted to the hospital for examination and treatment. That night her incision was opened and heavy drainage gushed out. The next morning, the surgeon cleaned and probed inside her abdomen and stuffed gauze inside to absorb the infection. The Doctor said that the infection was approximately 1 1/2 inches deep in the tissue above the surgery to the colon and intestine. He said that this is a common occurrence with colon operations where a speck of unclean matter is not cleaned out during the operation. Thankfully, no infection was found around the colon itself.

Marj is being given antibiotics and potassium to treat skin and tissue infection. The Doctor wants to keep her in the hospital until the infection is completely gone. We ask for your continued prayers for her. We are thankful to God that he has removed the cancer in her colon!

Love, Jim


John and Naomi Biswas and Rand Holm in car accident

Naomi and John Biswas

GCI pastor Rand Holm asks that we pray for Dr. John and Naomi Biswas. They were on their way to Rand’s congregation in Ventura, CA to give an update on their work with the Bengali Evangelistic Association (which John leads). As they travelled by car, they were rear ended and pushed forward into another car being driven by Rand. Thankfully, there were no serious injuries, however John and Naomi were shaken up and her right leg still hurts.